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hello people :) 18 May 2013 11:21 #33211

  • dreadwork
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Hi i am new here and i am very fascinated with all this information, cause i am from poland and there is not much this new and fresh information as here. gladly i know english a little ;d
I started to get interested with alternative treatments when the doctors started to treat me like an idiot and could not help for my head akes, general immunity disorder, acnes and some other. They generally finished me with antibiotics for every sicknes i had. I was a welder for couple of years and i was getiing cold/flu in every 2 months the last 2 years. So generally my health got very very bad, i was tired all the time, i was waking up in the morning with headache and i had to watch out very much for my " health " to not get any fever from weather, you know rain , wind and such stuff ... i was like 65 years old grandpa. And i am just 27. I read some books starting from dr Nieumywakin's Hydrogen Peroxide treatment and finally jim humble newest book. I have heard about mms couple years ago but did not have the courage to try it. I have some nasty bacteria hard to kill called klebsiella oxytoca, and i had pretty crappy acnes all my life starting from 14-15 years old. And no doctors could help me for good, just like it is said in the book, " healthy people are not needed ". They simply do not get you income money. I got much pissed because of that. The situation with health service in my country is not very good, sometimes the doctors are just angry at you because you ask them something or tell them something they do not know. Now i call them idiots. The whole situation with that damn European Union is not getting very good course. But some other topic ... I had to take many painkillers for my headaches and fevers just to function normally, i was waking up and starting from taking 400 mg of ibuprofen and some other crap like naproxen, and it was like 2 years of that shit. Now i do not take nothing and i fill much better but it is not still " it ". I am still coughing out that shit from welding job, still my sinuses hurt sometimes, but my immunity is much better. I started from protocol 2000 as i remember, now i am on 5 drops of MMS every hour, sometimes ever 12 hours a day. And 4 times with mms2 capsules i fill my self :) i was on 10 drops of mms every hour but i was gettin nausea and diarhea and it has weaken me much so i got half the dose. And i was starting to train on a gym and jogging but this also has weaken me so i realized i have to take it easy. Generally my skin is much much better from mms bath protocol. And i have a question, can i take mms with bentonite clay just in the morning ? did someone try that ? I had a moment when i wass feeling great and my blood pressure was perfect. But i halfed the dose of my antidepresant called " paroxetine " , yup i take that crap :/ And then after taking less dose of that crap my blood pressure went up and the head aches staret again. But it was a week ago and now its much better so i think it will normalize. Ok i have to go so thats it for now, See you and good luck ;d

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hello people :) 18 May 2013 12:46 #33214

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Good morning and welcome to the forum, dreadwork.

Protocol 2000 is usually used for people with life-threatening diseases - like cancer - so if you prefer to drop back to smaller doses, you may do that.

You may take the bentonite clay during your dosing period with the MMS. Just try not to take them at the same time (i.e., don't mix the MMS WITH the bentonite clay) - try taking them 15 minutes apart - I don't think the clay will interfere with the MMS, nor the MMS interfere with the clay - but, IMHO, best to give the MMS a good chance to get to the pathogens.


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hello people :) 10 Jun 2013 22:34 #33681

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you know what i am getting some little depresed again because i am trying to improve my health with mms second month and there is not much better again. its like i took a step back. Recently my head aches came back and i was making inhalation from just one activated mms drop and i think i got worse. i am having problem with my sinuses for as long as i remeber maybe it started when i was 13 o 14 years old. I have constant catarrh and i thouth the inhalation from 1 drop is not to much. I lost a sense of smell a little and so i stoped them. I am very weak and tired and all the head aches from early morning make me crazy. i feel like i cannot wake up. Or there is some nasty infection going on inside of me and i panic cause i cannot cure it for over 2 months with mms, or the mms cannot help me. My ear screeching got worse and i feel like i have inflamation in my nose all the time. I know that i have much toxicity in my body and heavy metals cause i was a welder for 4 years, and i ate a lot of crap excercising on gym etc... But it is almost 2 months and i do not feel better ? I have a big " not want to do anything " because of my head aches . I cannot live normally with that, its like i am crippled, damn it whats the cause ? But i am not giving up yet

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hello people :) 11 Jun 2013 00:26 #33684

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If you're finding the inhalation is not working for your sinuses (it's really more for lungs), then I'd do a neti pot, if it were me. Do you have any clue as to the headaches? Docs seem to be unable to give you any idea? Are you going off your ADs too quickly? You really have to titrate slowly on those. You should be experiencing some relief, unless you're just incredibly toxid - in which case it is going to take some time getting all that junk out of your system.

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hello people :) 11 Jun 2013 01:27 #33686

  • totoalas
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try to inhale ozone from a bubbled 2 liter distilled water.... in my case my 2 month horse like coughing and continuous fluid flow from sinus was like hell after inhaling for 10 minutes... then I coughe up all the phlegm in 10 minutes succession... then went to sleep and wella everythings well in the morning and my nose and breathing came back to normal.... I added 3 drops of DMSO
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Last edit: by totoalas.

hello people :) 11 Jun 2013 11:13 #33693

  • dreadwork
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actually i am not 100 % sure of those head aches reason, but i have all the symptoms of candida starting from white trace on my tounge and some time ago it was very itchy all over my body especially after normal bath. I was treated with a lot of antibiotics , i realy ate tons of them , every 2-3 months i had some infection of upper airway for the last 2-3 years. And i ate a lot of painkiller practically every day to function normally in the society. Ibuprofen , metamizol, naproxen sometimes ketoprofen and that kinda stuff. I think the doctors are simply morons and cannot find out the real reason of my health problem, and i do not have tousands of euro's to make diagnostics on my own and travel all over the country to find a really good doctor. Maybe you are right that i rushed with getting down on my ADs but thats not the reason of HA i had them with them as well. I cannot pass through 10 drops of activated MMS without nausea. I had some relief untill i dropped of the MMS2 and only took mms. I think i must try making a CDS its more pure and i will tolerate it much better i think.

totoalas - i do not understand how to make that ozone therapy of yours, i was drinking hydrogen peroxide some time and i felt a big relief with my blood pressure. But ozone ? I found out that Nieumywakin's therapy could help for my candida but after reading Jim's book i switched to mms. Yup i have continuous fluid flow from my nose , and i feel like i have to swallow "something " all the time. It feels like something stuck there in the sinuses and do not want to let go.

Oh and recently i blowed out from my nose some weird yellow-brown like fluid , it was from my left sinus wich was diagnosed of having a cyst inside , the X-ray showed it. So maybe it was disolved.

I know i might be a little hypohondric as i want to cure myself out from actually a unknow desease but my nose inflammation is actually real so i could not imagine it right ? One doctor just yelled at me when i suggested that x-ray sometimes is not showing everything and it could be not enaugh, and she said that i can go to another doctor just because of that. So i am predujiced for their competention ... When you are sick you just get antibiotic and go home for quick relief but whats with the long-lasting effects ?

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hello people :) 11 Jun 2013 13:45 #33697

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Hi Dreadwork,

It seems to me that there is a good possibility that your headaches are related to your sinus problems so if it were me, I'd focus there. You mentioned that you may have blew a cyst or something out of one of your sinuses, so that's a very good step in the right direction. These things do take time.

One time I was having some sinus/nasal problems and just made up some Sea-salt water and put the drops of that in a couple times a day and it helped quite a bit: 1 tablespoon dissolved in 60ml of water.

Even better - go to page 28 in Jim's book and follow the directions for nose and sinuses issues.

If you want to try to get your drops per hour up again, you might try the 7 Day Fridge MMS on the forum. I can do 9 drops per hour this way with no nausea at all:


Hope this helps.

May you get entirely well,


PS. IMHO - You might want to forgive the doctors for being such idiots and let that whole issue go - be free of it. If you don't, your toxic thoughts about them can also give you headaches. I would recommend trying to purify your mind as well as your body. One way to do this is to simply wish them (and anyone else who pisses you off) happiness (and more intelligence - hahaha :) ). It's good to smile and laugh while you're sending them that wish too. Take care :)
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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hello people :) 11 Jun 2013 14:36 #33701

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heh, i was at the doctor right now and the nurse was laughing at me that i read some " silly stuff " in the internet and she did not even know what candida is - so what ... i entered the doctor room and she explained to me that there is no such posibility that i have candida ( and she did not even looked into my throat) but whatever ... she said like there is no such test that can detect candida and that everyone has it , LOL. and she is one of the best doctors in the region, she has her own clinic ... she said that there is always a visible thrush when you have candida, and that the immune system is so super that it can always recover from antibiostics on its own ( ??? ) so why do i even have to take antibiotics if my immune system is so supreme.

i am not sure that i have this crappy candida but there must be the reason of this constant inflamation. and its hard to wish them happyness when there is so much ignorance in their behavior and they sentence many people to suffer, just because they have their own subjective academical truth
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hello people :) 11 Jun 2013 14:51 #33702

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Hi i used a cheap ozonator placed in 1 liter distilled botlle and set the the timer for 30 minutes i breath the ozone for 10 mins one time from the bottle
It definitely cleared my airway i also added 4 drops dmso in the bottle

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