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Newby & Lyme 30 Dec 2012 14:17 #28740

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Hi Everyone
I'm new to MMS and this board. I am dealing with lyme disease which has flared up on the palms of my hands making them weep with extreme itchiness and pain. I have a cold laser that helps with the itching and pain but wasn't strong enough to address the lyme. I was told about MMS the first of Dec and got some from a friend until my order for MMS1 and 2 came. I bought "Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium" and found it very interesting. My hands were starting of heal when I got my MMS2. Three days into MMS2 they got a lot worse, cracking and weeping again. This is week 2 and they are drying up nicely but now I'm out of MMS2. I didn't realize a bottle of capsules only last 10 days when I made my first order. I've ordered more and hope MMS1 will keep it under control until my order comes. I've been taking 3 drops of MMS1 an hour for 10 hours a day. I've tried doing more but feel nauseated.

Is 3 drops/hour enough along with the MMS2 to get rid of the lyme? I'm also having a hard time getting the MMS1 down. I was mixing it with some unsweetened apple & cherry juice I had made(I live on a farm). I was adding stevia but then read not to mix stevia with the MMS1. Can you mix a bit of maple syrup to cut the taste a bit?

Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.


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Newby & Lyme 30 Dec 2012 16:36 #28741

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Macolla, you would be better purchasing some pool shock and some empty capsules and making your own MMS2 capsules. JH describes how to do it in his book.

To increase your MMS (and yes, it would be good to do that) I have a suggestion - start making your doses in a daily batch, and increase at the rate of 1 drop a day in the bottle. That's 1/8 of a drop an hour. Stay there for a few days and then go to 2 drops more (in the bottle), which would be 1/4 of a drop an hour. Stay there for a few days. If the problem is smell, get some swimming nose clamps.

It's hard to say with each person, but it may take you a while to get all the lyme out. Don't want to discourage you - just prepare you.

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Newby & Lyme 30 Dec 2012 19:34 #28752

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Thanks Pam for your reply.
In the future I am planning on getting some pool shock but I live 150 miles from the nearest pool supply store.

I will try making a days supply of MMS and do as you advised. It's not the smell as I don't breathe while I'm drinking it, it's the taste. I try very hard not to gag but it's getting harder and harder. I've added 1/4 tsp of maple syrup which helps a lot. Does the maple syrup affect the MMS? I've been taking it 10 hours a day as advised by JH in his book.

In you experience approx how many drops should I have to take an hour to get rid of the lyme? I realize there's no set rules and everyone is different but I don't want to stop increasing drops at say 5/hr if I should try to go to say 8/hr. I'm in this for the long haul as I really want to get the lyme under control.
I've also tried the bath and am thinking of doing the bag.
Any opinions and tips are appreciated

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Newby & Lyme 31 Dec 2012 01:49 #28757

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If you're in the US, pool shock is available on Amazon.com - just try to get over 60% (or more, if you can) CALCIUM hypochlorite.

Re: drops - you can work up to a max of 10 an hour (which is what is recommended with protocol 2000) -

Re the taste (it's gaggy, I know - a friend of mine called it swimming pool on steroids <G>) - Jim Humble did a recent newsletter (see link at top of page to the Newsletters) about helping with the taste by making/taking your dose with soft drinks (citric acid in soft drinks will activate the MMS) - Mark has said that they've used ginger ale with great success, in addition to the ones that Jim recommends.


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Newby & Lyme 31 Dec 2012 10:41 #28768

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Thanks Pam
I'm in Canada and Amazon won't ship the pool shock here but I'll find a source here.

I can't have sugar but I'll definitely look into mixing it with a soft drink with natural sweeteners and I'll check out JH's newsletter.
Thanks so much

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Newby & Lyme 01 Jan 2013 02:34 #28782

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Hi Macolla,

Pam is absolutely right, it would be MUCH cheaper to make your own capsules at home. I live in Alaska and have the same problem as you with shipping. I got around it by having it delivered to a friend in the continental U.S. and then having them ship it to me. It cost me a little more in shipping but it was well worth when compared to buying the same amount of capsules pre made. I found some that, I believe, was a 92% concentration. I'm traveling right now so I can't verify that at the moment. If you're interested, I can give you the name and address of where I bought it when I return in mid January.

Also, Jim put out a newsletter that suggested mixing in about 1/8 teaspoon or so of baking powder in your bottle after you make up your daily dose. I tried it and it DRAMATICALLY reduced the bad taste. It wasn't completely gone but it was MUCH more tolerable.

I'm VERY interested in your progress so please keep my up to date on your progress. I have a friend with Lyme Disease and she is apprehensive about using MMS. I would love to give her some encouraging evidence that it actually does work on this.


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Last edit: by Rikki.

Newby & Lyme 02 Jan 2013 13:09 #28823

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Hi Riki
I may have a line on a source of MMS2 in Canada but it would be great if you would send me the address of the place you got your MMS2 from in case this doesn't pan out. I have ordered enough to do me for a bit so there's no rush.

I'll also try the baking powder. Thanks

I'll post my progress as time goes by. At this point my hands don't have any open cracks any more and I can see a difference every day even though I still don't have my 2nd MMS2 order yet. I'm also getting my energy back. Three weeks ago I could use my 4 fingers on each hand but not my thumbs. Believe me you can't do much without the use of your thumbs. You can assure your friend that it's made a BIG difference for me.
I don't understand why people will take all kinds of drugs with all kinds of side effects without question (I'm not saying your friend is one of them) if a Dr tells them to but won't try alternative modalities with the worst thing that could happen is that it won't work. That's my rant for the day lol


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Newby & Lyme 12 Sep 2013 15:40 #35957

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Hi Macolla,

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I lost track of this thread and just recently came across it again.

How are you doing with your Lyme disease? Is the MMS helping you? Were you able to track down a source of pool shock? If so, what strength were you able to find. When I returned home, I had my friend in the continental U.S. forward my pool shock to me. Much to my surprise, it was only 78% strength. I was pretty sure I had ordered 92%. I went back to their website and I could not find that strength listed anymore. So I don't have a reliable source for it after all.


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