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Frequent Urination (They're killing my 74 yr old mom w/morphine! Help!) 18 Nov 2012 20:34 #26703

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Long story short...I have a 74 year mom (adopted mom) who can't stop urinating. The doctors have told her they have no idea what's wrong with her. They just keep putting her on stronger and stronger morphine! I made an appointment for her to see a naturopathic doctor. I was willing to pay the $250 just for the consultation even though I was recently laid off and can't afford it, but anything to save her life! She canceled the appointment a few days before we went. That was a few weeks back. She called me back today asking me to reschedule it because now she's desperate because she's in so much pain. She can barely walk now and wouldn't even let me see her for months because she's embarrassed that she keeps going to the bathroom. I'm guessing she can't take it anymore so here's my chance to jump in and try to help while she'll let me. I want to get it right the first time so she can see how fast it can help her and keep using it and forget about these doctors who can't help her.

I'm going to see her today at 5pm PST. Can someone PLEASE help me and tell me what's the easiest MMS protocol that I can give her for her to take on her own because I don't live with them.

Also, I heard of this thing called Go Less that's all vegan. Should I try that? It comes in pill form so it would be easy for her to take. I'm desperate and not sure what to do at this point. I don't know what to give her that she can take on her own.

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Frequent Urination (They're killing my 74 yr old mom w/morphine! Help!) 18 Nov 2012 21:01 #26704

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Start very slowly.

Day 1: take a half litre empty clean bottle, add 8cc/ml of CDS, add water and fill to the top, replace cap, shake lightly. Divide the bottle with a marker pen in 8 equal parts, every hour add the CDS water mix equal to one of the lines to a clean glass, top the glass with more water and drink. Repeat this process 8 times every hour. I suggest eating breakfast as normal, wait two hours before starting the protocol, avoid foods containing Vit C at lunch and antioxidants. you can eat meat, fish, liver etc. Eat what he likes for evening meal 2 hours after finishing last dose of the day. No taking Vitamin C supplements or others during the whole day or for the next 21 days.

Day 2, as above.

Day 3: the same as above

Day 4: add an extra 2cc/ml of CDS to your daily bottle

Continue same until day 7 and increase again by 2ccml CDS in the daily bottle. let me know how your Mum progresses.

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Frequent Urination (They're killing my 74 yr old mom w/morphine! Help!) 18 Nov 2012 21:02 #26705

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OK, I have dealt with this issue - don't know that my experience will help, but will share it with you.

I'm doing protocol 1000 with cds. This may cause some dehydration, which may caused by excessive urination... however, I've found FOR ME, that after a couple of days the urination goes down. Also, I need to cut down on the sugars (honey and candy). They build excess liquid in the tissues (and for me it's most noticible in my hands---the fingers hurt), but after a few days on CDS, my fingers don't hurt and my ankles go down)I no longer urinate excessively.

Can't tell you about Go Less.

I have also found that because I have issues with IBS that when I have irritation in the bowel, it causes me to feel like I have to pee. Most docs just say, gosh, constant UTI, just give her daily antibiotics. I finally figured out the relationship and haven't been on an antibiotic for 2 years. So, two things - if there is an irritation to the urethra, I use MMS spray hourly. It really does work. I keep my OTC AZO to handle the immediate irritation, and then use the spray to take are of it. If it's IBS, obviously the work there is to handle the IBS.

I don't know if your mom will want to do this - it's work... but getting gluten free which means NOT eating prepared foods from the grocery store - may handle it. So many of the boxed foods have gluten. AND, I no longer eat anything but organic for many of my veges. Leafy veges have a lot of sh*t sprayed on them. Whats on the food is in the food. Regarding organic - they've been messing around with wheat since the 60's (read "wheat belly" - www.wheatbellyblog.com/ but particularly the book is important - www.amazon.com/Wheat-Belly-Lose-Weight-Health/dp/1609611543
It's not that she's interested (maybe) in losing weight - but the whole story of how wheat has been genetically modified since the 60's and how that could affect her is most important.

I will tell you that my dad, in his 80's was totally not interested in changing his diet. So, I understnad if your mom feels that way - but truly, what we eat now and what she ate in the 1950's are worlds away.
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Frequent Urination (They're killing my 74 yr old mom w/morphine! Help!) 27 Nov 2012 18:12 #27395

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Pam and Amanda, thank you SO much for your responses. I forgot to subscribe to this topic (still learning some of the features) so I thought no one had responded to me and I was really sad and upset about it and never checked back and am just seeing that you guys DID respond!! I've now subscribed to it so I can see what comes in.

I lost my father and grandmother and when you learn that their deaths could've been prevented, it makes you angry as I've since done my own research on the medical industry and big pharma so I now know what's going on and how it works.

I'm on the John D protocol so I had all the stuff (MMS, CDS, Clay, Moringa, DE, DMSO, & MMS) and was more than willing to share with my adopted mom, but I think I overwhelmed her so she didn't want to do it. :( I'm so upset I'm not sure what to do! Every time I'm ready to start a protocol for her that I believe will cure her, she throws a wrench in my plans! The first one was, I'm already peeing all day. I don't want to pee anymore so I can't take drink the MMS. So then I thought, well I'll give her the MMS2 pills. That way I'll get SOMETHING good in her! The she said, will it interfere with my medications. So then I looked THAT up and of course it says that herbal stuff and such CAN interfere with prescription medications and of course she's not willing to let go of the morphine until she can stop peeing. I thought I could get her to douche with it, but she asked if she could douche with an IUD in that I think is pretty much stuck now so they won't remove it, not sure. But I found out that she CAN douche with an IUD. I was thinking that I could do an MMS mix for her.

Since the doctors are claiming they don't have a clue! I did my own research. She uses the "poison" Sweet N Low on a lot of her food! :( First they banned the stuff, then they put it back on the market. It has saccharin it and so far, everything about it seems to point to urinary/bladder issues. I'm going to call her today and let her know this after I calm down.

I even typed up simple directions so she could take the MMS2. I've never heard of anyone taking it alone, but I figured something good in her body was better than nothing! But I also wanted her to take the DE and Clay and she and her husband who is also not doing well and on morphine himself (he's 82) decided that it was too much to keep up with since they're already taking things for sleep also. I'm really not sure how they've lasted THIS long. I went over and wrote down all of the medications. Now she's changed her mind and wants to see the naturopathic doctor I suggested in the beginning, but it's $250 for a 1 hour consultation. I don't have it, but to save her life...I'll find a way.

I'm going to also copy your stories and see if I can convince her with that. Thank you SO much for taking the time to share this with me.


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Frequent Urination (They're killing my 74 yr old mom w/morphine! Help!) 27 Nov 2012 23:43 #27403

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I'm going to ask a question that may be offensive to some, but it was an issue I dealt with my dad (and couldn't change him)

If she's due to pass in a short time, why is she using sweet and low? at the very least, should experience the full pleasure of her foods during this period.

My dad was "fat phobic" - so put himself on a "diet" the week before he died. Such a waste.

I'm not blaming you or anyone, other than our culture and our advertising that pushes such unhealth things upon us.

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Frequent Urination (They're killing my 74 yr old mom w/morphine! Help!) 28 Nov 2012 03:20 #27408

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Hi Pam,

I can't speak for anyone else here, but I am not offended AT ALL. I'm just very upset and frustrated over the whole matter and let me clarify. She's not due to pass any time soon, I'M saying that because of my experience with my father and others. :( I'm not sure why she's still alive with the way they eat, the meds they're taking, and not taking care of themselves! They eat a lot of TV dinners and add Sweet N Low to almost everything and I'm not sure why! :(

So no offense taken. I know you're just trying to help.


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