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emphaysema and over active immune response 18 Oct 2012 07:54 #25045

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For the past 7 years i have had a really nasty rash. it started as 'jock itch', athletes foot and dry looking skin, or at least thats what i thought it was. then i thought it was candida. i started using mms, even though that cured my gum disease in days, the stomach rash didnt go away.
i contacted yeast infection advisor with photos and dan said it didnt look like candida. i fasted for 8 days(which is enough to starve anything) and there were still 'outbreaks'.
i had food intolerance tests and was tested for candida. my intolerance list was huge, but no sign of candida(i must have had a problem but managed to control it through diet changes, mms, c silver, ozone water, drinking essential oils, coco oil etc etc etc)
finally the hospital did some testing and decided it was an over active immune system's response to various things. foods mostly but it could be airborn, drink, or in fact many other things also.

Recently i got pnuemonia (an almost fatal case) and had some lung scans, which showed up swollen lymph nodes. the fear for a week or so was lung cancer( i have been a big smoker or tabacco and MJ for many years although not anymore).
after the hospital told me what the xrays showed, i started on CDS, every hour, just to be sure.
the CT PET scan showed that the glands had gone down but that i had spots of emphaysema(two little grey areas on the scan). needless to say i'll never smoke again.

what i would like to know is 1- does anyone know good treatment for an over active immune system. ive read lots of the net about natural anti histamine and will take that into account.
and 2-does anyone know of anyways to treat emphaysema i am not confident of doing inhalation of MMS gases alone as i did that when i first got MMS and over did it and was very short of breath for a few days so it scared me. i have also had some moments of feeling like i cant breath after inhaling mms(sometimes accidentally).

fasting , provided none of the herbs you take further activate the immune system works for me for almost every condition. the body goes into a self healing mode when fasting provided you dont have any particles in your broth or watered down juices. however, i do that anyway and want to do anything possible to balance my immune system.

does anyone have any experience with any of this?
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emphaysema and over active immune response 18 Oct 2012 18:23 #25064

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I also have an over reactive immune system and by experience realize that I could not take a lot of herbs and supplements that would boost the immune system.
As a result I would get worse from asthma and would even have numbness in the extremities.

Drinking a lot of green smoothies or vegetable juices was not good either, that's when I realize the genius of Jim Humble and MMS as an oxidant, versus antioxidants,
especially for auto immune diseases as in my case.

Fasting is excellent, but taking prednisone I cannot do more than 1 day at a time.

Rowbot, check your messages please,
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emphaysema and over active immune response 19 Oct 2012 15:37 #25114

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I suffered from serious, life-threatening asthma for almost 35 years before discovering MMS and the MMS protocols. Within about 2 weeks I was off all my meds/inhalers, etc. Do you have Jim Humble's book for reference? Are you doing the protocol 1000? I found for myself that protocol 2000 was more helpful -- including the MMS2 made a big difference for me. Please check your messages :)

All Best,
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emphaysema and over active immune response 20 Oct 2012 04:10 #25147

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KJ, amazing how fast you got healed of asthma. I am so happy for you.

Maybe because mine is related to the auto immune disease and not just plain asthma, I am still taking 7mg of prednisone.
But 10 weeks ago I was taking 20mg, and my doctor thinks this is a miracle to be able to lower so quickly and maintain
good breathing with 7mg.

My blood test still shows normal Eosinophils. Before steroids they got as high as 65, in 2008. Doctors
said they never saw it so high. EOS this high will damage every organ in the body and for 3 months I could not eat or drink,
I was surviving only with a PICC line and loosing weight rapidly, my lungs got very damaged by the high eosinophils.

Rowbot, I read that longer fasts can help tremendously for an over reactive immune system. If you are not on oral steroids
you could try with the help of a naturopathic doctor to fast longer drinking a lot of water. Dr. Fuhrman has a book on fasting for all kinds of serious illnesses.
I followed his diet of 1 pound of leafy greens (raw) a day and some special soups and green smoothies, but I got worse,
but I believe as you said, fasting works miracles.
All the best to you,
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emphaysema and over active immune response 20 Oct 2012 04:55 #25153

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robot, my father suffered with near death what appeared to be pneumonia, breathing problems, itching, my son also...years ago a doctor used the term Bronchiectasis to describe my dad's condition and prescribed SSKI (saturated solution of potassium iodide) which thins the mucous and would greatly help him breath when he was having difficulty breathing. He would put 10 or 12 drops in a glass of water and breath more easily within minutes. I was given an article to read by a lady with similar severe problems. She suffered from a severe allergic sensitivity to a common mold, Aspergillous. Once her problem was diagnosed, her home was renovated to control the growth of this mold so she would not have to come in contact with it any more than possible. In this article on Aspergillous mold allergy, I again saw this term, Bronchiectasis. I saw where these mold spores could lie dormant in the grain of the wood in an old home and the mold spores could be breathed into the lungs of a super sensitive individual and set up a severe pneumonia like reaction which could and often would be deadly. These problems sound so familiar to me...I found SSKI available without prescription from one of the approved MMS vendors and got some recently. My father used it for years and told many people that it helped his problems...I hope this helps someone...
Mary Letitia Burden Stewart
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emphaysema and over active immune response 20 Oct 2012 04:58 #25154

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To clarify, dad would drink the glass of water to which had been added 10 to 12 drops of SSKI...
Mary Letitia Burden Stewart

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