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Hello! COPD issues 16 Oct 2012 21:59 #24988

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I'm new to participating in Forum but not to Forum itself, I've been following it quite closely. It appears Megg and I are almost carbon copies of each other concerning our health issues. I'm in the end stage (4) of emphyzema, 24/7 oxygen, two heart attacks, triple bypass, and Type 2 diabetes. So as you can see my plate is quite full.
Here's where I'm at right now. I've been using Protocol 1000, 3 drops MMS and CA every hour for eight hours. I've been on this Protocol for almost eight weeks now and I think I've actually stopped my downward spiral and am seeing some modest improvement. Enough at least to give me hope to keep moving forward. I want to expand to Protocol 1000+ and the neublizer treatments.
Using Protocol 1000+ should I immediately add 3 drops DMSO per hour or maybe start out with one drop? I know it can't be mixed with the other two and only added when I'm taking the treatment.
I'm already on three treatments of albuterol daily on the neubulizer. It was mentioned on a thread a while ago to add 10 drops of MMS, CA and DMSO and an oz. of water for a neubulizer treatment. How many times a day should I do this treatment? Should I continue with the albuterol treatments?
One last question, I'm using plain old tap water to cut the taste, is that slowing down my healing process? Pam, could you answer these questions or put me in touch with someone who can. Thank you. Andy
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Hello! COPD issues 16 Oct 2012 22:08 #24990

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Hi, Andy,
I can't advise you on the nebulizing part, because I don't know - JH has talked about a "mister" but I'm not sure if it's a nebulizer or one of the humidifiers you use with kids when they have croup - and I've not asked.

If it were me on 1000+, I'd start the first day with 1 drop per hour, then the next day go to 2 drops per hour, then the 3rd day go to 3 drops per hour. I believe in doing everything baby steps to be sure you're not upsetting any of your other treatment - I don't think you will, but it is always good (IMHO) to ease into things, rather than jump right in -

I've used tap water in the past with my MMS - in fact, I use it now, but I have a well, not city water. The best water is distilled, of course, then reverse osmosis, and even filtered - if you have those choices, I'd do them before straight tap water - if only because you want the MMS to work on you and not expend any of it's "purification properties" on the water <G>.

Hopefully someone who has worked with the nebulizer can chime in - otherwise, the only other thing I could recommend would be sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - and let them push the question up the chain.
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Hello! COPD issues 17 Oct 2012 00:58 #24998

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I have asthma and COPD has some similarities.

I would never stop the inhaler, until you are feeling much better. Your lungs can start closing up more without the albuterol.

Because I have a nebulizer which I have used in the past for other solutions such as colloidal silver, glutathione, I would never use for MMS. Here is why:

First of all, the breathing treatment that JH recommends is for such a short time to start with or you would damage your lungs without being aware.
And it is not using a nebulizer at all, you barely breathe close to the bottle of a couple of activated drops of MMS and very few breaths to start with.
The nebulizer puts out too much of the gas and it would damage your lungs very fast.

Second, a nebulizer treatment where you are breathing continuously thru the mouth piece, doesn't even give you a chance to smell what you are breathing, another
clue that you are not supposed to inhale something so strong as Chlorine Dioxide for the lungs. The strong smell is there to warn us and with a nebulizer you wouldn't
have that warning.

I even read somewhere on JH website or his book, that if you are want to get rid of bacteria in your mouth, to put a few activated drops of MMS
in a small bottle, put your lips around the mouth of the bottle and let the gas fill your mouth, but never inhale it. I hope I made it clear, if not please ask.

I hope this helps you, but if there are others in the forum with more experience, please give your advice also.
I wish you the best, I know how difficult it is not being able to breathe freely, but thanks to God and Jim Humble, I am already 80% better and already decreasing the drugs slowly.
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Hello! COPD issues 17 Oct 2012 14:53 #25010

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Hi Andy...Hi Evanir and Pam...Its not easy to be where we are at Andy. I really didn't think there was anyone out there that is where I am at right now. I am on CDS another form of MMS due so I wont get sick and have the side affects that mms gives you. MMS2 in the capsules with 3 granuels x 3 a day.. Nebulizing DMSO 3 times a day 2 drops added to distilled ater to the mark in the neb cup. I take 4 to 5 puffs then wait 3 or 4 hrs and then do it again.I don't want to over do it. Im going to stick to this for a week then add more. I want to add Colloidal SIlver for my lungs so I dont get any infections. Other than that the CDS has not helped me in the breathing aspect but HAS helped in my pain in my shoulder. So far also no change with the DMSO but its only been a few days with that. Keep the faith and be patient....as my dad use to always tell me ..read read read ...lolGOod luck...
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Hello! COPD issues 20 Oct 2012 04:25 #25151

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I read more carefully how you are feeling and my heart feels for you, having so many health challenges.
I agree with Megg, both of you are in a dire situation, but don't get discouraged, one day at a time and
lots of prayers and faith that little by little you can see improvements.

I thought that MMS2 was the one that helped my lungs the most, somehow I could tell right away, faster
than MMS1. But I only got to 3 very small capsules a day and only took it for about 3 or 4 weeks.

But as Pam told Megg, you have to start very slowly with only a few granules left inside the capsule of MMS2.
You can buy the powder and swallow a couple of grains placed inside a capsule. Increase slowly until you can take more.
Eventually you need to take more often, like every 2 hours. I never got to the recommended 5 capsules a day because
I got severe diarrhea and nausea.

All the best to you, here in this forum, you will learn a lot, like the addition of Diatomaceous Earth, Calcium Bentonite Clay,
the Parasite protocol, DMSO, etc..
The following user(s) said Thank You: secretariat1844, Megg

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