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Rheumatoid Arthritis 03 Oct 2012 19:24 #24433

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Hi everyone

Please can anyone tell me if MMS or CDS can cure Rheumatoid Arthiris which is extremely painful. Has anyone had experience of this please? I am rather desperate..

Wonderful website.


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Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 03 Oct 2012 20:17 #24437

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Hello Maggie.

I sympathise with you as I know how painful and debilitating this condition is. But there is hope. I was in the final stages of the illness, and I am sort of recovered but need to keep working at it to keep it at bay. If you can please tell me more, like what stage you are at, what you eat, what medication you are on, what deformaties have developed I can tell you where to start.

Rest assured, you're on the right track.

Looking forward to assist you.


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Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 04 Oct 2012 09:44 #24483

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Thank you so much I would be glad of some help. Over 50 years ago I had an operation for Crohns Disease. I was put on an elimination diet by an alternative practioner who was also a GP. I did the elimination diet for a month and found I was allergic to all Grains ie. Wheat Rice, Oats Barley etc. Also tea coffee, citrus and choclolate and dairy. I never eat red meat and was vege for a long time. I kept to this diet and was very well for years However, recently found I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which I thought wouldn't happen due to my diet.

Looking at the diet I eat now I find that I am eating too many things of the nightshade family i.e loads of peppers, tomatoes, potatoes etc. I kinow the two complaints are supposed to go together but after 50 years thought I had got away with it.
I really don't want to go down the route of anti infamatories and doctors etc. I woujld be very grateful if you could give me any advice at all.



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Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 04 Oct 2012 13:01 #24488

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Thank you very much Jim. I can but try. Have you had any results with this yourself?

Best wishes


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Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 13 Oct 2012 09:09 #24831

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Dear Marianne

As I'm not very computer literate I think I may have missed your reply to my last letter. Hopefully not. If so could you please send it againh.

Thyank you so much.



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Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 13 Oct 2012 11:21 #24838

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Rheumatoid Arthritis......

1/ Glutathione ....I will try this for a friend when available from the company below when it is available in Feb
Because it is encapsulated it should be quite interesting.
2/ Gelatine
3/ Goto Kola....Easy grow your own Goto Kola but keep it contained as it likes to run. My bed is 6 foot x 2 foot.
4/ And MORINGA may just beat them all!!!!!!! news-malunggay-moringa-by-youmanitas.blogspot.com.au/2009/03/testimonials-on-moringa-as-cure-against.html



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Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 14 Oct 2012 04:13 #24873

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Hello Maggie,

Sorry my reply to you has gone missing. I don't think it has anything to do with your computer skills. Maybe the administration can throw some light on this matter.

Best wishes,

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Rheumatoid Arthritis 14 Oct 2012 04:59 #24874

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Please can anyone tell me if MMS or CDS can cure Rheumatoid Arthiris which is extremely painful. Has anyone had experience of this please? I am rather desperate..

If your Rheumatoid Arthritis has been caused by Bacteria in your body that has found it's way into your joints then YES I believe it will help.

I started getting joint pains approx 2 years ago and tried many different things ... but I'd say what has helped me the most is MMS.

Now my joint pains have almost all completely gone and I've not even done a proper Protocol 1000 yet for the suggested 3 weeks where you take MMS every hour for 8 hours a day for 3 weeks. I've only been taking MMS for a few months and not even regularly but I can see a vast improvement. I tried antibiotics before and found they helped, but after a while the antibiotics stopped working. But what this told me is my problem is related to bacteria AND anything which can circulate in my blood and kill bacteria eases my pain. MMS has done that better then anything.

At first MMS was really hard for me to take. I felt so awful the first few times I took it. And even now if I take it on an empty stomach it feels like I just got punched in the stomach. but now I no longer feel like throwing up when I take MMS and these days I have a little bit of food when I take my MMS.

When I first took MMS my toes would hurt - as if there was a battle going on in my toes, but this told me whatever the MMS was doing it was reaching the furthest joints in my body. Now my toes no longer hurt when I take MMS.

I thoroughly recommend MMS for joint problems, if your experience is anything like mine you're going to feel pretty awful at first but then you'll get better and better.

Unlike antibiotics I don't think MMS has to be taken in a very strict way - I think each dose you take helps a little bit more then the last dose. I've been on holiday and apart from gargling with MMS to ease a painful tooth I'd not had any MMS in two weeks. Now that I am back I intend to resume my doses and if I get really motivated actually pin myself down to a proper protocol 1000 and get rid of my joint pains hopefully 100% for once and for all. :)
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Rheumatoid Arthritis 14 Oct 2012 16:46 #24895

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I can also recommend reading a wonderful book called "Wheat Belly" -

Although the book is touted on it's weight loss part, that is such a minor, minor part of it. It's all about how wheat was modified back in the last century to make it higher producing and easier to harvest - and in the process it "picked up" a whole series of gluten proteins that were not in it before - those proteins lead to a lot of what we experience today as IBS and other gut related dysfunctions. Included in the inflammatory section (and he has all the science in there, for you science geeks) is Rheumatoid Arthritis... Although there are other offenders for gluten, wheat is the one that is in so many of our processed foods, and the big kahuna.

So, JH says about arthritis in his latest book "The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millenium," which you can find here:

There are some things you should know about arthritis if you have
this problem. First, it doesn’t matter how bad it is, your body will
heal it, but you have to follow the correct procedure. To do that, you
need to know what kind of arthritis you have, as MMS will help with
rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme arthritis, and most others, but although it
may help with osteoarthritis, it may not completely overcome it.

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