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Poison London tap water! 21 Sep 2012 20:13 #23799

  • Jazz1
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Ok guys I just bought two systems, having them fitted next week for a lovey discount price of 1900 thanks to my friend. The 2020c kenitico he demonstrated today on my tap water, this system uses salts and does the whole house. The second system is a 5 stage reverse osmosis system to filter all those poison chemicals sodium flouride, chlorine and replace minerals etc that goes under the sink.

I can truly say the taste is so much different I did not realise how nasty this chemical water tastes, it showed to have 360ppm stuff in my tap water he showed me, after filteration the taste was amazing clean. Reason I'm having this fitted is iv seen so many people around heathrow with alopecia areata, my hairdresser fitted whole house system and his hair started growing back in 2 weeks, he had alopecia for over a year. The pictures taken was done through my tap water before and after, a chemical was used to show what exactly I was drinking and a electric tester was used PPM.

Here is what our water companies and government are doing to us even bottle water was tested to have nitrite cancer chemicals. They are giving us these problems through foods and water.

Left is the nasty stuff with chemicals before, right is after filteration.


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Re: Poison London tap water! 21 Sep 2012 20:34 #23802

  • Utopia
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Hi Jazz1, That's a mighty fine looking glass of water you've got there. I'm in Surrey so not far. The other week we tested out tap water's TDS which came out around 287. We compared that to the reverse osmoses water that came out at 7 if i remember rightly. We also tested distilled and that was 6. We also tested the tap water after we treated it with MMS1 and that came out at 291. I hadn't drank out the tap directly for a few years now as we fill a 4 gallon container and then treat with MMS. This would explain maybe the increase about of TDS as the number had increased. I understand that MMS will remove the pathogens but would it effect our tap water with regards to metals and other chemical toxins.

I'm really curious if anyone's got any feedback on this as it would be interesting to know what is actually can do with standard tap water. Worth while for those who are making attempts to eliminate all the nastys that are being put in everything.

I've tasted reverse osmoses water and it's like nectar, I was over in Wales earlier this year and our water came straight from the stream that fast flowed down the hill near our tipi. divine. I even brought a load back with me. LOL

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Re: Poison London tap water! 21 Sep 2012 21:17 #23807

  • Jazz1
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I could not beleive the taste, when you drink clear water with 6ppm compared to 360ppm you can taste all those nasty chemicals etc. I'm glad iv opened my eyes no more of this nasty crap from next Thursday, reverse osmosis and water distiller is the way to go.

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Re: Poison London tap water! 01 Oct 2012 11:45 #24257

  • rowbot
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what water filters/company did you use for the water at home please? i want a whole house one for bathing and cleaning and also a special tap for drinking.

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