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ok,mms not working,what next? 13 Sep 2012 18:12 #23323

  • sharon
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I have finally managed to get up to 80 drops of mms a day and have been at that for a good 2 weeks,but the mms is not working for me,on any of my issues.Ok,it must have done something,as it took so long to get to 80 drops due to symptoms of mainly diarrhoea,but I'm now stuck with all my issues still. What next??? Anything I do from now on has to be good at what it does and cheap! I'm finding the mms too expensive,especially as its not doing enough and I am finanacially struggling,even more than before,if I ever thought that was even possible!

My mum has just been diagnosed with a very aggressive bladder cancer and has to have chemo then a complete bladdder removal.They also need to remove everything close,such as ovaries [shes already had a hysterectomy],lymph nodes and possibly her appendix too and all this is only if the tumour isnt touching her bowel or bones,if it has theres nothing they can do.Would she try mms? NO! And you can lead a horse to water....

I'm sure my mum wouldnt bother anyway,as she knows I feel no different since starting the mms,so she wouldnt bother even buying and trying. I am so stressed I dont know what to do,for myself or for my mum,any suggestions? If anything,I think my issues are worse! Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 13 Sep 2012 18:23 #23326

  • Al
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It might be an idea to try CDS @ 15000ppm - I found that the herx reaction was minimal and the benefits were surprisingly thorough and fast. Then again my teeth/gum issue is a lot less serious than yours... Just a thought.

Wish u well


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Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 14 Sep 2012 15:59 #23408

  • sharon
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Thanks for your reply and suggestion Al,I should know what cds is,but I dont,I havent read Jim Humbles book and my brain doesnt seem to absorb info. I havent had any diarrhoea for ages,just a bit of nausea,which I think maybe because I hate the taste and it burns my throat and stomach too.

The mms cant have had much of an effect on the candida I have,as I ate a small amount of mushroom and the after effects were terrible,worse than ever! I really dont know what to do,but it needs to be something very aggressive to do the job I think. thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 14 Sep 2012 16:14 #23409

  • pam
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Sharon, you have soooooo many issues - I've been following your story for some time.

I wish you luck finding something cheaper - And if you do move to something else (which is fine, of course) - I hope you'll take the time to actually study it, read the books, etc. because they may help you understand better what is going on in your body and with that technique.

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Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 14 Sep 2012 16:33 #23410

  • KennethWalter
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It's so sad that people resign themselves to be tortured and hacked to pieces by doctors, a fate worse than death
and we cannot get to them to help them....arrrrrgggggh :angry: :( :S

very frustrating.

Sharon you should probably step up to CDS

I'd postpone Moms surgery and try to get her to sip some CDS
I'll let someone else mention which protocol....but sadly it sounds like she may
be past the point of no return where she is right now...:(

I don't know what else to say....

I recently came upon MMS and FGHP therapy at the same time. And NOW more recently, I stumbled into old therapies, like turpentine!
And I always support peoples right to choose whichever therapy they see fit to take!
youtube- daniels, why turpentine is good for your health most excellent info with instructions and warnings for proper preparation prior to using turp should you choose to do so.
diamond g in georgia was the best turp I found.
also check out the borax conspiracy about arthritis, worth your time to read.

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Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 14 Sep 2012 16:45 #23411

  • Macaddict08
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I'd layoff the CDS & MMS for a few weeks.... and get your system Alkaline and detoxed by drinking Calcium Bentonite Clay ... 1 teaspoon, 2x's a day for 2 weeks (always on an empty stomach).

The clay has an alkalinity of 9.7... and will detox and cleanse your colon of crud so that your system can "breathe" easier, and will be able to assimilate your food and supplements more efficiently.

This is a back to the drawing board approach..

Sharon, here's some lifestyle suggestions you might consider also... if you already aren't doing them already:

Suggestion #1

NEVER have a meal or eat any food 4-5 hours before going to sleep. This is one of THE worst things you can do if you have cancer, or are in recovery from an illness.
Your body regenerates and cleanses at night time when you sleep, and to eat a large or small meal before you go to bed is literally robbing yourself of that precious healing time. The body needs gravity to digest food properly, and, if you lay down, it takes 5 times the energy to push the food in your stomach through your digestive tract, and THAT TAKES ENERGY. Energy that would normally have gone to healing and regenerating yourself now has to go towards food that needs digesting.

Suggestion #2

ALWAYS drink a 12oz glass of room temperature water, before you get out of bed in the morning.
Drinking this water immediately upon awakening initiates a cleanse in the bladder and bowels, and you will start your day off hydrated. While you were sleeping, your body had been regenerating and cleansing for the last 8 hours. You want to help this process by immediately eliminating the accumulated toxins via the bladder and colon. The water going into the stomach creates peristalsis reaction to the intestines, and evacuating the bowels first thing in the morning is essential.

Suggestion #3

NEVER put cold food or iced drinks into your stomach at mealtime, AND don't drink liquids of any kind during mealtime, only warm liquids after.
Putting cold food or iced drinks not only paralyzes digestion, but (heat) energy has to come from your kidneys and adrenals to warm the cold stuff up. Plus, the cold liquid will solidify any oils that you have consumed with your meal. This results in the solid oily stuff being absorbed faster by the intestines than your actual meal, which will then line the intestines … and this is not good.
Drinking liquids of any kind during mealtime will disturb (paralyze) your digestion and dilute your digestive juices, which can result in belching and gas, ending up with you losing valuable regenerative energy.

Suggestion #4

NEVER EVER over-eat ! Rather, ONLY eat till you're 80% full. Leave the table still a little hungry.
Relative to eating just before you go to sleep (laying down), it is even more taxing to the digestive system when a person over-eats, as this takes a lot of energy that is normally required to breakdown the large amount of food in the stomach, with little digestive juices to do it. This results in you being tired almost immediately after the meal, and probably wanting to lay down, which is even worse. Again, it robs you of the energy that would normally go toward healing, but can't now, since it will now be working overtime trying to digest a massive amount of food.

Suggestion #5

NEVER eat fruits too close to your main meal. Try to eats fruits 2 hours before or after a meal.
When fruit is mixed in too close to your actual meal, the fruit sugar will stay for too long in the stomach and ferment and fruit contains simple sugars that require no digestion. Other foods, such as foods rich in fat, protein and starch, will stay in the stomach for a longer period of time because they require more digestion.  This is why people experience digestive trouble when eating fruit too close to a meal.

Suggestion #6

NEVER eat a salad first, before your main meal. Have it last!
There are a few reasons to eat salad last, the main reason is, you should always eat from yang to yin, heavy to light, or hot to cool. Also, since you have only so much digestive juices to break down your meal, and you should start eating THE most difficult to digest food first, which would be your animal or vegetable proteins. If you were to eat a salad first, you'd be wasting valuable digestive juices on the salad which would be better spent on the proteins. It makes better sense to end up eating a light dish like salad to finish off a meal, as a palette cleanser.
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Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 14 Sep 2012 18:20 #23415

  • sharon
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Thanks Pam,do you think the mms is my best and cheapest option? Do you think I should be seeing SOME kind of benefit from it? Do you think there is something else I should try?

I cant afford any books and nothing goes in my head! Even reading,I cant understand anything,its so frustrating,I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Everyone seems to point me in the direction of cds,is it more money and is it better than mms and is 80 drops the top dose and for how long?

Sorry for all the questions Pam,but I'm confused as to know what to do.Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Last edit: by sharon.

Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 14 Sep 2012 18:26 #23416

  • sharon
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Hi Kenneth,thankyou for your post,I too agree my mums past that point.Unfortunately,she wont even try anything that these "doctors" dont understand,even though she see's me drinking my mms all the time.I dont think it helps that the mms hasnt produced the desired results,so she would be of the mindset that it does nothing to help or cure. Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon
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Re: ok,mms not working,what next? 14 Sep 2012 18:41 #23417

  • sharon
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Thnkyou for your reply macaddict,do you think the mms is a waste of time for me? I have heard of bentonite clay,but it doesnt address candida and diabetes does it? I thought the mms would clear out all the rubbish,it gave me diarrhoea enough. Is the bentonite clay better than diatamaceous earth,as I have some D earth,which my lovely daughter brought for us.

If I'm hungry before bed I have to eat some protein as I have adrenal issues and being hungry is bad news for adrenal issues.

I cannot drink water in the morning,I have to drink some with my first pills of the day and thats just a mouthful and gives me terrible stomach ache and burning pains.I dont drink cold drinks,only room temperature water and never drink with my meals.I never eat too much,but eat to feel satisfied,but dont eat and still fell hungry.I cant eat fruit as I'm diabetic and dont eat salad much,but do eat it with my other foods on my plate.Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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