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Jim Thank you for being with us! 04 Sep 2012 18:20 #22548

  • JohnH
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Dear jim, my husband was first diagnosed prostate cancer 7 years ago. His treatment was Brachytherapy which was the implant of radio-active pellets inside the prostate. He was clear of cancer for 5 years (low PSA reading). Now has come back and the doctors are offering a Cryotherapy treatment, which freezes the prostate.

I read your books and use MMS and MMS2 and I know it works as you said.

Ideally we would love to come to Dominican Republic so my husband can be treated there by those loving Souls that are there under you guidance, we are ready to go anytime we only need to arrange tickets.... The Doctors told him that he has to go back in 3 months for the Cryotherapy but we have to make our mind in 2 months or less so they can arrange things for him before hand. So in case that is not possible to go to DR, is there any Minister of Health here in Europe that we can go and stay with him or her...my husband is ready to go in a 21 days treatment, either Protocol 2000 or Protocol 3000 or whatever you decided that is best for him.

Is very difficult to get MMS here in Europe the first time we got it through MMS Europe and now has gone out of bussines, the second one we got form Australia and also was ok but the last one was from Hongkong and we have been trying to activate it and going a bit strange in color and not the usual smell of gas.

John is 62 now and has been taking on and off 6 drops at night and when we got your new book he's been having bath and brushing his teeth, the pain in his gums went after the first 2 days.

A little story about me...I first heard about you when I read Andreas Moritz book about Liver Flush... Due to my husband health issues I seem to attract all the right information at the right time...so I use my body as my own laboratory to witness and to be sure that things work as it said. After my third liver flush and having gone with a precleanse of 21 days of my own detox and threw out so many stones thay my eyes couldn't believe...so soon I ordered MMS and the first day I threw out something the looked like a worm but no head no tail and it was white and probably 20 cms long or more, the next day another brown thing with the diameter of a worm of maybe 10 12 cm.

I try MMS until I master it... Luckily I bought your new book and read all about it and managed to finally do the 21 days on Protocol 1000 and took MMS2 as well, this is so strong that I don't feel quite fit to do it to my husband, as well as going through the emotions of his prostate cancer coming back I feel I need support right now.

After his second diagnose I was able to reflect what have we done wrong and realized that when he first was diagnosed we almost stop the addiction to cheese(fat) with the help of a Doctor that has done a long research in China and advise Men and Women to avoid dairy products... We've been vegetarians for 15 years now. But blindly last year I was finally seduced by a Vita mix and seeds and nuts (fat) which we never find easy to digest. So John now has a high cholesterol and was also experiencing heart pain...His stress in his work has been so high this year that I never realized how stress can affect a person Life/Health. Stress and fact also contributing to a high PSA!

I know that MMS don't cure cancer or any illness but as you explained it cleans the body or detoxified it to give room for the body to heal itself.
John is on fruit now and salads and no seeds or nuts and doing his best to handle stress at work and already a month has passed since the doctors told his cholesterol level was high and the pain in his chest almost is gone and started to walk as much as he can and look and feel better each day.

I intuitively know that if he can do a completely treatment with MMS he can have a better chance to handle thing s with the prostate.

Bruce have been recommended Hemp oil but again where to buy here in Europe a good quality one.

I humbly thank you for all the noble work and efforts that you have done through out the years to help Humankind.

Best regards


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