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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 29 Sep 2012 11:04 #24135

  • ukDonna
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Well I was expecting to get told after i had the camera and CT scan where the fistula (supposedly was) and that i have an inflamed bowel due to chrohns or colitis but it turns out that i have a tumour in my lower bowel that he says he is 99% sure its cancerous which is a bit of a blow really so i have to have another ct scan on monday and an MRI on friday to determine whether there is anything anywhere else!
I am still doing the mms baths but i have not been able to drink it not even the cds i got from a lovelly person on this forum but after the results of the camera i HAVE to purchase more mms and try again i have just been in a bit of a daze this last few days trying not to let it bother me and thanks to this forum and the earth clinic i go on it has made me less scared of that C word as i know it can be attacked without conventional 3% success rate chemo but my mind is playin tricks with me i think trying to listen to the wise words of alternative medicine and then tempting me with the horrid :evil: thought of what modern medicine treatment entails for me.
I have to wait until a week on monday for a consultation about treatment with the docs but in the meantime i intend to flood my body with as much healthy stuff as possible.... I ordered some essiac tea, pure vitamin c (ascorbic acid powder),L- lysine, and a couple of liver aid tablets for any detox but i am awaiting some new mms to be delivered i am on my last bit as i do 40 drop baths with mine....
I have also been doing raw garlic as an enema but i want to use mms now, i am trying with the raw veg and zero processed foods etc but its a struggle but i am persistent...
Oh this is all gonna be a battle but i am a single mum with a mortgage and i refuse to let this even bother my mind let alone bother my life its just a waiting game for results ofs biopsies, more bloods, mri etc but bring it all on lol :P :unsure:

Does anyone have any good ideas for getting this thing beaten i would be grateful of any ideas!

Donna x

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 29 Sep 2012 14:17 #24150

  • jemco
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You have wrote about the things that sound like the best to do.
Personally, I think it is best to follow Jim Humble's writings in his books and on his web sites and do anything else in addition to following Jim Humble.
Here is a link to all the Sacraments/Protocols:

The above web page has this for "Colon Cancer":
"Protocol 2000 and 3000, enema protocol, bath protocol, bag protocol, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)"

Michael Harrah has used the MMS2 as an enema.
I have not tried Chlorine Dioxide Injections (CDI), just read about them here, but I believe that soon more people will be using CDI.
CDI may help, but I am not the best person to advise on how to do it.

"drgreen" has successfully used it on a Dairy Cow here:

Bishop Jim Humble wrote about using CDI in an emergency Sting Ray poisoning detox process here:

CDI would not pass through your digestive system, but go directly to your blood.

I am sure that there are many many people here who are hoping for your success as I am as well.

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 11 Oct 2012 10:47 #24759

  • ukDonna
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well heres my update regarding tumour :evil:

ive had my results today and i am sooooo happy that the cancer hasnt spread it is localised in the rectum but pushing into the pelvis (sounds lovelly not lol)..... it is a fair size and i have been booked in to have a colostomy bag on tuesday (which makes me queezy just at the thought of a bag a my age but hey ho) then they talk about using radiotherapy on it to shrink it before removing it with surgery which i am totally weary about because i wold LOVE be able to get rid of this naturally but i am fair blocked and they are telling me it is dangerous to allow the blockage to continue...

PLEASE any advice is more than welcomed!!!!!!!!!!!! :dry:

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 11 Oct 2012 12:26 #24760

  • woofy
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In a book by Dr. Simoncini. He says cancer is a fungus. Stomach cancer is easy to reverse and had a family friend who had stomach cancer and was still living after 20 years useing only baking soda. I would imagine baking soda would find its way all the way down to the retrum. An enama would also get to that point quickly.
Dr Simoncini is also viewable on utube.

So would a CDS enama.

And so would cancema deposited in the rectrum as is mentioned on Elaine Hainswoth DVD.

Everybody should have a DVD copy.

I copied this, below, from a previous post. Hope this helps

Re: Tumour Has Caused Bowel Blockage 29 Apr 2012 00:14 #16433 woofy

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Mark Wrote;
The surgeon has effectively created a separation between that part of my intestine which has no tumour and the lower part which does. Nothing has been removed and it is my hope that at last I will be able to directly treat the tumour with MMS enemas, most probably in the form of CDS.

Mark, There is a DVD called.... oneanswertocancer.Elaine Hainsworth sells it in AUS for $10.00 There is a
shortened veiwing on utube Get the DVD as it is one you should have always and you will know why when you receive it. There is direct reference to a guy who had bowel cancer and how he got rid of it in one go with an enama.Dramatic but effective.
However Mark, continue what you are doing with all the excellent advise you have been getting as well. You could also in the mean time try an enama with mms in a suppository. Someone else with a bit more knowledge on enamas could elaborate. You may even know how to yourself.You may have already done this. A friend of mine CURED ulcerative colitis with MMS and dietry change.
I beleive If he had of done ennamas as well he would have fixed his incurable colitis a little sooner.
Cheers, Roger

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Last edit: by woofy.