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feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 12:19 #22287

  • ukDonna
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Hi everyone and thanks if you read my post!

I am 38 yr old and the mum of 1 amazing little girl. I have been familiar with the work of Jim for around 6/7 months since having to face my own surprise illness! I think all of you on here are amazing and strong and so so helpful with all of the advice and help you offer and i spend most of my day whilst here in my shop reading through the oodles of information in both awe at some of the strength yous have and ouch at the pains you have gone through....

Over Christmas 2011 i had got back from my daughters dancing competition weekend feeling quite bloated, constipated and the pain of forcing myself to go just wasn't right as i now know in retrospect i shouldnt have forced etc and just not right... Due to my trepidation over the medical profession i feared going to the doctors but i went 3 times and was told (or more i told them lol) it was hemmeroids but i had also began to be permanently loose and weak and in more pain etc etc it felt like i had tore something below as i had begun to feel blocked but there was a strange gurgling / rumbling noise in the lower part of my back after i ate and the need to relieve gas that sometimes was fateful to the point i learned to break wind when needed in the bathroom just in case lol and begun to lose (really sorry for too much info) a kind of discharge through my front area which was like watery faecal mucous just gross sorry :unsure: ii know sounds gross but i was really worried i got to a point where i couldnt even drink without the need to use the bathroom i lost almost a stone and half in a few months it was breaking my heart that i had gone from being a swimmer, thai boxer and generally fit to not even being able to run around with my little girl or pick her up and swing her round everything became a chore and i found myself lay on my bed feeling like i was dying which now looking back at what some people have gone through i was too self pitying but i hadnt experienced being ill before but when they asked me whether i want to go to hospital for a camera etc etc i panicked so i sought alternative treatments as most on here have / do so i researched and researched some more self diagnosing myself with ulcerative colitis, leaky gut, parasites etc but always tried to avoid thinking about the big C!
I first discovered H2o2 of which i purchased and put to use in about February! I did a couple of weeks and thought it was very helpful but in the end the taste was not good although i did continue to bathe and the douche / enema with it. Then i discovered Jim Humble and MMS and it felt like i had found the holy grail so to speak. I purchased some and used it orally, topically, in my bath etc and it was like a turn around i started feeling a whole lot better and eureka i could eat again! Things wasnt perfect but i was gradually getting better and then the taste just got the better of me and a could only bathe in it... I became complacent and didnt follow things through properly and now i am back to where i was in the beginning :(

I have started to drink it again at 10 drops but cant do every hour and i still bathe in it and have a topical mix made up but I have bitten the bullet and booked myself into an appointment this afternoon for blood tests and swab samples and am going to be referred for the dreaded cameras so i can get some answers and i am petrified but my mum died quite young due to her "not wanting to be a bother to the doctors" and she paid the price! I am definitely not saying i am going through the whole procedures i am advised to by our medical profession i just want to know exactly what is going on!! :ohmy:
So wish me luck and i will be back lol to hopefully get some opinions from the people on here that have been through alot more than me and the fact that on here we believe in healing the sick and not just dishing out pay checks to the pharmas etc!

Thanks loads for taking the time to read this!

Everyone deserves to be well in my eyes with what nature has provided for us!!!

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 12:38 #22288

  • Megg
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UK Donna..Welcome to the forum. Don't worry about being too graphic. Sometimes that HELPS others know for sure if they are experiencing the same thing. DEATAILS lol...SO you said you STOPPED taking the MMS due to taste? Have you tried making CDS? GOod luck at the drs today :)

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 12:44 #22289

  • sevenrays
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I do wish you all the best. Sometimes it is better to get checked out to know what one is up against, but I also understand fully your hesitation. I only go to the Dr. and tell him I want blood test done so I can see where I am at from my bloods perception. They say what they need to tell you but you know you have other choices and that is a great place to be. Knowing you have choices and do not need to go down the Pharma path.

Wishing you health and please report back,

"Do what makes your heart sing"
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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 12:44 #22290

  • ukDonna
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I have looked at the making cds procedure but it kinda makes me feel a bit worried about blowing my kitchen up lol or getting it wrong and because my mind is fairly fatigued at the moment with worry, lack of energy etc although i have a decent intellect i let it all confuse me. I have started to drink my vit c free juice before my 10 drop mix and the without breathing in between (as Jim says its the air in between then kicks the taste) i drink another half glass of my juice straight away and i found that easier last night!

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 13:12 #22291

  • ukDonna
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I am debating whether to tell the DR about MMS making me feel better and can she recommend it to our British Health Board lol thought not instantly at the thought too!
It shouldnt be that going to the DR's scares us so much its no suprise though when you read the facts but i have a kind of plan i dreamed over in my head last night i was diagnosed with something they couldnt help me with so went down my alternative plan of MMS etc and gave it 100,000 % effort but also wrote my bucket list of 10 things i would never ever ever do sober lol like riding the worlds most scariest roller coasters, parachuting, going on x factor, abseiling the scariest descent etc but raised money in the process by sponsors for money for my little girls future if the worse happened but WHEN i conquer then the money would go half to the genesis church cause and the rest to other peoples choice of charities!!!! Obviously my head is in space at the momentl with my crazy fatigued and worried thoughts lol

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 13:57 #22292

  • Megg
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I hear you there. I would still donate even tho this stuff may not have worked on anyone. at least it might on others :)
My best friend has a bucket list made up for us

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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 15:01 #22296

  • ukDonna
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Well the first bit is over with and i have a referral in place for the whole camera trick:blush: :pinch: at the thought i will be lay there :whistle: thinking get me outa ere lol... The internal and more blood tests Monday after a 24 hour fast oooo cant wait :ohmy:
My plan is to spend the weekend giving the MMS is best chance on my blood which leads me to ask: will a few shots of hot toddy whiskey counter act my MMS chances?


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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 15:37 #22297

  • janneman
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Hi Donna give me your UK address and i will send you a free sample of CDS. it will be via my private post
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Re: feeling really scared about my doctors appointment today! 31 Aug 2012 15:47 #22300

  • ukDonna
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really! how do i privately post you my add! are there really this many kind people or are you fda after my butt lol just kidding i would be super grateful!

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