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Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 26 Oct 2012 19:41 #25533

  • sevenrays
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Verkuender has some questions:

he writes:
ALS patients suffer from an overload of free glutamate, which apparently is responsible for the cells to die in the muscular tissues.
His question is can MMS stop this process?
His next question is: Does MMS get rid of heavy metals and poisons in the body
(I will answer YES, it oxidized heavy metals and toxins (poisons) in the body but if someone could elaborate more that would be helpful)

Then, he had a conversation with the Dr. who said that there really are no studies or research that prove antioxidants that for example fight against free radicals really do exist. Vitamin E for example isn't really an antioxidant.
(My answer to that from a video from Andreas Kalcker who also researched about the controversy around antioxidants also does not believe antioxidants truly exist. He said it was a theory purely a theory with no substance behind it (YES a big bubble just popped what a paradigm shift.) Yes I still believe we need vitamins and minerals for the building of healthy cells but the free radical/antioxidant theory pretty much is out the door for now since it was to start another money making industry under false intentions especially with the ‘man made’ vitamin supplements. This is just my opinion , please elaborate more on this subject.)

Verkunder feels clueless and distraught.

Verkunder would really need some help to understand these things. And wishes health, best wishes, and Gods blessings for everyone at Genesis Church


ich habe fragen????????????????????????????
ALS patienten leiden an einen überschuss,freiem glutamat das wiederum für denn zelltod in der muskulatur,verantwortlich ist.
meine frage kann mms das verhindern?
meine nächste frage wäre,befreit mms von schwermetallen und giften im körper?????????????????
dann hat mir heute ein neurologe (doc)gesagt es gäbe keine erforschten bewiesenen antidoxidanzien,für beispielsweise freie radikale zu bekämpfer selbst vitamin E wäre kein antioxidans.
iich bin ratlos.

Hätte deine hilfe nötig ich wünsche dir ganz viel gesundheit und glück für dich und deinen kindern gott segne dich und die G.Church harald(verkünder) pass auf dich auf
"Do what makes your heart sing"

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