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Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 08 Sep 2012 23:03 #22820

  • sevenrays
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Everyone wonderful news about Verkunder's wife:

He cannot believe it but his wife, after a very long time, was able to swallow a capsule. ( I do assume it was a MMS2 capsule). As he was writing tears were in his eyes, he is so happy.
He says God bless us all and bless Jim Humble.
He asked me to publicize this good news.

Oh I am so incredibly happy for them. :woohoo:

Original message from Verkunder:
sevenrays ich kann es noch garnicht glauben meine frau,hat heute nach langer zeit eine kapsel geschluckt.

Ich schreibe das jetzt mit tränen,in denn augen ich bin so glücklich gott schütze euch alle und jim humble.

Bitte veröffentliche das ich danke dir verkündiger
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Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 08 Sep 2012 23:32 #22821

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I am so happy for both of them and thankful to you Sevenrays, you are truly shining by helping him to understand more about MMS.

When I first did a goggle translation to find out who was writing in German, I asked the forum for someone that speaks German.

Yours was a "divine appointment" to save the day!
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Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 08 Sep 2012 23:38 #22822

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WUNDERBAR! :cheer:
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Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 09 Sep 2012 01:08 #22831

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Yes Evanir it was you that asked I remember now. Well I am so glad I was able to be of service and help out (and will continue, since their journey is not over yet)
Thank you for making that post and asking, I don't believe I would have noticed that thread since I had no clue about MMS2. But I too have learned so much.

Thank you Evanir,

sevenrays :)
"Do what makes your heart sing"
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Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 13 Sep 2012 22:15 #23354

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Hi everyone,
I am out of town and just now saw a message from Verkunder from September 9th.
He writes his wife was able to swallow 3 more MMS2 capsules and as of now she takes CDS, MMS2 and DMSO internally. This might show to be important for any other devastated people dealing with ALS.

He will continue to fight, and hope he can fulfill his promise. The first day his wife was diagnosed he promised not to let her die. (I am in tears)

He writes: God bless you all and bless the Genesis Church

Sevenrays heute hat sie.3 weitere Kapseln geschluckt .
Sie nimmt absofort CDS,MMS2,DMSO ich denke das ist vieleicht ihrgend wann,wichtig für andere verzweifelte ALS( Patienten)Menschen.

Wir werden weiter Kämpfen,und ich hoffe ich kann mein versprechen halten.
Am aller ersten Tag dem tag der Diagnose, habe ich versprochen ich lasse dich nicht sterben.

Gott segne euch ,dich ,und die Genesis church Verkündiger

I will be back in town September 19th to continue to update what comes in on news from Verkunder and his wife. I also suggested to him to possibly continue the MMS2/DMSO baths.

This truly is such wonderful news since she was not able to barley swallow liquids and now can swallow capsules more and more.

sevenrays :)

P.S. I just checked it was August 14th that Verkunder first posted that his wife could not swallow the MMS2 capsules so this is a change within 1 month taking MMS2/DMSO baths and CDS/MMS1 orally that she can swallow again. How wonderful!!!!
"Do what makes your heart sing"
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Last edit: by sevenrays. Reason: Add P.S.

Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 14 Sep 2012 08:15 #23387

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This is really a wonderful progress. I am very happy for Verkunder and his wife!
Godd bless them both.

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Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 22 Sep 2012 12:25 #23847

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I had asked Verkunder if he could share how they were using MMS for the ALS his wife has.
The following message/answer came back from Verkunder:

Nice you are back home again and I hope all is well for you.
Unfortunately my wife had one of the MMS2 capsules go down the wrong way and is afraid using them. However she is continuing to use CDS and DMSO and does the MMS2 baths.
She no lunger has problems with her Lungs and Bronchioles and as of now the ailment (ALS) has come to a stand still. (no worsening of the ailment)
Am very happy about this and she does feel very well.

I would like to ask a couple more questions
What is the maximum amount of CDS drops she could take in?
What is the maximum amount of DMSO drops she could take in?

I thank you, best wishes and health for you, Verkunder

His original message:
Schön das du wieder da bist,ich hoffe es geht dir gut.
Leider hat meine frau sich,einmal an einer kapsel verschluckt,und nun hat sie Angst sie weiter zu nehmen.Aber sie nimmt weiterhin ,CDS und Dmso macht MMs2 Bäder.
Sie hat keine probleme mehr mit Lungen und Bronchien,und bis heute steht ihre krankheit still (kein fortschreiten der krankheit)ich bin so über alle maßen Glücklich.
Und sie fühlt sich wirklich sehr gut,

ich würde dich auch gerne noch mal etwas fragen?????????
Was ist die maximale anzahl an tropfen CDS die sie einnehmen darf.
Was ist die maximale anzahl an tropfen DMSO die sie einnehmen darf.

Ich danke dir glück und gesundheit für dich Verkünder

Good questions would the max per serving be 24 drops (or 1mml) or could she be taking an even higher dose? Does the nausea/diarrhea kick in too at one point with CDS?
I know some people have taken DMSO by the table spoon. But don't know if that was hourly or more like 3 times per day? How would one know if it is to much for the body? Does DMSO also trigger a herx effect if taking to much?

Thank you everyone that can help out with this,

Translation for Verkunder:

Gute Fragen. Waere die maximale Anzahl 24 Tropfen per Dosierung (oder 1mml) oder könnte sie mehr einnehmen. Tritt die Übelkeit und der Durchfall auch ein mit CDS mit einer bestimmten hohen Dosierung?
Ich kenne Leute die das DMSO Essloeffel weise einnehmen aber weiss nicht ob dies Stündlich is oder mehr wie 3 mal am Tage. Tritt die Herx Reaktion (Entgiftung Symptome) auch mit hohen DMSO Einnahme auf?

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Re: Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 22 Sep 2012 16:50 #23864

  • Michael Harrah
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Thanks sevenrays for the good news!

She can take LOTS of CDS and DMSO if it is helping.

I took 2 teaspoon (10ml) doses of DMSO 99% 4-5 times a day for many weeks for lung congestion, never caused any problems. I took 1 teaspoon (5ml) doses of CDS 8-10 times a day for 2 weeks at a time multiple times and had no problems.

My friend Deborah took 1 tsp doses of CDS (3000ppm) every half hour for 10 hrs a day for 10 days to cure a jaw bone infection with bad swelling.
www.genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=51&id=14585&limit=6&limitstart=12&Itemid=66#22949 Severe jaw line and eye infection eliminated with high doses of oral CDS.

Andreas advises people with cancer to take 10ml doses of 3000ppm CDS every hour for 10-12 hrs/day www.michaelharrah.us/michael-harrah/info-sheets-michael-harrah/65-instructions-for-cds .

Herx reactions with CDS and DMSO are rare. She ought to just work up to higher doses as it seems good and not be concerned about taking too much or for too long. As long as it is helping, then it is good and she should keep taken them.

Thanks very much for the report Verkunder!

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Need help for ALS (Verkunder's wife) 23 Oct 2012 21:13 #25337

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It's been a while since I've been on the forum. Had several health challenges that took my energy out of me.

I received a message from Verkunder October 13th and he reports:

"...Just a short note, since the beginning of the ingestion of the protocols my wife has had no more progression of the ailment (ALS).
She is taking minerals, keratin and multi vitamins.
She is free from colds and flus, she is feeling very well.

God bless the whole MMS family and our Arch Bishop"


"...nur ganz kurz meine frau hat seit der einnahme des protokolls,kein fortschreiten der krankheit mehr.
Sie nimmt mineralien kreatin und multivitamin.
Sie ist frei von grippe und erkältungen,und es geht ihr gut.

gott segne die gesammte mms familie und unseren erzbischhof"

This is such wonderful news especially as they are approaching the cold wet German weather. I am so happy for them :)
"Do what makes your heart sing"
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