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HPV-Herpes 10 Aug 2012 06:44 #21055

  • truestorytotell
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Hallo everyone, i got a bottle of citric acid and a bottle of MMS from a friend and ive been wanting to use it for quite some time now...

I wont go into details because i would literally have to write a book here, i have Herpes and i have HPV-Genital warts.. The HPV ive had for a year and a half now, and Herpes i had for longer but i found out what those outbreaks were a year and a half ago too.. Imagine finding out on the same day you have 2 STD's.. :(

Anyway ive been a member of NatMedTalk and for the last year ive changed my life like i never thought possible, now the Genital Warts are almost gone, i have had them causterized three times since this all began, they always came back, last time i had them burned they also came back and started re-growing but at one point they just stopped growing up and started growing down, i attribute that to my immune system clearing the virus from inside of me, the HPV has been a priority, i can say on the one hand a blessing in disquise, on the other hand a hell that took away everything i had left in terms of people and social skills, anyway...

I want to use MMS, the friend that sent it to me told me for HPV-warts i should do it internaly externaly...Id like to do it just internally for starters, and im talking about a low dose for the beggining at least untill i get comfortable with making it and taking it, but i cannot have this affect me badly during my work, so if that means taking MMS just twice a week on my days off than thats how it has to be, or maybe do that in the begining and when i get comfortable and see my tolerance levels i can start taking it on working days too, in small amounts that wont cause any dizziness or diarrhea...

So how to make the solution, and how to take the solution for the beggining?

Btw my name Truestorytotell its the same at NatMedTalk too, i have threads there of stuff ive been through health-wise so if anyone wants more details on my HPV, Herpes story it can be found there, i also dealt with Hives at one point and other stuff its all there...

What i want from MMS now is to help my immune system clear my insides of all bad things, to help my immune system finish off the HPV infected cells in me(its been a year and a half and im already winning, its like the final battle), and keep the Herpes in check. And later on when HPV has been dealt with and my situation is a little better in other terms too, i will concentrate on getting rid of herpes too...

Thank you...

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Re: HPV-Herpes 10 Aug 2012 14:10 #21059

  • Bridgette
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Dont worry. I have hpv warts and herpes also.

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