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Re: Personal Energy Fields- Any thoughts on this appreciated. 05 Aug 2012 16:44 #20856

  • Macaddict08
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Your story sounds familiar. When I was living Texas a few years ago, I had a female doctor friend who used to knock out hard drives in computers. She found this out when she wen into the post office one time, and gave a parcel to the guy to weigh.... and he was taking forever to weigh a simple package. He looks up at her and said I can't help you today, my computer just crashed. She did this 2 more times in the weeks to come in different post offices and realized it was HER that was knocking these computers out. her body gave off a charge.

So.... what she did was get herself 2 (had to be 2) copper bracelets, and put them around each wrist.....then, she was able to work with and be around computers again as well as other electronic equipment. On the days when she forgot to put the bracelets on, her computers would act up... and she'd quickly remember to get them on her wrist.

Do computers act up around you ?


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Re: Personal Energy Fields- Any thoughts on this appreciated. 05 Aug 2012 17:08 #20859

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Interesting Steve.... you seem to need "grounding" of some sort. Have you had you blood tested for heavy metals .... just a thought ?


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Re: Personal Energy Fields- Any thoughts on this appreciated. 05 Aug 2012 18:40 #20865

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Hi Steve,

This used to happen to me too. When I lived in NYC, I could walk into a bank and as soon as I got near the counter, the entire row of teller's computers would go down. Many more experiences like this that were consistent. It all fizzled out when I moved to NM :silly: I never really found out why it started when it did, or exactly what was happening. I'm posting now because I wanted to tell you you're not a freak (well, at least not any more freaky than any of us :P ) The only thing I ever came up with was the extraordinary spiritual opening that was happening through me at the time. I couldn't wear hats either -- my head was expanding and my favorites just didn't fit any more. Lots of electrical stuff, and huge synchronicity happening every day. Also, I was seeing auras big time. I'd always thought it would be such a cool thing, but walking down the street in Manhatten and seeing what I was seeing was like tripping -- I didn't know how to stop or slow down the rush of information coming in. When I moved, I was out in nature again with a wide open sky above me, and I had a slower, more intentionally contemplative lifestyle. Meditation helped tremendously. I hope this is helpful, and that things even out for you soon~

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Re: Personal Energy Fields- Any thoughts on this appreciated. 05 Aug 2012 22:20 #20869

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Hot damn. I am so impressed - with you, Steve, with KJ, and with the doc in Texas. I'll be honest, I've always felt that people like me with "just intuitive capabilities" were somehow missing something major. I think you guys have the something major. KJ, I wish you were here to look at my aura. I do have synchronicities - and do try to pay attention to them.
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Re: Personal Energy Fields- Any thoughts on this appreciated. 05 Aug 2012 22:42 #20871

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Isn't synchronicity fabulous! What a wonderful confirmation from the universe...

Alas, I no longer see auras like I did during that period of my life. Now that I'm older (much), I kind of miss it. I still get flashes on a fairly regular basis but not like that time period in NYC. That was way out of my comfort zone. Maybe that's why it stopped. It was too much too fast and I had no one to talk to about it or help me to regulate my experience. I'd always felt like there was/is so much more that we can perceive if we just open ourselves to it -- then it happens and the ego mind tries to control everything and freaks out because you can so easily think you're going crazy -- it's painful and amazing and wonderful and isolating at the same time. Which leads me to ask you, Steve, if you think this might be a Kundalini experience? Do you know anyone who knows about that and how to work with it? I know someone, but he is extremely difficult to get in to see. If you're interested I would be happy to PM you his information.

I really believe that we all have these capabilities -- I think we're hard-wired for it. I wish I could find the on/off button though :)
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Re: Personal Energy Fields- Any thoughts on this appreciated. 14 Aug 2012 02:21 #21193

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I was surprised to hear you are a child of the 60s, your profile picture looks like a man in his 20s.

The copper bracelets is a good idea. With an experienced practitioner, kundalini yoga would really help I think

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