In re-reading what you wrote, you are correct Pam. Maya copa!
It does take a couple of months before you can wean yourself way way down on Carditone, but some have even gotten down to 1/2 tablet every three days, so it does improve conditions enough to put some distance between you and it. Read the reviews on Amazon for Carditone! They are amazing! Maybe you pushed things too soon??? Just something to consider.
Here's a link listing the ingredients in Mukta Vati and a stateside place to order it from for future reference so you don't have to wait so long to get it.
This place also has free shipping. My hubby thinks it's too expensive and time consuming to take due to needing 2 tablets three times a day. One bottle won't get you through but 20 days. Wishing you well Pam. Still love your photo! It always brings a smile to my face.