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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 04 Sep 2012 14:39 #22531

  • Megg
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WTG Archer:) Have you considered CDS or the 7 day fridge method of MMS? Less trouble to the stomach and you can tolerate more. Pam or Steve can help you on this. Megg... congrats !!

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 04 Sep 2012 17:08 #22542

  • KJ
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I'm curious to see how this protocol will help you Archer. I, too, have severe joint pain, though I don't have a diagnosis yet. I've been on the protocols since around July 20, and am having ups and downs and other things are clearing up, but not the joint stuff yet. Maybe it's deeper in there than the other things that have cleared. Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you are noticing improvement -- fantastic work so far!

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 04 Sep 2012 19:06 #22549

  • Archer
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I'm curious to see how this protocol will help you Archer. I, too, have severe joint pain, though I don't have a diagnosis yet. I've been on the protocols since around July 20, and am having ups and downs and other things are clearing up, but not the joint stuff yet. Maybe it's deeper in there than the other things that have cleared. Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you are noticing improvement -- fantastic work so far!

Well I can't say my joint pains are severe - my problem I believe is bacteria that effects the levels of fluid in my joints because each day it can change as to which joint starts clicking.
I was much worse two years ago when this all started. And I tried all sorts of things. The herb Cat's Claw really helped and I would recommend that to anyone, seems super safe to use and helped a lot.

Glutamine Powder I believe also helped.

But I feel MMS has the power to get rid of these problems I've been having for once and for all, by getting the bacteria levels down to a level where my immune system can overpower them.

When I first took MMS I noticed my middle toes on my feet would hurt, that doesn't seem to happen now. But that did show me that the MMS seems to be able to get into all the nooks and crannies.

I'm starting to overcome the smell of MMS.

I probably need to start taking MMS on a non-empty stomach because if I take 3 drops on an empty stomach it kinda feels like I've just been punched in the stomach... which in turn puts me off wanting to take more drops. The nice thing with MMS is that it seems like something you can take at your own pace and still see benefits .. unlike Antibiotics which you need to take continuously otherwise the bacteria adapt. I don't feel like that will happen with MMS as the bacteria don't seem to have a defence against MMS. It isn't a lock and key system like antibiotics where bacteria just change themselves and antibiotics stop working. I'm pretty sure antibiotics are designed to be very limited in their working so that when their patent ends in 20 years time they have room to create something new and make Billions for another 20 years.

For joint problems I'd probably list MMS in the middle of my list of things to try, with the watercure (sea salt + Water) as probably the first thing to try as it's the cheapest and simplest thing a person can try first, with organic sea salt pretty easy to get hold of in most supermarkets.

I'd also think sinus flushes with either salt water or MMS are very beneficial - I'm pretty certain that the sinus cavity is a major hiding place for pathogens. It's hollow, sticky, warm, moist the perfect breeding ground for germs. From your sinuses, bacteria have easy access to you mouth, nose, ears and throat. From the throat they could get access to your lungs, stomach, etc and then everywhere in your body.


When I was on holiday in India I noticed people spat a lot in the streets. To most westerners this might seem quite antisocial but after a while I began to wonder if the spitting action did indeed have many health benefits. These people lived in poor conditions and yet were much healthier then most westerners. I wondered if simply the action of spitting, helped get rid of bacteria that we westerners might otherwise swallow.

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