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Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 17 Jul 2012 20:26 #20035

  • Archer
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Perhaps some people who have already done MMS can think back to their first few days and let us know what they did and how things went?

I'm on Day 2 of MMS and now feeling effects like diarrhea. I think it wouldbe really useful to newcomers to know what to expect.

To give a very brief summary I'm taking MMS for joints pains which I've had for 2 years now - which I believe are the result of a bacterial infection.
I did find taking antibiotics helped reduces the symptoms but never got rid of them and they come and go in waves. I'm hoping MMS will wipe out the bad bacteria once and for all.

I also make my own Kefir which I hope will provide me with a source of good, friendly bacteria.

Day 1 - Took 2 drops an hour for 4 hours - felt tired & mild feeling of wanting to throw up.
Day 2 - Took 3 drops an hour for 3 hours - felt tired, fell asleep - woken up several hours later with lots of rumblings in the intestines and had diarrhea with a very strong smell to it unlike anything I'd smelt before.

What's surprised me for example is what a difference there seems to be in the effects from 2 drops compared to 3 drops.

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 17 Jul 2012 20:46 #20038

  • pam
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I would drop back to 1 drop an hour for 8 hours a day. You need to go slowly - the exhaustion and nausea and diarrhea are typical herxheimer reactions. Usually indicates you're killing off bugs faster than your liver can process them. I know a lot of people tend to think that you just push through the discomfort, but Jim Humble has stated in his book that healing requires a certain amount of energy, and if you're expending that energy dealing with a herxheimer reaction, you're doing a two-steps-forward, one-step-back.

There are a lot of posts on the forum on this kind of thing, so just keep digging. <G>
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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 17 Jul 2012 20:50 #20040

  • Macaddict08
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You might seriously think about taking Calcium Bentonite Clay right before you go to bed (and away from the MMS doses) ...

Reason being, to make sure that you elimination pathways are cleared (i.e. colon) and you are eliminating properly so the toxin die-off from the MMS can exit the body freeling and un obstructed.

Clay will not interfere with the MMS, and has a very high Ph of 9.7 and will soak up acidity and other toxins from the body.

If you are this tired after only 2 days of MMS.... the toxin die-off must be high..... the clay will help,

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 19 Jul 2012 00:32 #20108

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Thanks for all the advice.

I have to say I'm probably tired as well from lack of food and no proper sleep this week. Plus a lot of time I'd normally be eating I was putting off in order to do the MMS so I need to get myself into a routine.

today Day 3 I just had a total break from MMS apart using it as a mouth wash and deodorant - I had a dinner party to go to in the evening and just didn't want to risk diarrhea whilst being out of the house. Have to say I do feel somewhat better then I was before starting the MMS, so will probably do as suggested and try 1 drop per hour from Tomorrow. I normally have trouble breathing through my nose and notice for some time my sinuses seemed a bit clearer then normal.

One thing I did notice with the MMS was a certain amount of pain in one toe on my right foot, I'm also sneezing in a way that usually indicates a cold is about to begin.

My joints feel pretty good today, no obvious clicking noises, so from tomorrow plan to start on the 1 drop per hour and see how that goes.

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 19 Jul 2012 03:18 #20111

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Hi Archer,

What are you trying to treat or get rid of? You mentioned bad bacteria, but what bacteria?

Also, I would agree with Pam. Start with 1 drop per hour over 8 hours and slowly build up. You will just exhaust yourself from the diarrhea and nausea if you go to fast.

Slow and steady.

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 29 Jul 2012 03:33 #20526

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I'm trying to get rid of Streptococcus pyogenes which has lead me to have joint pains. I contracted it from kissing someone that is a Streptococcus carrier. But at the time didn't realize that was the cause, and within 10 days of kissing them started get neck pains that travelled down my body right to my toes. I never suspected that you could catch anything so serious from just a kiss.

And at the time I never saw a doctor because I thought the neck pains where just from me sleeping funny on an old pillow. I went out and bought a new pillow and that helped for a while.
I never thought in a million years you could catch anything so serious from just a kiss.

And since this person lived hundreds of miles away I never saw them often. But the 2nd time I saw them - over a year later I kissed them again and within 10 days started coughing up blood so then I was 100% sure it was them that gave me this. I've told this person about the problem and they've done the whole doctor's visit and antibiotics thing but at the end of the day they seem to be a carrier rather then someone that's affected by this. And themselves lead a very abnormal life when it comes to food. They hardly ever eat and this person was surviving on huge amounts of sugary soft drinks. Like two huge bottles per day. I suspect the fact I had my tonsils removed as a child also meant I was more likely to catch something, as I believe the job of the tonsils is to help fight bacteria as they enter the mouth. Plus this person has an operation as a child and was placed on huge doses of antibiotics for long periods of time so I suspect they have cultivated some extra strong kind of bacteria.

Anyway this is something I've been battling for over 2 years now. I managed to find a few things that helped like the herb "Cat's Claw" and also drinking Green Tea.
And Cats Claw has made huge improvements for me compared to how I was two years ago. I've tried some really powerful antibiotics which did help for a while but they don't fully get rid of it so I'm hoping MMS with be the cure I'm looking for that will get rid of this things once and for all.

I've not fully started the Protocol 1000 yet - so far just been taking MMS now at night time before going to bed, had too many things going on that would have made taking it for 8 hours a day very hard but I'm hoping from Tuesday I'll be able to start. But I think I'm over the worst of the initial reaction. Only had a bad reaction to MMS once where I had bad diarrhea but that did actually feel like a good clean out.

Even just taking MMS once a day I think I've noticed improvements. I'm laying the ground work by doing mouth rinses and sinus flushes with MMS.
And very soon I hope to do the full Protocol 1000 and get back my health once and for all.

One thing MMS has done for me is given me hope for the future. Videos on YouTube, etc that show people giving their testimonies are of great inspiration to me.
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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 29 Jul 2012 14:24 #20540

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We're all rooting for you, Archer!

I know a lot of joint pains have gone away with MMS - although I don't know what caused them all.

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 04 Sep 2012 05:08 #22509

  • Archer
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Hey Guys,

I just noticed it's exactly 7 weeks since I first tried MMS!!!

It's so weird that barely 2 months ago I didn't even know MMS existed and now it feels like an old friend I've had for years

I've been taking MMS for joint problems and I've yet to get around to having the discipline to do a full protocol 1000 (just had too many things going on to put in the full 8 hours a day needed) and also trying to find a time when my stomach is empty AND I'm upto taking the thought of MMS (The thought of the smell of MMS is very off putting for me)

but I've still been using MMS little by little, drinking it from time to time, soaking my feet in it a few times, brushing my teeth with it occasionally, gargling with it now and then, dabbing it on my skin to treat acne and even doing sinus flushes with it.

And slowly over time it's becoming more and more a normal part of my life. I believe my joint pains have gotten better over the last 7 weeks even though I might not take MMS for 2 or 3 days at a time and even then maybe for only 2 hours a day. I'm sure it's help keep my acne under control and even helped fade some old scars. I'm certain since taking MMS my lungs have cleared up a lot and my constant cough which I had for weeks before MMS is pretty much all gone (especially after I started doing MMS sinus flushes).

I'm just so grateful a friend of mine thought to even mention MMS to me in an email one day and so thankful for all those people who posted their testimonies on YouTube because if it wasn't for them I'd have simply disregarded MMS as being a scam. But when I saw ordinary people on YouTube who had nothing whatsoever to gain by exposing themselves to the world to talk about MMS and how it had helped them - that really caught my attention.

The people on this forum have been great as well.

I'm now in position where I feel confident to recommend MMS to open minded friends & family and I'm also thinking about how best to spread the word about MMS. :)

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Re: Day 1 to Day 7 Experiences 04 Sep 2012 14:12 #22530

  • sevenrays
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Hi Archer,

I have had trouble building up to 3 drops an hour as well. So I went on the Baby Bottle Protocol. You do 1 drop into 8oz and dink 1 oz each hour. Next day 2 drops into 8oz drink 1 oz per hour, 3rd dat 3 drops etc. This way your body gets use to MMS gently without big reactions. If You come to a point where you feel the lightest nauseated then back off a drop and stay there a few days before adding another drop.

This method has really helped me to be in control and am able to function. THis truly is a slow and steady way.

"Do what makes your heart sing"

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