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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 15 Jul 2012 23:19 #19936

  • mabukh
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Hi Megg,

My name is Mark and I am 78 years old young. I only found your topic and posts today and did not read all of your correspondence with other members. I am writing to you because three years ago I almost died of COPD. My bronchi were almost completely clooged 4 or 5 times (mostly at night time) and I was very close to being dead. My story with doctors is the same as yours. They recommended steroid inhalers for the remainder of life. For the last 20 years I was on a good diet and did almost all measures that kevink recommended in his last post. It is all good but not very helpful when you have COPD.

Today I am completely free from COPD. I can exhale completely and then run up 3 flights of stairs without taking a breath. No lung problems of any kind. I am not a doctor and cannot give you a medical advice but you can do a couple of things that I did and you may experience a relief as unexpectadly as I did 3 years ago. Maybe someone already recommended these steps to you but, as I said, I did not read all 6 pages of correspondense. So, here we go.

1. COMPLETELY stop eating any and all foods containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, maybe oats). Buckwheat, millet, brown rice are OK. Also reduce the consumption of sugars in cakes, fruit, etc.

2. Go to the internet and learn everything you can about Buteyko Breathing Method. Most of this information is free but if you do not mind paying a few bucks search for a book "The Buteyko Method", by (I believe) Hooper. It is available on the internet as e-book and cost (3 years ago) about $20.00. Unfortunately I cannot find the web address, but he is in Australia and you will probably be able to Google him. The book is mostly about using this method for treating asthma but is excellent for COPD. After you read about Buteyko Method you will know that the WORST thing you can do for COPD is DEEP BREATHING.

3. Drink clean water in small amounts during the day. As much water as you feel you need. Do not overdo it.

As you can see the things that help me the most did not cost much. If you try them and they help, you can do another step. But it costs more money and requires higher discipline:

4. Go to the internet and search for natural methods of treating yeast overgrowth. I personnaly had a very good experience with the site candida-yeast-infection-relief.com/ but you should also check other sites.

Good luck,


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Last edit: by mabukh. Reason: Typo

Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 15 Jul 2012 23:28 #19937

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Hi Mark..I will definately look over the info that you written about.

DID you use MMS to rid yourself of COPD?
If so are you STILL on MMS? and how much?
How long did it take for your COPD to dissapear?
Were you REALLY bad to where you could hardly walk without gasping for air and needing oxygen 24/7?
I need all that you can tell me. IT helps me to look more possitive into this.



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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 16 Jul 2012 02:30 #19941

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I concur with Mark about the Buteyko Method, I undertook the live seminar training course presented by Paul O'Connell in 2005 for no other reason than I was interested in what they were teaching, and as much as it contradicts common understandings it does work. You can research it at www.buteykoairways.com or www.sleepingallnight.com. This method may be beneficial for sufferers of asthma, sleep disorders like sleep apnoea & snoring, and many other breathing disorders.

I do not agree however that you should avoid sugars in fruits. Let's dispel the misnomer about sugars - white refined / processed sugar is poison, it has a very small molecular structure which allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier very rapidly causing a spike in blood sugar and stimulating insulin production. It leads to Crohn's disease, causes fatigue and adrenal weakness, feeds internal parasites, and adversely affects the immune system.

Fruit sugars on the other hand have a larger molecular structure that crosses the blood-brain barrier very slowly and does not create any of the ill effects above, but do provide nutrition and fibre.

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 16 Jul 2012 02:46 #19943

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I had to go with 1/2 drops for days due to violent reaction to the 3 drops per hour. A really sick body cannot do the protocol 1000, I know first hand.

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 16 Jul 2012 05:28 #19949

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are you sure you are keeping yourself hydrated for most of the day ? It sounds a little like you are de-hydrated ...


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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 16 Jul 2012 16:44 #19966

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Hi Megg,

I will try to respond to your questions as well as I can based on my own experience. The methods I used may help you or not depending on the reasons you have COPD.

1. I did not use MMS to rid myself of COPD. The relief from COPD came before I even new about MMS. It may help greatly if your COPD is caused by an infection, but it is probably not the case. The COPD is usually not helped by antibiotics, so it will probably will not be helped by MMS. About 8 month ago, I started the MMS regimen and two months later got up to 24 drops a day (3 drops x 8 times) for 5 days without having any adverse reactions. Since that time, I am taking a maintenance dose of CDS (equivalent of 5-6 drops of MMS once a day). I will continue on this maintenance dose indefinitely to avoid future problems. Archbishop Humble wrote a very good book and has an excellent website. One just needs to follow his instructions to get full benefit of MMS and be healthy.
2. It is difficult to say how long it took for COPD to disappear. As my condition worsened, I tried more and more recommendations I found in books and on the internet. The first relief came after I started using the Buteyko breathing. It took probably 2 to 3 weeks to see some results. Buteyko works slowly and you will get full benefits if you continue using it for at least 4-6 months. By that time Buteyko breathing will become the only way you will breathe. Ant it brings tremendous benefits to the whole body besides relieving the COPD. It clears arteries, makes the flood vessels flexible and greatly reduces hypertension, all without any drugs. You will understand the reason for this when you do your research on this technique. Learn about the Bohr’s Effect. Google it.
3. The second big relief came as a complete surprise. My wife came down with a very bad cold and I stayed home to take care of her. I cooked myself and fed her. I did not go out for a week and used only products that we had in the fridge and pantry. We had some chicken, beef, vegetables and dried fruit. There was no bread, pizza, pasta or any other wheat product. The only bread I could find was a couple of frozen gluten free baguettes made with tapioca (yucca) flower. My huge surprise was that after 3-4 days without wheat all remaining symptoms of COPD completely disappeared. I started learning about gluten and found out that I have gluten sensitivity.
4. You mentioned oxygen a few times. Do you know that 100 years ago patients were given CO2 (carbon dioxide) not oxygen when they had breathing problem. Study the Buteyko Method and you will fully understand why. If you have low CO2 level in your blood the oxygen you are given is not absorbed by the blood. Again, read about Bohr’s Effect.
5. Definitely look at life more positively, you will be OK.
6. There is one more thing that I did that help with COPD and greatly improved my general health. You can often read and hear that you should not eat this or that. Or that you should eat this or that. But who can be sure that these are right recommendation for YOU? If the disorder is not caused by infection, the doctors do not know what to do to heal the patient (short of cutting out a piece of the body). I personally feel that most of non-infectious disorders are caused by some food allergy or sensitivity. There is a test that shows if you have long term food sensitivity. It is called ALCAT blood test. It is different from a conventional allergy test. Research it on the internet. But ignore “ALCAT scam” articles. You can order this test by mail. It is expensive; the full panel costs about $1000.00. I did this test when I was in a relatively good condition, but I wish I did it in the very beginning. Learn about it and decide if it is for you. There is a company that offers ALCAT test at a reduced price. You can read about it at www.accesalabs.com/alcat.

I believe that I answered all your questions to the best of my knowledge. Keep me posted about your progress.

I posted some other messages on this board before. Unfortunately, I do not know how to quickly find them. If I find any of those, I will post a reference here.

Be well and optimistic about your future.


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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 16 Jul 2012 17:05 #19968

  • mabukh
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Hi Megg,

You can see my posts in the folloing topics:

The blessed seed "A cure for every disease except death"

CDS effectiveness

Candida/MMS experiences

Does anyone know why MMS does not kill off candida?

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 16 Jul 2012 22:38 #19978

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One thing that MMS is good for is reducing biofilm - so, it may have a place with COPD that is not "just" bacterial..

Mark, if you go to your profile, one of the tabs is for your posts - you may be able to find what you're looking for there.
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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 16 Jul 2012 23:45 #19979

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How disappointing :( Now you are saying that MMS will not help my COPD . I have looked up the Buteyko Method and the Bohr’s Effect . I knew myself that deep breathing was not getting me anywhere when they wld tell me in the hospital to berath through my nose and out my mouth the pursed lips thing. short breaths worked for me and breathing through my mouth not the nose. I am realy upset because I wasted my money getting this stuff. It is in Jim Humbles list of sacrements COPD that it works for that. I guess not enough of a study was done on it to see how and if it worked on alot of people. Well if anyone else has used MMS and gt good results please message here. and thanks again Mark. I was going to take the MMS this weekend when everyone was home just in case i got ill.. WIll be waiting to hear from people. thanks again


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