I know, to a degree, how you feel. I recently began the MMS1 protocol and felt horrible for quite awhile, however, slowly, things are improving. Keep taking the MMS even if you can only take a wee bit (somedays I have to tell that to myself to stay on track). I just keep envisioning myself as perfectly healthy and whole and try to stay focused on the things I 'can' do. I was once an elite athlete who burned the candle at both ends for years, sold real estate in the 'boom' years, and went full-tilt boogie 16-20 hours a day. So my health problems have humbled me in way that nothing ever has. The plus side of this is that I have a newfound compassion for others and am not quick to pass judgement. I no longer live life in the 'fast lane' and have discovered my I'm not religious, nor do I affiliate with any religious organization. I take time to meditate during the day and find that the simple things in life bring me great joy.
Just yesterday, I was walking around our property and found a patch of wildflowers growing in the middle of our field, which is quite remarkable since the temps have been over 100 degrees for more than a month without any measurable rain, and we are in the midst of a record drought. All of the grass around the field has become dormant and brown, yet in the midst of all this 'lack' and supposed impossibility, something beautiful springs forth. Our bodies are no different, do not give up hope, and know that you are never alone. Sending you much love and healing.