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any ideas whats going on? 10 Jul 2012 09:31 #19720

  • sharon
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Ok,I tried the protocol 1000? and it didnt seem to do anything after a while.I did have diarrhoea for some time to begin with,but it subsided and I felt no better,so was advised to do the protocol 2000? which I believe is for cancer etc,where you increase by 1 drop every hour.Well,I increased by 4 drops a day,as I make a whole days up at once and drink it throught the day and managed to get up to 60 drops,but then I decided to increase by 10 drops,to make 80 drops and couldnt even drink half of it that day as I felt so ill!

I decided to decrease back to 70 drops and still had really bad diarrhoea,so then dropped back to 60 drops and I STILL have bad diarrhoea and feel quite nauseas too! I dont want to keep dropping back,as I dont want to feel like the mms is doing nothing,but cant understand why 70 drops did nothing until I tried 80 drops and now even 60 drops is causing issues.Could it be that whatever is going on inside me is VERY,VERY stubborn and doesnt want to shift and its taken a much bigger dose to get things moving and the diarrhoea and nausea is these "things" fighting back and not wanting to leave?

I am finding that most of what I eat and drink doesnt stay long in me and I have to rush to the toilet and I havent even lost and freaking ounce in weight!!!! Sorry for the description,but what is coming out smells absolutely foul,which it shouldnt do,if its stuff thats not been in there long,so I'm guessing that whats coming out is old and nasty stuff,but what and where would it be coming from?The consistency differs and I've had some strange things come out,even things yellow in colour and shaped like big beans and have the consistency of maybe chrystalysed potato? Sorry!Lol!

I have had candida for many years,which seems to have resisted everything else I've tried,much to the confusion and frustration of all the practitioners that I have seen and am wondering if this could be one of the issues causing all this diarrhoea etc.I also have these kind of lumpy things sort of around my belly button,which I first thought may be a hernia,but read somewhere that most of our immune system is in our intestines and we have [cant explain it very well] sort of,pouches or something there and they get blocked when we are sick and cause all kinds of awful immune responses and am wondering if my "lumps" could be that.

I am very confused as to whats going on in my body and why and when I get days where I feel really unwell [one day I had diarrhoea I felt quite light headed] I wonder if I am doing the right thing,or if I am doing what I'm doing right.It was suggested that I try CDS too and somthing else I think [sorry cant remember] but funds are soooo low and someone said 80 drops is the max and I think someone else said 100 drops is the max,which is right and how long can you keep to those doses? I know I need a Jim Humble book,but I cant afford it and my brain is like a sieve,it wont stay in! Do I even need CDS etc if the mms is giving me diarrhoea? I also have diabetes and my blood sugars are not going down,could this be something else that is fighting to stay too?

Thankyou for any advise I receive,I really appreciate it,I'm pretty lost at the moment.

best wishes sharon

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Re: any ideas whats going on? 11 Jul 2012 07:47 #19756

  • dave
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Hi Sharon

It sounds like your body is doing a lot of cleansing, but this can take time. Since you are going through so much, it probably shows that MMS is working behind the scenes. It might be a good idea to continue taking MMS but possibly to cut down your dosage a little bit to a level that does not produce a lot discomfort or diarrhea. So if are taking 60 drops a day, maybe you would consider instead cutting it down to 30 drops daily and seeing how that goes. You want to take enough MMS everyday to continue your healing process but not so much that it causes too much discomfort or diarrhea and nausea. So try out 30 drops fo a week and seeing if that helps to stabilize the negative reactions. If it does, then you can stay at that dose for a another few weeks. If you find that you are still getting very strong reactions, then maybe cut your dose down even further to say 20 drops for a week. The whole idea is to 'self-pace' according to your body's reactions. When we are getting too much side effects going on, it is a sign we need to back off a bit and slow down. We do this by lowering the dosage daily but still continuing to use MMS. Then after a few days or weeks, when the MMS has dislodged and moved out some of those big poisons, we can consider increasing the dosage again and see how it goes.

There is a lot of bad stuff inside and every day when you take MMS, it is working on dislodging that stuff, but this is a process, and it takes some time. There is no big rush, but we need to continue using MMS daily, while adjusting the dosage according to your needs.

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Re: any ideas whats going on? 11 Jul 2012 08:54 #19759

  • sharon
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Hi Dave,

Thanks for your post,I really appreciate it and your advice.I dread to think what my insides look like,but I know this process is pretty uncomfortable! I am a pretty impatient person,but only because I have been ill for soooo long and want it over and done with asap.Is it normal to have spasms of "die off" and have to get to a higher dose before it seems to have a reaction,to the point that you have to then drop quite low,much lower than before any reaction happened? Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: any ideas whats going on? 11 Jul 2012 11:23 #19760

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Hi Sharon

MMS is still working even if we are not feeling a lot of reactions/discomfort etc. You don't need to have alot of symptoms to know that it is working. In fact, ideally, we would not feel much at all, except starting to feel better. Feeling better is also a sign that MMS is working. The apparent 'bad' signs such as nausea and diarrhea are also signs that MMS is working but we don't need to have these to know MMS is working. Sometimes discomfort and nausea is unavoidable, but we do what we can to manage these symptoms by lowering the dosage.

Sometimes less is more and remember the saying, 'make haste slowly'. With prudent self pacing (decreasing amount of MMS so that one stay under nausea /diarrhea level), one can achieve great things. Sure, it might seem to take a bit longer, but health was not built in a day. What is important is not the speed at which you travel, but rather the direction! Direction is more important that speed. As long as I am taking MMS every day and moving forward with the healing process.

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Re: any ideas whats going on? 11 Jul 2012 15:41 #19762

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And to back up Dave's words - our whole goal is to heal - to lessen the pathogen load on our bodies so that we can - through our own immune system - come back to optimal health. Herxheimer reactions may indicate the MMS is working, but they also take energy away from us, energy that our body uses in the healing process. Unless you've got something like malaria - pace your body by its needs.
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Re: any ideas whats going on? 11 Jul 2012 17:57 #19764

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andreas kalkcker have said if we have some tipes of parasites like ascaris its posible in 100% that we cant tolerate the mms1 even taken one drop, i suggest you make a deworming for asacaris ( may be with pirantel or other) , before continue your tretment with mms1.
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Re: any ideas whats going on? 11 Jul 2012 20:46 #19769

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Re: any ideas whats going on? 12 Jul 2012 10:16 #19784

  • sharon
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Hi Dave,

There must be so much rubbish in my body to get rid off,but cant understand why it took a higher dose to "dislodge" it and now it doesnt seem to want to stop,but I would rather it was like this,than not feeling anything at all.

I have dropped back my dose and I'm not as bad,so will keep dropping back until I have no more diarrhoea and nausea.

I am impatient,I have been so ill for so long,I just want an end to it all,my whole life has been wasted and lost to ill health and feel there is nothing left for me now.My whole life has revolved around illness and I have no education or career to show for anything,what a waste!Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: any ideas whats going on? 12 Jul 2012 10:30 #19785

  • sharon
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Hi Pam,

I am impatient,but I dont know how I am supposed to feel "better" taking mms when I have other issues like hypothyroidism,adrenal issues,vit and min defficiencies,hormone imbalances and possible pituitary issues,which cant be resolved by mms,but which make me feel very ill anyway,I wouldnt know whats doing what.

Why has it taken a bigger dose of mms to start a reaction and the reaction is still there,even though the dose I'm taking now didnt do anything before? Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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