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Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 05 Jul 2012 21:28 #19514

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I have been sick for the past 9 years. Before that I served in the Army National Guard as an infantry soldier. I was also an elite athlete. When I got sick, I was in the best shape of my life, and was training for my first triathlon. I came down with a flu-like illness and have never been the same.

I have been to 20 different Doctors and tried everything. My symptoms are night sweats, muscle aches, bone aches, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, and un-refreshed sleep(after 9 hours).

2 years ago a Doctor saved my life and found that I had Hypercoagulation(which has killed many veterans). She put me on blood thinners, so I didn't die from blood clots.

I just found out that I now have Osteopenia, which is Pre-Osteoporosis. I am only 39 years old!

I am now mostly bedridden throughout the day. I feel the best when I am lying down.

My wife and I are praying that MMS and this forum is going to be able to help me.

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Re: Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 06 Jul 2012 01:32 #19528

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Red - so many diseases (or processes) have these symptoms - damn! Thank goodness your doc found the hypercoagulation - now if she could just find what is causing THAT! (not dissing her, IMHO the medical field is limited to what they're taught!)

Yes, go on MMS - and I'd certainly go from 1000 to 2000 - take it slow, start low and work up, since you're not in danger of dying immediately - be sure to stay hydrated -

This potentially is going to be a long process (I'm not trying to program you for that_). But I definitely think you can be helped.

There are so many innovations in the MMS arena now - some of which have not been officially published - - like the parasite protocol from Andreas and Kerri -

Please hang around and stay in touch.

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Re: Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 06 Jul 2012 08:50 #19539

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Hi Red,I dont know anything about hypercoagulation,but some of your symptoms sound very much like my husbands.My husband has haemachromatosis, a hereditory blood disorder that means you hold onto too much iron and maybe where your hypoercoagulation is coming from,maybe.Haemachromatosis is a very common blood disorder,but unfortunately,most doctors dont even know what it is,or have even heard of it! It's far more common in men and you may not get any symptoms for years.You need to have a full iron panel done which includes serum iron,T.I.B.C,% saturation of iron and most importantly ferritin,as ferritin is your stored iron,which is stored mainly in your liver,hence the reason haemachromatosis can cause liver disease and as the liver is the biggest protector of the heart,why it also leads to heart attacks.

Heamachromatosis also causes diabetes and hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism is linked to M.E/C.F.S/Fibromyalgia,they are all symptoms of hypothyroidism.Before I,yes I,found out my husband had haemachromatosis,he was extremely fatigued and his joints ached like mad and because of the haemachromatosis,he now has hypothyroidism and diabetes.

My husband wont take the mms and I thought I had saved his life by finding out he has this blood disorder,but didnt know about the effects on the heart and subsequently,he had 4 heart attacks in February,but is still alive,only because he is on a pretty good dose of thyroid meds! Yes,your doctor did save your life by giving you the blood thinners,much to my husbands loss,his stupid,worthless haematologist didnt even bother sending him to a cardiologist to check for clots and his heart was full of them on the right side,right up to the aorta!

Its just a suggestion to be tested for haemachromatosis,but worth the time and effort.If you do have it,you will have a very high ferritin level which should tell them to get more tests for the faulty genes that cause it.There is no cure and the only thing that keeps it under control is venus sections [having large amounts of blood taken all at once].

Strange how so many veterans have had the same thing,but I do have to say,hypothyroidism can be brought on by shock or stress and a lack of thyroid hormones affects the WHOLE body.People do die of heart related problems caused by hypothyroidism,in fact hypothyroidism causes soooo much damage and carnage its rediculous!

Yes the mms will help immensely,because being a soldier you would pick up many pathogens etc from different places you wouldnt normally go. Cover all areas,get a full iron panel,but also get your thyroid checked too.I dont know where you live but doctors only seem to check your TSH levela nd this is stupid,because it doesnt tell you if you have a thyroid issue,but a pituitary issue,so you need to get your FREE T3 and FREE T4 level checked and also your thyroid anti-bodies. Good luck Red and hope you feel better soon;)

best wishes sharon
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Re: Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 06 Jul 2012 13:50 #19549

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Hi Pam,

If you were in my situation how would you start?

I am tired of being sick and want to get better as quickly as possible.

I am thinking of starting with Protocol 1000, the bags, and bathing in MMS2.


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Re: Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 06 Jul 2012 13:51 #19550

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Hi Sharon,

Thanks for the advice. I will get those tests done.

I hope your husband's health improves!

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Re: Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 06 Jul 2012 14:14 #19551

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I think you've got the right idea, Red, in terms of protocols to follow - start 1000 with 1 drop an hour the first day, then go to 2 drops an hour the second, and then to 3 drops an hour the 3rd. If you find that you have a reaction at all (herxheimer) - then drop back to the lower dose - don't give up! You can make a day's dose and keep it in a sports bottle - www.jimhumble.biz - click on the 1000 protocol and there will be a video showing you how Mark makes up the day's dose.

Please keep us posted -


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Re: Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 09 Jul 2012 08:32 #19691

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Thanks Red,you too;))

best wishes sharon

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Re: Former Army soldier and elite athlete who is very sick. 17 Jul 2012 14:51 #20010

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Hi, Have you been tested for Lyme disease? that is what your symptoms sound like to me.
Also, there was the infamous Antrax vaccine given to our soldiers during the gulf war back in the 90's that really made alot of them sick for years to come. some say it was a "test" vaccine similar to the tuskeegee experiments.

either case, MMS protocols will knock out alot of pathogens, you may also want to look into the Salt/C Protocol which also knocks out pathogens.

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