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my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 04 Jul 2012 10:17 #19458

  • Dave
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Hi all,

for what it is worth I would like to share a common sense approach that I devised to using MMS. As I feel that a lot of what I have read on this forum looks quite extreme, and we don't want to tax the body too much, we want to gently detoxify and allow the body to heal itself, there is no rush....

I find the protocol 1000 to be a bit hectic for me, so I just make one batch of MMS for the day. Decide how much you want to take. I suggest starting with about 6 drops. Make up your MMS with the required 10% citric acid, 5 drops per drop of MMS and then wait 3 minutes. Add this to a glass 500 ml or 1lt bottle and then top up with water. I prefer water to juice, and I have found it to be more effective. Besides the taste is not that bad with this method, you can get used to it.

Once your bottle is made, you can sip it when needed in the day, (take it with you) or simply drink it either as one dose or drink half in the morning and other half in afternoon.

I personally prefer to use water rather than juice and I dilute the solution a bit to make it more palatable. I then sip it, rather than gulp it down.

Using this method, you can take MMS every day if you are doing a clean out or detox similar to protocol 1000, and you might want to increase the amount of drops over time, though I don't find it necessary to go over 6 - 8 drops in general, as it will do the job of healing, it just might take a bit slower which is better actually. If you have too much nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, it means you are using too much and overdoing it. Better to go for a slow gentle healing, as you don't want to shock your body.

MMS is the most effective and efficient healer I know of, but use it wisely and sensibly and you will get good results.

In summary, my approach is to use either in one or two doses a day of about 6 to 8 drops maximum, so as to make it convenient and also to make it gentler on the body. MMS is an important part of a healing, but keep it in perspective and don't overdo a good thing. Other essential aspects of healing include good sleep, right choice of food and daily and seasonal routine. I can give more info on these other aspects if anyone is interested.

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Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 04 Jul 2012 14:46 #19464

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Since your "common sense" method is probably not going to actually accomplish anything, i.e., not be very useful in working with any illnesses, I'd definitely avoid it. This makes me wonder if you're not DaveA on the miracle_mineral_supplement list who has spent so much time at a well known anti-mms advocate's knee. :)

As an example - MMS is out of the body in 1.5 to 2 hours - so if you drink it all at once, particularly a weakened dose (I know, JH says to start low, but he doesn't say to STAY low) - you've got at the most 1.5 to 2 hrs of chlorine dioxide to work - not a full 8-10 hours of a low dose treatment (and 3 drops an hour is a low dose, compared to what some were doing earlier) - also sipping it all day would make it rather ineffective because you've already weakened the dose, and now you've got food interacting with "sips" - and if you take it all at once, 6 drops at once might cause a herx reaction.

JH has devised the protocols to make the most efficient use of MMS. Yes, there are people for whom MMS needs to start "low and slow" - some who have problems with the citric acid, not with the actual chlorine dioxide. But JH has been doing this for over 10 years and has mucho experience with it. I'd stick with his protocols, if it were me. You can, of course, do exactly what you want to.
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Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 05 Jul 2012 09:24 #19503

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Few corrections to my last post: What I do is to make up a batch of MMS for the day, say for example 8 drops. Then I sip it through out the day. But i don't sip it all the time, I take a dose every two hours or so, and i make sure the amount I take is probably the equivalent of 2 or 3 drops at a time. This makes my method almost the equivalent as the protocol 1000. My method simply is very user friendly and you can take your full daily MMS quotient with you to work. It is mainly good for those not with serious illnesses, but rather milder illnesses or problems.

And although MMS is only active in the body for about 1 hour, sometimes you might want to stop using it by lunchtime or the afternoon if the detox symptoms get too intense at first. Ie if you have some nausea etc. Even though the MMS has finished its work after 1 hour. You might still feel the effects of nausea and much more for the rest of the day, get a Herx reaction. So I like to wait until the herx reaction passes, till probably the next day. As Pam mentioned earlier, the one can get a Herx reaction from using too much too quickly. So the essence of my method is to start at moderate doses so that any herx reaction is mild and then to try and slow down as to not increase the uncomfortableness of the herx reactions. That is why I called it a 'common sense approach'.

As I don't personally feel that overdoing as Pam suggests is necessarily the best thing. Also Pam says 'Since your "common sense" method is probably not going to actually accomplish anything, i.e., not be very useful in working with any illnesses'

That is not actually true, as I have used this method with astonishing success on my own body, it has single handedly helped me with the following:
-low energy, depression, poor concentration, memory, breathing problems, lung weakness and congestion, head and throat congestion. I can go on and on. MMS has helped me mainly to feel great physically but also mentally and emotionally. I believe others can also get these good overall results, provided they use common sense.

And No Pam, I am not DaveA, as this is the first time I am using any internet forums. So before you make assumptions, please consider that I am actually trying to help others by giving information on how I personally use MMS and have gotten great results. I personally could not handle protocol 1000 the way it is given, so I adjusted it to my bodily needs and got good results. I still get great results, by listening to my body and 'self pacing', by increasing and decreasing according to the reactions I get. Though I personally don't find very high doses make so much more of a difference. Just take a little bit everyday, and eventually you will get there.

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Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 05 Jul 2012 12:39 #19506

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I'm glad this has worked for you, your original instructions were definitely not clear - as they indicated that an ongoing dose of 1 drop an hour (or less) would be effective over time - and that has not been found to be the case. Or that you could drink it all at once, which would probably cause a herx reaction, or that you could space it out in such a way that you don't get the continuous dosing.

To indicate that your method is "common sense" thus implies that Jim Humble's method is not - since it is different. If you choose to come onto the forum and your first step is to basically discount the work of the person who has promulgated the use of MMS for returning the body to optimal health - you can expect to get some heat.

Maybe if you had just said, "this is the way I do it, and it has worked for me, although I have no severe illnesses" it would have flown better, rather than setting yourself up as the expert, with "common sense" advice. I do not find your advice to be "common sense" at all. We can leave it at that.
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Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 05 Jul 2012 14:42 #19508

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You might take into account that there are many people out there with many different conditions, issues, and just plain more "variables" that you could possibly imagine to be able to make a 'White Wash' statement about MMS like that. WHat might be "common sense" for you, might be total hell for another person.

Maybe MMS will "widen" your viewpoint on life, and place more focus on the bigger picture of things .... cause right now, in your mind, the spotlight seem to be shining on you only !


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Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 05 Jul 2012 16:07 #19509

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Really appreciate your sharing your experience Dave . . . don't see you as being self-absorbed or trying to come off as an expert . . . thank's !

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Last edit: by BRUCE.

Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 06 Jul 2012 01:05 #19523

  • mariannhvw
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Peace to you all. The nice thing about this forum is that we can all listen to one another, share knowledge as well as experience. Slowly but surely we will get better and better in using MMS. What works for one person does not work for someone else. My experience with many people is that even if I like to get them to take 3 dr dosis, they get so sick. I myself have to stay at 2 dr dosis. even though I started many years ago when the protocols were to take 15 dr at the time, I was so determined to get better that I put up with the consequences. I am very pleased that we now hear that a low dose every hour is more effective.
I want to congratulate you on your progress Dave and thank you for sharing your experience. I am sure there will be people who will benefit from it.

My best wishes to you all.

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Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 06 Jul 2012 09:08 #19540

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Hi guys

thanks to all for your comments, they are appreciated! I just want to set the record straight. I did not intend to come across as an expert, and I do see how that can come across. It does seem that some of you have some psychological hurts, and these feelings can get triggered. if you are hurting, then you will try to take it out on others.

I basically just wanted to share my own positive on going experiences with MMS, as I had to find ways to use it that worked for me. Obviously everyone is different and has different needs. Some are working on serious illness and some are working on mild illnesses. Each case needs to be seen individually and not taken as a one size fits all approach.

I personally find smaller doses of anything between 2-4 drops to be quite adequate to produce a significant healing responses. But I adapt my dosages according to my needs, by listening to my own body. I would change my dosage based on the degree of comfort or lack of comfort I was having. So as not to detox or heal to suddenly as this can be counterproductive. It is important to 'self pace', by decreasing dosage if one is feeling severe reactions and even stopping MMS usage until the next day. The body does need some time to adapt to the healing process as it goes along. Conversely one can slowly increase one's dosage if one feels that that is what is needed.

Finally, another important aspect that i have personally found to be important is to get rid of the notion that one has to feel some 'strong' reaction in order to know that MMS is working. In fact, I have found that sometimes if one takes the 'optimum dose', one might not feel anything at all, or one might just feel great. The aim is not to feel too make yourself feel sicker. I think Jim humble has written a lot about this. All the while, MMS is quietly working. There is a saying in Ayurveda, 'that your detox should be so gentle, you should hardly feel it.'

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Re: my method of using MMS( common sense advice) 06 Jul 2012 14:59 #19556

  • gosherrygo
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Agreed. I think each person has to find their own 'MMS groove.' I've been experimenting with several dosing protocols and have found the 'baby bottle protocol' to be the one that I handle best. Although it may be considered 'wimpy,'--as far as protocol intensity is concerned--it's all I can tolerate at this point in the process. I've even skipped a day here and there because I simply couldn't function. Sometimes I wonder if I am beyond help, a diffiicult case, or just extremely sensitive. I'm toying with the addition of DMSO to see what happens. I just don't want to feel worse than I do now.
Experienced a mercury flare-up last week from taking B12 supplements. Then later discovered that B12 methylcobalaman--the supposedly 'superior' form of B12, will methlyze mercury stored in the body and brain and send you reeling into a world of hurt & mayhem. All my amalgams were removed via the Huggins protocol 3 yrs ago, yet sypmtoms of heavy metals persist, although not as intense as in the beginning. I'm using bentonite for the metals--baths and orally--unable to tolerate cilantro or any other type of chelation. Whatever the day brings, I just keep on truckin,' praying and doing the the very best I can, which I feel is what the majority of the sick people on this site are doing. Just to know that you are not alone and there are folks here that have been in a world of hurt, yet have recovered and are living well, helps me to move forward and focus on healing. Much love and appreciation to everyone who takes the time to post!
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