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CORRECT DOSAGE MMS2-after 67days still HERPES+ROSACEA+BREAST CYSTs-85day 27 Jun 2012 18:11 #19279

  • Fruit Tree
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Hi, thanks for your answers!
I take calcium hypochlorite-MMS2 (ES 231-908-7)KING POOL CHLOR SHOCK- from German company)
=min. 950g in 1kg
so it is 95% correct???

www.michaelharrah.us/humble-protocols/55-protocol-4000 and you are saying Michael used 73% MMS2?- even I couldnt see it in that link...www.michaelharrah.us/Protocols-Jim-Humble/protocol-4000.html

Jim says for 12hours a day...???+ 42doses a week :7=6 capsules a day bi-hourly, but then Jim writes he cured HIV after only 5wks on 5xcapsles a day!???
So should one take just 5x or 6x capsules a day???
-about 70kg person should take= 800mg MMS2 capsule 0
-about 45kg=500mg MMS2 capsule size1
=so if I weight between 58-60kg :0.09=644- 667mg so size 0 UNCRASHED 95% MMS2
I decided so, as in pharmacy POWDERED Magnesium in size 0 capsule says =0,5g!!! So I was more worried I might be not taking enough of MMS2- but you are saying I am maybe taking too much and thats why I dont see any cure...if mine is 95%MMS2...
Anyone weighted the MMS2 in capsule 0 filling just the bigger part of a capsule
and can get his head around the correct dosage?
Should I take 6x size 1 then or rather 5x size 0 perhaps or even 5x size 1- if mine is 95%MMS2???

I would really like your help to get it right as I am now on 85th day (I take 6x size 0 (at 2pm-4pm-6-8-10-12- everyday) and I dont want to take too much to not cure myself with it neither want I to mess it up!
I do NOT TAKE ANY ASCORBIC ACID as I have heared from Jim that it isnt necessary with MMS2
ONLY with MMS1 (1g of ascorbic acid 2h before or after MMS1), however very rarely I take 2h after or 4-5h before 500mg of ASCORUTIN and Multivitamin or orange juice for breakfast always at least 2h before 1st dose of MMS2- that should not cause any problem-correct?

I have read that Michael I think, cure people from HERPES (virus or intracellular parasite- new theory) within 2months of MMS2 only,
however AFTER 67days I still got- as usual- 3 HERPES BLISTERS (so I must be doing something WRONG, not?)
I left on it also MMS2 (1capsule in 30ml water) on cotton pad- it hurt terribly- made a red bloody mark also all around it on mucous membrane and healed longer than usual 5days. Probably it can be used on skin but not on mucosa!? Is there a point to put it on herpes direct? perhaps just spray and wipe it off if there will be a next time???

Should I use also MMS1 due to my ROSACEA (15 drops 2xa day or 3drops 8x day and how many MMS2 then or MMS3? And if I would start using MMS1 just for bath+teeth+spray- do I need to take ascorbic acid or not?)
or shall I continue just with MMS2 just lower somehow the dosage??? Can it not cure if dosage is too high- really???

Since the start I was terribly overgassy with a tiny nausea from my belly- more like ill feeling- but nothing serious- I was drinking a bit of water before and more after MMS2- alltogether 300-500ml of boiled tap- cold water.
Now I am making UNSWEETENED TEA just with 3 small leaves of various herbs just to taste and the gassiness almost dispapeared- not sure if because of the herbs added as the tendency was there beforehand.
Does the gassiness means that patogens in stomach and guts are dying???

And would you know, what works on BREAST CYST (noncancerous- 3x0,5cm size)
- probably fungus-not sure- as GP overload me with 15moth of ANTIBIOTICS on small rash on my cheeks and thanks to that Í got severe ROSACEA (now mild thanks to 4years of herbal etc. home curing but hope MMS will get rid of it for good:)

I would really welcome any suggestion, however small as I am new to this-
and people around me are saying I am totally crazy doing some net USA cure saying goverment+fear this and that-
that MMS does not cure me and can easily pierce my guds even without me knowing etc., that I can have big problems many years after due to MMS, that it is not a tried medication and I am really their trying rabbit-testing animal etc. etc
also doctor in my family does not believe I do this, so I would really like to show them some result, otherwise they will drive me mad:)
I am a big believer in peoples flower-power, I would like to do without government, so you surely play on my strings, however I hope it is for real- and GOOD:)
Jim, have you never done any tests-study on MMS and fertility, blood screening changes (one woman did on one person and did not rec MMS due to some blood cloth- black mark changes in the blood cells) etc. before and afterwards- years after the use of MMS? If you worked with many hospitals it should not be a problem- you are saying you cannot publish any of them, but did you do any longterm? Are women having healthy babies after taking longterm MMS still 10 years after?

I would really appreciate some light on that:)

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Last edit: by Fruit Tree. Reason: one word spelling error

Re: CORRECT DOSAGE MMS2-after 67days still HERPES+ROSACEA+BREAST CYSTs-85day 09 Jul 2012 03:35 #19682

  • Blessed/smartyme
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Hi Fruit tree,

I was wondering how have you been? as anything changed.

Thank you

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Re: CORRECT DOSAGE MMS2-after 67days still HERPES+ROSACEA+BREAST CYSTs-85day 09 Jul 2012 08:26 #19690

  • pam
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So much here - Jim Humble changed the dosing on MMS to max 1/2 a size 0 capsule at a dosing, and he has indicated that change in one of his 4000 protocols. According to what I've read, it is 400mgs. (if you prefer to weigh it) - Here's where he changed it:

MMS2 has been used to help handle cancer for several years now and has been very successful. In the current cancer protocol (Protocol 2000), it is given 5 times a day. In Malawi when we ran out of MMS1, I had people take one gelatin capsule size zero with MMS2 (now changed to half a capsule) in it 5 times a day to treat the HIV condition, and it worked. We used it successfully on about 200 people in Malawi but also on hundreds of people before I was in Malawi and recently in the Dominican Republic.

You can find that at www.genesis2church.is/mms-protocol-4000.html - It is also on the 4000 protocol on jimhumble.biz. I know about it only because of doing some translation work.

Your calcium hypochlorite is quite strong (pure) - most of us can only get our hands on 68% - you probably can do even less than 400 mgs -

The URL with the 55 in it is incorrect.

Jim does not work in a hospital. He occasionally works with hospitals, like in Africa working with Malaria patients, but usually he is "in the bush" -

You are right - I've never heard of MMS2 being affected by ascorbic acid or OJ, but it is good to have it separated from your food and supplements.

If you're going to do MMS1 for rosacea, I'd do the protocol 1000 - which is 3 drops, 8 hrs a day. Not the 15 drops 3x a day. And I would start with say, 1 drop 8 hours a day, and work my way up, slowly.

MMS does not change/harm the blood. The oxidation potential is too low for it to be attracted to blood cells. Plus it "kills" itself in the process of "killing" the pathogens, and is broken down to it's constituent ions, which are released in the breathing and excretion cycles - usually within 1.5 to 2 hrs. Women have been reported having healthy babies, though, taking MMS, so it does not seem to be a problem.

Sorry to have missed this earlier. Oh - and as Sally will tell you, HSV can be a very stubborn virus!
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Re: CORRECT DOSAGE MMS2-after 67days still HERPES+ROSACEA+BREAST CYSTs-85day 09 Jul 2012 13:18 #19698

  • Matthieu Le Bleux
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Try taking MMS2 baths at least once a day, and make a very diluted MMS2 spray.
Very diluted is important because too much MMS2 will burn the skin. Then spray the blisters and face once per our.

A diluted solution you could start out with maybe 20 grains of Calcium hypochlorite (MMS2) in a 4 oz bottle. MMS2 is extremely effective for many skinrelated problems, yet it is always important to be careful and start out with weak solutions, especially on your face and neck. I have burned my skin on my neck and face before, probably from MMS2 (all though it was nothing severe and I was using extremely high doses - some two tablespoons of MMS2 in a bathtub.. Or maybe it was three. Honestly I don't even remember. )

When I use the spray I would spray it on my hand, smear hands together and then rub it on the face or other parts of my body, especially on areas with blisters, boils or wherever MMS1 spray protocol is not giving you the results you want.

For the Herpes, if you have done the protocols properly and it is still not working to rid you of the Herpes, you can look into The Underground Cure , they seem to be curing Herpes in particular with great success, using MMS and a specific diet. Most Herpes is reported gone within a weeks time.
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Last edit: by Matthieu Le Bleux.

CORRECT DOSAGE MMS2-after 67days still HERPES+ROSACEA+BREAST CYSTs-85day 23 Oct 2012 17:13 #25322

  • Fruit Tree
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Hi, thanks everybody for your kind advice!
I have finished taking MMS2 exactly after 120days (full size 0 capsule of my almost pure MMS2- 6x a day, every 2nd hour+ bath almost every other day- 1tsp-1Tbsp- too drying but increase energy hugely!!!)
which is stated as the longest cycle of demodex parasite of ROSACEA,
however it had no effect on my Rosacea skin at all.
Maybe I became more energetic, but it could also be due to upcomming summer:)
Nevertheless, my days circle almost entirely about remembering the dosage (never forgot even one, so did the protocol perfectly...and still nothing...) and my stomach was not in a pleasant state (no vomitting, or diarrhea etc.)-
it was quite masochistic...but I got used to it- I usually can take quite a bit.
It was a great relieve to finally decide to stop, when I did not see any results.
Maybe taking a lot of MMS2 is really not better than taking just a little bit as PAM suggested Jim Humble also lowered the protocol with MMS2. But I will not try it now with lower dosage as I think I should see results after 120days if it was working on my ailments. As the only think it has changed since my starting days of MMS2- was no more of bloating of my stomach, just an unpleasant feeling which lasted till the end.
I would love to say it did, however, cure my herpes, as I did not get it since- apart from a swallowed bit in anal area during my period, which looked like coming up to herpes, but I did not see any blisters...so it is hard to say yet.

Now I will try internal use of MMS1 as topical spraying did not help.
For that please check my other posts.
This one was just for MMS2- which I am probably done with unless somebody comes up with some useful tips for ailments stated in the topic of this post.
Lots of Love

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