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mms/dmso-scabies or demodex mites 13 Jun 2012 06:52 #18679

  • painless
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Thanks for the help here. I am getting close I think. Just my eyebrowns have some left and the hair is coming back in. Hard to deal with as I put on make-up to go to work and have to clean that off and start over every night. It's embarrassing.

I had been suffering for 2 years. 1st I used scabies treatments from a site on line which helped some but after two treatments not really effective though had good info like cleaning house, bedding, clothing daily etc. 20 years ago, I suffered with fibromyalgia/lupus and really was full of parasites and parasite cleanses and zapping worked well, even made my own tincures as doctors said I would be dead soon and just take their steroids and pain medicine. But after 10 years of steroids from what i thought was poison ivy each spring and fall or if I was in the sun, my immune system was run down so badly I knew I needed to find my own cure. I was well in a few months and never trusted a doctor again. Having the metal taken out of my teeth and replacing them with diamond lite also helped so much as I had at least 10 mercury filings. Any metal creates a positive charge and will draw pathogens to the area. Even a gold ring will send metal to the breasts and can lead to breast cancer.

I used green hull black walnut tincture for awhile but where it is good for soft parasites, it isn't strong enough for mites. Zapping didn't seem to help either but i did not get the chip for mites that drclark.com has and that may have helped.

For a year, I used hydrogen peroxide and water with borax, It worked to some extent. 1:3 with 1-2 T borax in each quart, just enough to stay in solution found on curezone with ted's remedies.

Recently, I started with MMS got a full day with 6 drops every hour for 6 hours and then nausea and diarrea. Sick for hours but the next day, i felt like I was 20 years younger. The new videos on youtube are most helpful. I will use the 6 drops only 3x a day as I was fine until i got hungry and had to eat something. So I think waiting a few hours before or after eating will work better.

I'm still confused about mixing a whole quart in water and taking drinks out of it all day as in the video on the youtube site as I thought in two hours it was supposed to turn to salt water?

I finally got the DMSO and have used it topically for a few weeks. Using Matt Monarchs way is helping so much. If I had known about this two years ago, I'm sure I would have gotten rid of them quickly. I think I need to use the MMS for a few weeks to get them out of my blood stream and go on a weekly dose two times a week to keep it in check. I have not tried using the DMSO/MMS together internally because I haven't found the dosage yet.

I still have to pick off the mites as I have had areas where there are 3 or four layers that I have to peel away. The skin seems to fill in and make it look normal. My kids think I'm crazy as no one can really see them from a distance unless the layers get so large. They will bleed if you don't get the whole mite out and I think they may be responsible for many who are told they may have cancer if they have a place on their body that bleeds and won't heal. But once you get the whole mite out, the skin heals instantly as if nothing had ever been there before.

The adults are more like the little hard shell from popcorn the part that can get stuck in your teeth only the size of a celery seed to half that size with a little head like a tick. I got them at a retreat where we camped under the trees and thought I had some small ticks in my hair at first like brown dandruff until I thought I had a popcorn kernal stuck by my hairline in front. I looked at it with a magnifiying glass and it was some kind of a mite. I didn't know I had become infested with them for six months.These mites may be a different type as I can see them with a make-up mirror, but they have a hard body, there are different stages before that and the early larva stage is killed by neem oil but each stage seems to need a different cure. They turn white after putting on the hydrogen peroxide borax mixture then I can spear them with a needle off the skin or pick them off with tweezers.

If anyone else is suffering from anything like this, I hope this helps.

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