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65 days MMS2 NO CHANGE!? 07 Jun 2012 22:39 #18406

  • Fruit Tree
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Hi, no answers, so perhaps I give you an update and hope for one to come-
I have been taking religiously
6 x capsules size 0 every day, every 2nd hour of a day -P4000- (+bath with 1tsp of MMS2 once a week)
now for 65 days MMS 2 POOL CHLOR SHOCK with NO VISIBLE RESULTS at all- since day one I had no diarrhea or vomiting and started as described in previous post. Drinking 0,5 litr with each capsule- started with boiled tap water (no fluoride) now I use herbal tea so not even gassy stomach I experienced anymore as with boiled water there was a pressure even up my throat...

MY UNCANCEROUS BREAST CYSTS 0,5cm did not change a bit- anyone knows if MMS1 cures them- baths- or MMS2should do?

My ROSACEA is the same I think-difficult to count pimples-one day less one day more...should I use MMS1 topically to cure it???
Herpes they dont do tests on here, so hard to say, but someone here said I think that it takes over the month to cure it with MMS2 only?

Could someone please ask JIM HUMBLE for how long max I can take those 6capsules MMS2 a day to dont hurt myself? It should not acumulate in the body or pierce the guds or deprive the body of the stomach HCL- or could it???
My kidneys might be overworked with drinking 3l + of herbal tea each day, or not?
Anyone there please to advise me???
thank you

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Re: 65 days MMS2 NO CHANGE!? 07 Jun 2012 22:53 #18407

  • kwag
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My kidneys might be overworked with drinking 3l + of herbal tea each day, or not?

Just out of curiosity, what sugar or sweetener are you using with your tea?

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Re: 65 days MMS2 NO CHANGE!? 07 Jun 2012 23:24 #18409

  • alfernandes
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Hi Fruit Tree
Plus informations over Protocol 4000


STEP 1. Amounts of MMS2 to take bi-hourly

High Doses Not Necessarily Helpful

128 pounds = 58.0598234 kilograms

A 100 pound person ...

... would need 500 mg doses and that could be one size 1 capsule every two hours. Or following the above example, one could take a level teaspoon and divide it as given above and take pile B1 which, of course, would equal one quarter of the teaspoonful and that would make 500 mg for the 100 pound person.

Always drink at least one glass of water with any dose of MMS2

Step 2. Procedure: Take MMS2 bi-hourly 12 hours a day for 3 weeks

Do not begin by taking the full amount as recommended above. Take 1/4 or less than recommended for starting off and within a day or two, increase the dose up to what is recommended above. Increase a little bi-hourly.

Hypochlorite always smells like chlorine, but it is not chlorine.

You may not have a lot of different sized gel capsules to choose from. But you can make size 00 gel capsules work by filling them with smaller amounts to fit the recommendations. Or you could get smaller size capsules and load them to fit the amount of MMS2 recommended. Or use the honey technique listed above.

Do Not Overdose
Normally do not go to larger doses than what are suggested above, as larger doses are not needed.

The amount of time required to heal various diseases:
Normally it takes from 3 to 5 weeks to heal HIV, and that also applies to most of the socalled incurable diseases. Some diseases are dug in much deeper and can take longer.
Diabetes can take anywhere from one week to one year, but the majority of cases are healedwithin 6 weeks or less. Whatever disease you have, never quit until you are healed and then dothe maintenance dose.
• Normally, I always say just continue to take MMS2 bi-hourly during the day (for 12 hours) until you are well.

Step 3. Maintenance
One should always continue with a maintenance dose, as the body does not manufacture enough hypochlorous acid to kill all diseases. If you are older than 65 and are not taking 6 drops of MMS1 daily, take a half dose of MMS2 every day. This half dose should be half of the bi-hourly dose you have been taken as given above.
So, on this 4000 MMS2 protocol, you will be taking 42 doses a week and when taking the Maintenance doses you will be taking seven half doses a week. If you prefer, you could switch to using 6 drops of MMS1 once a day if you have MMS1.
• Please save this bulletin because even if you do not use it now, it could save someone's
life at some time in the future.

The Lord or Lady will have to do math to calculate your exact dose of MMS2.

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Re: 65 days MMS2 NO CHANGE!? 27 Jun 2012 18:14 #19280

  • Fruit Tree
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Hi, thanks for your answers!
I take calcium hypochlorite-MMS2 (ES 231-908-7)KING POOL CHLOR SHOCK- from German company)
=min. 950g in 1kg
so it is 95% correct???

www.michaelharrah.us/humble-protocols/55-protocol-4000 and you are saying Michael used 73% MMS2?- even I couldnt see it in that link...www.michaelharrah.us/Protocols-Jim-Humble/protocol-4000.html

Jim says for 12hours a day...???+ 42doses a week :7=6 capsules a day bi-hourly, but then Jim writes he cured HIV after only 5wks on 5xcapsles a day!???
So should one take just 5x or 6x capsules a day???
-about 70kg person should take= 800mg MMS2 capsule 0
-about 45kg=500mg MMS2 capsule size1
=so if I weight between 58-60kg :0.09=644- 667mg so size 0 UNCRASHED 95% MMS2
I decided so, as in pharmacy POWDERED Magnesium in size 0 capsule says =0,5g!!! So I was more worried I might be not taking enough of MMS2- but you are saying I am maybe taking too much and thats why I dont see any cure...if mine is 95%MMS2...
Anyone weighted the MMS2 in capsule 0 filling just the bigger part of a capsule
and can get his head around the correct dosage?
Should I take 6x size 1 then or rather 5x size 0 perhaps or even 5x size 1- if mine is 95%MMS2???

I would really like your help to get it right as I am now on 85th day (I take 6x size 0 (at 2pm-4pm-6-8-10-12- everyday) and I dont want to take too much to not cure myself with it neither want I to mess it up!
I do NOT TAKE ANY ASCORBIC ACID as I have heared from Jim that it isnt necessary with MMS2
ONLY with MMS1 (1g of ascorbic acid 2h before or after MMS1), however very rarely I take 2h after or 4-5h before 500mg of ASCORUTIN and Multivitamin or orange juice for breakfast always at least 2h before 1st dose of MMS2- that should not cause any problem-correct?

I have read that Michael I think, cure people from HERPES (virus or intracellular parasite- new theory) within 2months of MMS2 only,
however AFTER 67days I still got- as usual- 3 HERPES BLISTERS (so I must be doing something WRONG, not?)
I left on it also MMS2 (1capsule in 30ml water) on cotton pad- it hurt terribly- made a red bloody mark also all around it on mucous membrane and healed longer than usual 5days. Probably it can be used on skin but not on mucosa!? Is there a point to put it on herpes direct? perhaps just spray and wipe it off if there will be a next time???

Should I use also MMS1 due to my ROSACEA (15 drops 2xa day or 3drops 8x day and how many MMS2 then or MMS3? And if I would start using MMS1 just for bath+teeth+spray- do I need to take ascorbic acid or not?)
or shall I continue just with MMS2 just lower somehow the dosage??? Can it not cure if dosage is too high- really???

Since the start I was terribly overgassy with a tiny nausea from my belly- more like ill feeling- but nothing serious- I was drinking a bit of water before and more after MMS2- alltogether 300-500ml of boiled tap- cold water.
Now I am making UNSWEETENED TEA just with 3 small leaves of various herbs just to taste and the gassiness almost dispapeared- not sure if because of the herbs added as the tendency was there beforehand.
Does the gassiness means that patogens in stomach and guts are dying???

And would you know, what works on BREAST CYST (noncancerous- 3x0,5cm size)
- probably fungus-not sure- as GP overload me with 15moth of ANTIBIOTICS on small rash on my cheeks and thanks to that Í got severe ROSACEA (now mild thanks to 4years of herbal etc. home curing but hope MMS will get rid of it for good:)

I would really welcome any suggestion, however small as I am new to this-
and people around me are saying I am totally crazy doing some net USA cure saying goverment+fear this and that-
that MMS does not cure me and can easily pierce my guds even without me knowing etc., that I can have big problems many years after due to MMS, that it is not a tried medication and I am really their trying rabbit-testing animal etc. etc
also doctor in my family does not believe I do this, so I would really like to show them some result, otherwise they will drive me mad:)
I am a big believer in peoples flower-power, I would like to do without government, so you surely play on my strings, however I hope it is for real- and GOOD:)
Jim, have you never done any tests-study on MMS and fertility, blood screening changes (one woman did on one person and did not rec MMS due to some blood cloth- black mark changes in the blood cells) etc. before and afterwards- years after the use of MMS? If you worked with many hospitals it should not be a problem- you are saying you cannot publish any of them, but did you do any longterm? Are women having healthy babies after taking longterm MMS still 10 years after?

I would really appreciate some light on that:)

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Re: 65 days MMS2 NO CHANGE!? 28 Jun 2012 15:27 #19317

  • Matthieu Le Bleux
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From what I understand, even if you are HIV free you may in some (and probably many) cases still test positive for the HIV antibodies produced by the immune system. And that (again from what I undertand) is exactly what the HIV-test is testing for: Antibodies.

Its not testing for the actual virus, only the antibodies. Right? Anyway. Another fascinating point is the information presented in the video below: People with a healthy immune system need not fear HIV at all.

Dr. Luc Montagnier is the co-discoverer of HIV. Okay? Alright.

"Shocking un-cut footage from Brent Leung's documentary "House of Numbers" reveals truth about AIDS as told by Dr. Luc Montagnier. AIDS can be reversed. Nutrition is the answer. Hear it straight from the co-discoverer of HIV. Posted by NaturalNews.com "

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Re: 65 days MMS2 NO CHANGE!? 28 Jun 2012 15:55 #19318

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Hey, Fruit Tree

I did Protocol 4000 together with my wife for more than 100 days (now we´re both on maintenance protocol) and it didn´t do any harm, quite the contrary! So I believe you shouldn´t worry about being on MMS2 for almost 70 days.

I also believe you are taking the right amount. My wife weights about the same as you do, and she was filling only the bigger part of the caosule (size 0) whereas I take the full capsules.

My wife got completely rid of her HPV (which is a tough one!) and my HIV leves dropped to undetectable, thank God! Now there´s two important things to consider:

1) We were not taking only MMS2, we added lots of things to our Protocol in order to help our immune system (such as spirulina, chlorella, Brazil Nuts, Ginger juice, nigella sativa etc...). You might wanna check my other post for a detailed list of what we did (the post is under HIV and it´s "HIV: Undetectable!").

2) Keep in mind that everyone is different. Our bodies are unique and it mighyt take longer for some people to get healed. I hear herpes is a pretty tough one too! So please be patient. It´s a great thing you found 95% MMS2!!! I wish I had that... I only found 65%, so that´s pretty good. But make sure you´re not just relying on MMS2 - help the Protocol by adopting every measure you can to improve your health.

And above all, please have Faith, meditate and pray as your mind and soul are powerful tools! :)

Faith, Love and Health!
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Re: 65 days MMS2 NO CHANGE!? 28 Jun 2012 16:06 #19319

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Hey, Fruit Tree, I just saw you read my other post, so you know exactly what we took and how.

We added those ingredients for the same reason we started taking MMS2...they are strong natural health builders, so we decided to help our bodies as much as we could. Lots of those ingredients were chosen upon suggestions of friends here @ the forum.

They´re natural and cheap... so why not?

The only difference between what I did from what my wife did was THUYA and ARV´s: she took thuya regularly for about 5 months (together with the protocol) and I had been on ARV´s for HIV for about 2, 3 months before the protocol.

We´re still taking MMS2.... she takes one capsule a day and I take 2.... so we´ve been on MMS2 for about 6 months now....

Anyway... I hope this information helps! :)
Faith, Love and Health to everyone!

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