I found some notes that might help in addition to MMS:
Nothing but apples & water for 14 days to heal the problem completely and remove toxic residues of Nexium or other medications.
Eat fermented foods, completely salivate the first bite of every meal before swallowing it, ie make it completely liquid with saliva. Sauerkraut, yogurt, milk, cheeses (white, aged & without rennets), apple cider vinegar, buttermilk. All organic & naturally fermented of course.
Fruit acids like lemons etc to get the body to create alkalinity – meat is alkaline which causes an over-production of acids to break it down & these acids cause reflux and ulceration or eating of holes in the stomach.
Honey, eggs, lemons.
Peptic ulcer treatment: Sipping 1 litre of fresh cabbage juice a day for about 10 days results in total ulcer healing.
Ginger has many benefits and these include:
• Stimulates digestion
• Combats morning sickness, motion sickness, chemotherapy and anaesthesia.
• Reduces inflammation
• Treats chest congestion, cholera, colds, diarrhea, stomach aches and nervous diseases
• Is high in preventative cancer activity.