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Psoriasis 10 Apr 2012 14:03 #15668

  • Roze
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Hi Everybody!

Long time no talk! Hope all of you have been well..

I just wanted to share this happy MMS story.

When I was 12 I developed psoriasis which is an auto-immune disease said to be inherited tho nobody in my family ever had it. I went through all sort of treatments and nothing worked - lots of money spent, and medication taken.

10years later I discovered MMS and while taking it due to HIV diagnosis I healed psoriasis. It went away completely after the second Protocol1000.

Psoriasis is such a disease that comes back when I am stressed or eat a lot of greasy food. Well, I take control of my food, but not stress all the time.

Right now Im going through a pretty hectic period of my life and I noticed that my psoriasis renewed so I made a hot tub with MMS yesterday and soaked myself in it for 20minutes. After that I took an oral dose of 6 activated drops and went to sleep.

Honestly, I didnt not expect what I saw this morning. Most of the psoriasis patched were much much smaller. I wouldnt lie if said 70% of it was gone after one night.

I am sure that if i take another maintenance dose and get into another bath today and in few other days it will all be sorted.

So there you go. Medicine pretends having no idea about simple treatments as MMS.

Thx Mr Humble!

Bests to everybody and happy Easter!
The following user(s) said Thank You: janiepooh, pam, paul, Researcher

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Re: Psoriasis 10 Apr 2012 17:19 #15693

  • tamcan
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Thanks for the story - I have pitisoriosis myself. it only appears when I get real stressed out. I will remember to do the bath on top of the MMS to hurry it up - it's not fun, that's for sure! PS - Let us know ehn the HIV is cured too! HIV is being cured in the herbal comunity too. I just had an email about Dr Schulze who recently put a guy on a diet and herbs - and now has no signs of HIV at all!
The following user(s) said Thank You: paul

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Re: Psoriasis 11 Apr 2012 05:31 #15716

  • Matthieu Le Bleux
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thats great news.
be sure to write a proper testimonial once youre finished and seemingly cured.

its also a good idea to keep doing mms protocol 1000 for a good few weeks even tho the patches have gone away, because just because they are not visible anymore doesnt mean the critters or whatever is causing it, isnt still there. psoriasis needs to be (and can be) killed off completely.
The following user(s) said Thank You: paul

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Re: Psoriasis 11 Apr 2012 17:45 #15724

  • Roze
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Hey Tamcan. Yes I def will :) I beleve that diet an cure symptoms but what about the antibodies? To get your name out of NHS HIV infected peoples list you need to start testing negative.

I know that the main point is feeling good but speaking of 'mission completed' you feel like you wanna be back to previous world and be like everybody else.

Thanks Mathew, Im starting P1000 today.

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