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Mixing DMSO and Meds 29 Mar 2012 12:47 #15179

  • tamcan
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I know i have a few posts already - but this was an unanswered question - so i thought maybe this would attract more viewers that may have the information i am seeking. just in brief - we are already into the prtocol 1000+ - have not been able to get to nearest town wehre i can get the capsules for the 2000 yet - but that is next. We are at 4 drops hourly with 4 drops dmso added to each dose. The person taking it is on pain meds, chemo pills, etc. The wife had enough knowledge to take him off the blood pressure meds when his blood pressure checked out twice a day to be good - and still is perfect ..but she has been poking pain pills down him like crazy - even overmedicated him day before yesterday and he slept all day ... which made him upset and me since he can not eat and sleep....so he went the whole day with only 1 meal. yesterday he ate a good breakfast and was waliking around a lot, but he said he was too tired to eat that night. the DMSO was added just yesterday,should i be worried? Should i cut back the dmso since they insist on giving the meds? I thought maybe he was tired from all that walking. He had those darn radiation sticks inserted in his rectum when all this started years ago - and he has trouble urinating ever since. He eill sit in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes, then about the time he gets to the bed or living room he has to go again. The dmso makes him go evern more..and it is so frustrating and unfullfilling to have to feel like you have to urinate - and get a trinkle instead of a stream. They can't remove the rectum radiation stick things, so he deal with it the best he can. My biggest question is should i be worried about the DMSO and meds mixture?
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Last edit: by pam. Reason: changed frops to drops

Re: Mixing DMSO and Meds 29 Mar 2012 13:15 #15180

  • Macaddict08
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I would only be concerned about mixing Meds and DMSO IF one os taking blood thinning medications (like say Coumadin).... as DMSO can make that medication twice as potent by driving it deeper into the tissues. I know this cause it just happened to a friend of mine in Texas. He just had a blood test, and his numbers were way off from what they should be. He likes the effects the DMSO is having otherwise on his system.

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Re: Mixing DMSO and Meds 29 Mar 2012 13:28 #15181

  • tamcan
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Thank You so much for the response .. that is interesting. i take natokinese during the monthyl cycle which has been super abnormally painful in the last few years .. it has been remarkable - and i took DMSO yesterday...for some reason in my mind i wondered if i could have it at the same time as natokinese. This answers the question there - Thanks
And again thanks for the meds reply on my family member who is on protocol 1000+ - that was very much a worry for me!
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Re: Mixing DMSO and Meds 29 Mar 2012 16:03 #15193

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Well - Ed started throwing up today - and has diarrhea - not a good combo since he did not eat anything yesterday except breakfast and he fell down last night trying to get off the toilet. He started the BMSO yesterday - so I told them no more DMSO and no MMS until he says he is wanting to start it back up - but still leave off the DMSO. ANysuggestions? They have the home health nurse coming out now because they are scared he will get dehydrated.
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Re: Mixing DMSO and Meds 31 Mar 2012 14:51 #15300

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for anyone who is following this story - i just wanted to let you all knowthat we are getting back on track today and i willhavemore updtaes as we go!:)
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Re: Mixing DMSO and Meds 31 Mar 2012 20:02 #15322

  • pam
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Glad to hear you are back on track. It's hard when a spouse tries to help and tends to over medicate! (as per your earlier post)
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