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My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 25 Mar 2012 09:13 #14965

  • Baltoh
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Hi all,

I came to this forum to get more information in the use of MMS for animals (specifically cats).

We have five cats here and one of them is probably a permanent carrier of the Feline Corona Virus (FCoV), we don't know which one.
If some of the terms I use here sound unfamiliar to you and you are interested I recommend to visit the site of dr addie (just google her name).
There it all is explained in detail.

In short:
FCoV upon itself is no big deal, but it can transform to Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).
That decease attacks macrophages and kills the immune system of cats and results as for now reported always in death.

One of our five cats is quite sick now and all evidence points to that the Corona virus has mutated into the FIP virus.
Even though there's no certainty, because the only way to know for sure is by testing after death.
There is no reported cure for this FIP and we have nothing left but to try MMS.

I've found a seller here in Sweden and bought a bottle of MMS1, which hopefully will arrive by post Tues- or Wednesday.
It might already be to late for the sick cat, but then there are four that continuously get infected by the permanent carrying cat. We need to get rid of FCoV in all of them. We've already had two encounters with FIP, about five and six years back and both cats died. Now it seems it's back or rather has never left us in the form of FCoV.

I found out a while back about MMS through Camelot, but never had the need of it.

In a short mail exchange with Brtanner, colloidal silver came up. We have that right now here and began treating him (the cat) with that two days ago, but the difficulty there is how large a dose should we give and how strong is the solution we have. To me the MMS seems more concrete with dosage.

I found a site that stated, usage of MMS to animals one drop of MMS1 for every 11,4 kg, so if I think of our cat is about 3 kg, I will start by giving him one quarter of a drop every hour.

Well, that's my story, now I'm off to read around and search for more information about giving MMS to animals.

Thanks brtanner for adding me.
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Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 25 Mar 2012 15:21 #14972

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Hi! I'm hoping others will chime in with their experiences.

I have 4 cats, and have dosed with MMS. They all get the same dose, so what I do is activate (starting with 1 drop, activated, then ultimately up to 4 drops activated, but no more, usually less) in 12mL of distilled water. Then I dose each cat with a 3mL syringe filled with water. That way, when I make 1 drop to start, they all get 1/4 of a drop. 2 drops activated would be 1/2 a drop dose. 3 drops activated would be 3/4 of a drop dose, and 4 drops activated would be a full drop dose per kitty. Fortunately, they don't throw up the med, and seem OK with the taste <G>.

In humans, Jim says "dose until well" - with cats, I've found, they usually get better quicker than we do!
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Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 27 Mar 2012 19:44 #15080

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There are two packages on the way to me now, one from a friend (from NL) and one from an internet shop here in Sweden.
I expect at least one of them to come in tomorrow and then I'll immediately begin treating Oden (our cat).

I was calculating a bit, read on a Dutch site you should calculate one drop for every 11,4 kg to animals. My friend said it's one drop for every 11 kg for children and now I've read here on the forum it's 25 lbs.. which would be 11.3398093 kg according google (so 11,3 to 11,4). Oden has gone down weight and is around 2,5 kg. A bit difficult to weigh him, because my scale is for humans and not so accurate with small weights. Then 2,5/11,4= about 0,22. So if I activate one drop with one drop of 50% citrus acid solution, then add three drops of distillated water, I've got 5 drops there.

Then I'll give him one drop the first dose and see what happens. The next drop after one hour and so on. After the five drops if al is well and went well, increase to 0,25 of a drop instead of 0,20.

How does that sound?
Maybe I need to increase earlier, or begin with 0,25 and keep it just at that?

Then if the package of my friend comes in, that also includes MMS2 capsules, the Dutch site mmswinkel gives instructions even for using MMS2 on animals.

@Pam > about the taste, I've read in an article about taste buts and it seems carnivores like cats don't have the same taste as we have, I just hope it wont stink to much for him, but then I won't give him a choice. :S

@Pam > Did your cats have some health problem? We've got together with Oden 5 cats around here and probably all have more or less FCoV, so if it goes ok for Oden, we'll need to give MMS to all of them. It's ridicules expensive the "official" way.. get them examined with the vet, diagnosed through blood examination for FCoV and the getting antibiotics. And then you don't know until you buy another blood test if the FCoV has disappeared.
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Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 27 Mar 2012 22:02 #15084

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Hi, Baltoh. You could consider putting it in their drinking water and let them help themselves. My cat drinks from the horse's bucket when the horse isn't looking.
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Last edit: by paul. Reason: punctuation

Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 28 Mar 2012 15:14 #15121

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Now the first package has arrived from the internet shop. The package from my friend not yet, but I'll start the treatment with Oden now with the MMS1. Even got a free Orgon generating cube with the package, interesting.
I opened the bottle with convenient dropping cap and it was so full, some spilled on my hands..
Smells a bit like I've been swimming in a pool. One of the cats quite liked the smell, but they mostly enjoy it too when we've cleaned their litter box with chlorine..

Now I'm going to mix up the first drops to Oden. Giving it to him every hour until I really need to sleep.

@Paul > How much do you put into the water? Might be the perfect way indeed.

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Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 28 Mar 2012 15:35 #15123

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@Pam > about the taste, I've read in an article about taste buts and it seems carnivores like cats don't have the same taste as we have, I just hope it wont stink to much for him, but then I won't give him a choice.

@Pam > Did your cats have some health problem? We've got together with Oden 5 cats around here and probably all have more or less FCoV, so if it goes ok for Oden, we'll need to give MMS to all of them. It's ridicules expensive the "official" way.. get them examined with the vet, diagnosed through blood examination for FCoV and the getting antibiotics. And then you don't know until you buy another blood test if the FCoV has disappeared.

They seem to like the taste - also I do a 5 drop dose every time I change their water. I have a self-feeding water container so it sits out, although most of it is up in the water holder part. I'm sure they don't get all the dose, ultimately, since it takes a couple of days to empty the container.

I know my white cat, Alys, will roll in something that has the taste of clorox - go figure.

My male cat, Ivan, has some issues - not quite sure what they are. He has always sneezed a bit - like allergies, although it could be something structural. When we came up here, he got so bad that I took him to 2 different vets - neither were able to "cure" him - and one sent me to a compounding vet for a medicine that apparently tasted so vile he foamed it out. When that vet bill started to run into the $300+ with blood work and so on, I took him away from the vets and had him share my MMS that I was doing at the time. It was actually a pretty small dose. He immediately got better - went back to his usual way of dealing with it. My new cat has some eye issues. I'm hoping that over time this will clear - She, however, will not only drink from her bowl, but also from the toilet.

Right now I've got them 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs, trying to train them to use the toilet, rather than the litter. My red maine coon female has always had ... something, I'm not sure what. She came to me with stomatitis, and I had all but her front teeth and incisors removed (at the vet's recommendation) I wish I had known about MMS at the time. Might have saved her teeth.
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Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 28 Mar 2012 16:32 #15130

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Hi Baltoh. I would start them off slowly - 1 drop in a day's supply of water - and increase from that if it seems appropriate. You don't want to scare them off by making it too strong. Is Oden confined or up and about with the others? Will you be taking the mms yourself? If you do, you'll know what it tastes like and get the benefits as well.

Nice Crop Circle, btw.
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Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 28 Mar 2012 18:53 #15136

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Second dose given, all seems well.. and Paul :) indeed I couldn't resist trying myself. Can't expect Oden to swallow something I wouldn't swallow. With the first dose I took the rest, so 3 quarter drop (I decided to give him a quarter) and with the second dose I took 2 drops myself.

Won't recommend to take it on an empty stomach, but I didn't find it repulsive.
Oden doesn't seem to bother it too.

I've put one drop in both water bowls to the other cats. They smell the odour, but then decide they are to thirsty to care.

@ Pam > Yeah, we're up in the $300+ too, luckily we had him insured so the insurance paid also about $140. Good to hear MMS helped out for you, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Oden.

@ Paul > Thanks, I usually have a Ying Yang as my favourite marking, because it's my birthday 9th of June (9-6). It seems I'm not the only one that likes the shape, it has turned up several times in crop circles.
We have he cats together in the apartment, there's not enough rooms to separate them and FIP is not contagious. But they most probably have got the Corona virus all. One is probably a permanent carrier, but we don't know which. And it's quite expensive to test.
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Re: My first Post.. I'm here for our cat.. 28 Mar 2012 19:09 #15138

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Hi Baltoh. It sounds like you have things under control! Please keep us posted - we're all interested in the progress
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