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Can you Mix MMS with B17 24 Mar 2012 01:39 #14899

  • tamcan
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I added more to my previous post - "Panic Time" because things have gotten a lot worse (in case you want to see what is going on with my father in law -bad bad) it is all explained there. I was wondering, if/WHEN the MMS makes him want to eat again... will I be able to give him the b17 at the same time? MMS far surpasses anything B17 will do - so if I cannot mix them, then MMS will be the one thing to try and save him in these last few grim days where I need a miracle..no pun intended..ok, yes it was.
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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 24 Mar 2012 03:22 #14912

  • pam
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You should be able to dose with b17, in addition to the MMS - not sure I'd mix the two in a cocktail. The only vitamins JH has cautioned about is Vitamins C and E
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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 24 Mar 2012 10:21 #14922

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Why not just take each dose of MMS and B17 one hour appart?
The mind is like a garden, if you do not cultivate it, you cannot harvest from it.

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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 24 Mar 2012 15:23 #14931

  • tamcan
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i am dosing each hour for 8 hours daily. The B17 is 2 pills morning noon & night & the enzymes that facilitate the B17 is 6 pills before a meal twice a day. The DMSO will be here Thursday and i will mix it in a spray with mms for topical. I am also going to cook for him every day because he is not eating. I read to give no sugars and no red meats .. lots of cruciferous veggis & that fat free skim milk is ok (leary about that milk thing) Also can cook 97% fat free chicken breast or turkey breast..brown rice,etc. I am not going to start the B17 until he is eating again. i was just wondering if anyone had already mixed the 2. i knew about vitamin C - but not E - so THANK YOU for that info!!

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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 26 Mar 2012 13:30 #15019

  • tamcan
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i have been mixing the MMS with organic "not from convenrate" grape juice, which i think he doesnt care for, but it get the mms down. he rolled over by himself for the first time in weeks - and AND AND - he ate 3 times yesterday compared to not eating at all for 3 days. he ran the hospice nurse out last night telling him he was hungry..I LOVED THAT! here is a clueless hospice nurse trying to convince him to call the preacher and get ready for the end...and he told him he was now in no pain and was hungry - waiting to eat as soon as he left! it is great to see these mild improvements - he even made a few jokes yesterday. i started giving him 500mg B17 today -just one pill with his coffee he wont stop drinking. i told him he can have coffee in the miorning, but he has to wait at least an hour before dosing withMMS and then no citric acids or coffee all day. that makes him happy, so thats where we are now. i want to add the mms2 in the capsule soon, but he has esophagial spasms (pardon the spelling0 and I am afraid he may have trouble swallowing it. the nurse is not sure if he has \cancer spread that far or if it was spasms, so they just wanted to give him a stronger pain med. i called him out n that one - I asked the nurse point blank - you mean you want to give him pain meds instead of an antipasmadic med first to see if that stops the problem? the nurse guy answered with "maybe he may beed both"
I am thinking of adding Shitake mishrooms to his diet in case it is a tumor - hoping between the mms and those both it will shrink faster if it is. Also we are giving him 3 drop doses (he never did get naseated:) yesterday every hour for 8 hours. he didnt want anymore after that - but i think it is the grape juice he doesnt like the taste of. What else masks the taste of mms? what is everyone else using? i will update you guys as we progress - THANKS AND MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL!!
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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 26 Mar 2012 18:03 #15032

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How about a little lemon or lime juice with some sugar?

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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 27 Mar 2012 12:34 #15061

  • tamcan
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lemons don't have citric acid? I never even thought about limes...i thought lemons had citric acid - so i guess i thought limes must have it too. I am still looking for the mms2 ingredient in town. walmarts didnt even have it. I will try to get it before the weekend. but it doesnt look like i will be able to get to the actual pool store when they are open until i am off work this weekend.
Does anyone know or can anyone confirm something for me?.... mms does not effect any meds, but how about taking the DMSO mixed in the mms with all his meds - for pain, those stupid chemo pills, etc.. What are the experiiences with the DMSO and meds besides just making it stronger. Do you half the dose on the chemo pills, stop those meds??? He is clinging to everything and desperate - as anyone dying would be, but he is not dying anymore. I love watching the nurses talk amongst themselves and wonder why he doesnt need oxygen and why his blood pressure is staying normal, etc. We all just smile and say God is looking out for him. :P And he most DEFINITELY is!
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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 27 Mar 2012 16:48 #15070

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Tamcam, there is a protocol called 1000+, You can find it at Jimhumble.biz or on the left under Healing Methodologies. It involves taking the MMS1 with DMSO. How to mix it, etc.
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Re: Can you Mix MMS with B17 10 Apr 2012 17:16 #15692

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I took him back off the DMSO after the "potty" scare, but it turned out to be an impaction causing the issues. Thank you for reminding me - I am going to add the DMSO back in again!

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