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Like MMS, you will find much controversy with Kinesiology—but it works.
Personally I’ve been tested by different people and using different methods in the past years—they were professionals in this field.
This would be a useful tool for those who are treating patients—as well as those interested in taking the MMS protocol and are afraid to do so.
Kinesiology is a whole study in itself; however, for quick testing for one product it can give immediate results.
To get a true testing, I would suggest doing the method done here: even if it means the client can put different mixtures in the bottles, making sure one of the mixtures will give a negative reaction--ex. Alcohol or (sugar)
This way they can’t say you influenced the test….

After starting MMS1 for cancer.
I was tested by a Shaman (which I’m working with) that works with Kinesiology and without knowing what I had she tested it for me. I gave her 3 bottles of products I was taking for treatment—one with the Aloe juice mixture, one with colodial silver and 1 with the MMS 1 prepared mixture. I was told to close my eyes so that I would not know which one she was using and the results surprised me—colodial silver and MMS1 had a strong positive, whereas the Aloe had a weak positive (not that it was bad but not strong enough to fight the cancer (which I was counting on for the past few months. I was told to go ahead and take the MMS1—even after I told her what it was)

Go to Kinesiology Self-Testing Steps—this is best done by someone else (preferably by someone trained in Kinesiology)
This is the best video I found the same method with thumb and the small finger—if you do it to some one else you can place items in other hand.


Based on the concept of internal energy fundamental to traditional Chinese medicine, muscle testing is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing its needs. It involves testing the body’s responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body’s responses to herbs and other remedies.
In a typical example of muscle testing, you’re given an herb to hold. You extend the other arm and are asked to keep it straight. The practitioner presses down on this arm and the opposite shoulder with equal pressure (to facilitate balance). If the herb is something you need, you’ll be able to resist the downward pressure and hold your arm rigid. If not, you won’t. The same procedure can be used to determine how often you should take each herb and how much each time. It can also be used to test the body’s responses to foods (for allergies), thoughts, sounds, colors, and emotions.
Some practitioners test with your arm straight out to the side, which relates only to the lung meridian. (The meridians are energy channels recognized by Chinese medicine.) Others use the central meridian for testing, with your arm toward the front and at an angle below horizontal. All the meridians intersect with the central meridian, so testing this way encompasses more body systems than testing just the lung meridian and is less fatiguing for both parties. Testing can also be done while you’re sitting or lying down.
Although muscle testing is simple, responses may be inconclusive if your energy is blocked. Testing your polarity before doing anything else reveals whether energy in the central meridian is flowing in the right direction. If not, it must be corrected before proceeding. The same polarity check is used with each product tested, to make sure the product doesn’t interfere with your polarity. The selected products are also tested as a group, because a product may test well individually, but combining it with others may produce a synergistic effect that reduces or eliminates the need for it.
Muscle testing is often referred to as applied kinesiology, although the two are not the same. Applied kinesiology originated with the work of Dr. George Goodheart, a chiropractor, in the sixties, based on earlier work by others. Offshoots of this technique, referred to as “specialized kinesiologies,” have also been developed. Perhaps the best known is a program called Touch for Health (TFH), created by a colleague of Goodheart’s, Dr. John Thie, which is taught worldwide. (Thie’s illustrated book, Touch for Health, has sold over half a million copies. Another classic in the field is Your Body Doesn’t Lie, by John Diamond, M.D.)
Touch For Health involves a specific series of tests with each limb in different positions, to ascertain how well each of the organ systems is communicating with the brain. It also involves balancing energy flow in meridians that are deficient, by holding pairs of points on the body and working lymphatic massage points. The International College of Applied Kinesiology, in Switzerland, promulgates the Touch For Health curriculum, which consists of several levels, and certifies instructors and their students.
By contrast, “muscle testing” often refers to a technique of testing points on the body to ascertain particular vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Donald Lepore, a naturopathic doctor, explains some of this in The Ultimate Healing System. It’s also possible to learn a simple technique for self-testing.

Self-testing can be done in various ways. One way is to touch the thumb to the middle finger of each hand to form two rings, linked through each other. Say something true — for example, “My name is [give your name].” At the same time, pull the linked fingers of the right hand against those of the left, but don’t allow them to separate.
Then say something false — for example, “My name is [give someone else’s name].” Do the same thing as before with the fingers, but this time deliberately separate them, as though they were flying apart or repelling each other. (You don’t need to make the true and false statements aloud — silently is okay, as long as you do it each time.)
The idea is to train the mind in different responses for truth and falsehood. If you practice this 10 or 15 minutes a day, you should be able to develop the response within a few weeks.
You can also check your responses by holding something detrimental while self-testing — sugar, for example — and seeing what response you get. Put the container in your pocket or hold it under your arm and test. Then hold something good for you — an herb you need or an organic vegetable — and test that. If you think your mind is influencing the results, you can have someone else put equal weights of both items in identical nonmetal containers.
An important element of muscle testing is your polarity. If it’s not correct (indicating that your energy is blocked), the results will be inaccurate. A discussion of polarity and its effect on muscle testing is beyond the scope of this article, but you can (and should) check your polarity by self-testing, once you learn it. Test while saying “My polarity is 100 percent” before testing anything else. The response to this statement will always be correct, even if your polarity is off. This is the only response you can be sure is correct under those circumstances.
Polarity can be corrected in a number of ways. One way is to hold a bottle of chlorophyll or spirulina while testing or take a few drops of chlorophyll in water. You may need to remove any metal you’re wearing. You can also be off if you’re hungry or thirsty. Drink a glass of water and/or eat something.
Your polarity should be correct most of the time. If it isn’t, you may want to consult someone who knows about muscle testing to find out what you can do about it.
Muscle testing will not provide accurate responses to certain statements: about the future, for example. You’ll get a response, but if you say, “This answer is reliable,” the response will be no. Muscle testing can be helpful for testing your responses to relationships and occupations, among other subjects. Keep in mind that statements are taken literally, so they have to be worded precisely.
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Re: YOUR BODY DOES'T LIE---KINESIOLOGY AND MMS 23 Mar 2012 04:27 #14856

  • paul
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Hi Anne. Have you ever tried a pendulum?

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Re: YOUR BODY DOES'T LIE---KINESIOLOGY AND MMS 23 Mar 2012 10:53 #14863

  • pam
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Lloyd Mear does a healing with numbers (numbers have frequencies, etc.) and dowsing to determine the needed numbers (missing frequencies) - there are a number of videos of interviews with him on the web - but the reason I bring him up is that he talks about using kinesiology for some things, and his is to hold whatever over the heart, upper chest area, and stand (IIRC) feet together - you will start to rock either forward or backward. The forward is positive, the backwards is negative. I found that for me, this form of kinesiology seems to be less "influenceable" -

I also know, from having walked my property when I first got it, and having a water witcher (dowser) here to have a well witched, that dowsing is also legit -
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Re: YOUR BODY DOES'T LIE---KINESIOLOGY AND MMS 23 Mar 2012 21:19 #14889

  • Anne
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No Paul --tell me about it
Thanks Anne

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Re: YOUR BODY DOES'T LIE---KINESIOLOGY AND MMS 23 Mar 2012 21:26 #14890

  • Anne
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–this is a wonderful topic –balancing the body is the work we are doing (working with the meridians of the body)
I knew of dowsing for water, but not the body :)
I found this video very interesting—been learning soooo much on this forum—need time to take it all in.
Thanks for the info. Anne
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Re: YOUR BODY DOES'T LIE---KINESIOLOGY AND MMS 24 Mar 2012 04:55 #14916

  • paul
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Pendulum dowsing+ 101: www.dowsers.ca/pen01.htm

Next time you're at the shaman, ask if you have any chakras turning backwards, if you think of it.

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Re: YOUR BODY DOES'T LIE---KINESIOLOGY AND MMS 24 Mar 2012 07:39 #14917

  • Sky
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This is an excellent thread you started Anne. Thank you for bringing this subject to our attention.

I have worked with these modalities, but do so seldomly, as most folks think it is from a too strange origin and want to avoid it. That goes especially for our area local where witchcraft and anscestor worship is well entrenched.

I also agree that if one is confident in using a pendulum, it serves the purpose well. You have to be confident and knowledgeable though.

Definitely going to add the stress tests to my repair advice in the future for those who are open to it.
The mind is like a garden, if you do not cultivate it, you cannot harvest from it.

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