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Nose breathing 14 Mar 2012 17:06 #14321

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Hi all, I hope it's okay to post a link here. I've been reading on this subject for a few days now and I think it too is an important key to our surviving the onslaught of programing that has been to our healths downfall.


This web site is so vast and has so many links that I've not really learned how to use it effectively, but just gleaning the information I realize we could all learn something helpful here.

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Re: Nose breathing 14 Mar 2012 17:51 #14327

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MMS Enhanced By Proper breathing!

A few days ago Mickey posted the link to the amazing testimony of Laurie about her Parasites.
At the end there were a number
of responses. This is the response of the last one:

"Natural_girl Says: January 16th, 2012 at 12:38 am

I’ve been detoxing for a year…still seem to be parasite ridden, started hot yoga and came upon a discovery that I believe has a huge significance…mouth breathing vs nose breathing. Until I started hot yoga, I didn’t realize that I have not been breathing properly for decades..my left nostril is almost totally blocked. Thought I was born this way or the shape of my nose…but upon further investigation, there are polyps or growths almost completely blocking my left nostril.
Mouth breathing vs nose breathing, I found, plays a huge significance on body PH, disease, lack of oxygen on the cellular level to the body, allowing a breeding ground for bacteria and parasites and a weak immune system. I also seemed to discover a link between mouth breathing and down syndrome, premature aging and illness (I was born with mild down syndrome or mosaic down and was always sickly)…

Been experimenting with the left nostril using DMSO and hydrogen peroxide on q-tips. OMG….won't describe it, but the polyps have been shrinking…been doing this over a week, and proabaly at least another month to go…and I can finally breath through my left nostril !

Still continuing on with the Detox as well as yoga and breathing, clearing of my sinuses. Here’s a link to the importance of nasal breathing…as they say in yoga…the nose is for breathing, the mouth is for speaking and eating.


Mouth Breathing is dangerous to your health!
The mouth is for eating, drinking, talking.
I copied the first paragraph from the website.
For those that are not familiar with nose breathing and its
health benefits, the rest of the website will keep your
attention for quite some time. I for one, always thought it
was okay to take deep breathes and breath with my mouth.
I feel better already practicing low inhaling and exhaling
through my nose and sleeping with my mouth closed.

To train your brain to nose breathing, use surgical tape to
keep the mouth closed at night until it becomes natural.
Nose breathing has a unique filtering system so you are not
breathing toxic air (inhaling and exhaling) !

I copied the first paragraph of the website of Normal Breathing.
Those that are still interested can check out the rest.
It is very common these days. In adults, mouth breathing causes advance of many chronic diseases, including sleep apnea, snoring at night, morning fatigue, dry mouth syndrome, headache, morning fatigue (or morning headache fatigue) and other symptoms. Children mouth breathing (especially during sleep), as well as in infants, toddlers and older children, are new health problems that promote chronic diseases, including frequent infections, asthma, rashes, diathesis, bed wetting, etc. However, for a healthy person, nose breathing should be the norm 24-7. What are the confirmed mouth breathing effects?


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Re: Nose breathing 14 Mar 2012 19:37 #14332

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Mouth Taping During Night Sleep (Buteyko Technique)
(Module 7 of Learning Buteyko Breathing Exercises - How to Maintain Nasal Breathing 24/7)

In order to ensure nasal breathing and stop mouth breathing during the night, in the 1960s Russian patients invented mouth taping, which is now a part of the Buteyko breathing method.

First of all, it is necessary to find out if one has this problem by checking dryness in the mouth just after waking up in the morning. If the mouth is dry, mouth breathing is very likely.

This problem could appear when the person goes to sleep or it could appear at 3, or 4 am or later. In any case, just 20-30 min of mouth-breathing resets the breathing centre to lower CPs (body oxygen level), and such patients, as a rule, have less than 20 s for the morning body oxygen test.

Moreover, if you have a malignant tumor and your daily CP is above 20 s, your tumor will grow only during the time of the night, when you breathe through your mouth. If you have sinusitis, the pathogenic bacteria in your sinuses will multiply and colonize new mucosal surfaces when you breathe through your mouth. Organic damage to the heart muscle, growth of inflamed areas in the GI tract, advance of pathogens on your skin (in cases of eczema, psoriasis, etc.), and many other problems will appear if your mouth falls open during your sleep. Solution? You need to tape your mouth.

How to tape one's mouth at night to stop mouth breathing

For mouth taping one needs a surgical tape and cream to prevent the tape sticking. Both can be bought in the pharmacy. Micropore (or 3M) and vaseline are popular choices. First, put a small amount of cream on the lips so that it is easy to remove the tape in the morning. Then take a small piece of tape and stick it in the middle, vertically, across the closed mouth. Some students prefer to put it along or horizontally, but a small piece in the middle is sufficient. If you are afraid to seal the mouth completely, tape only one half of the mouth leaving space for emergency breathing.

In 2006 one of my Buteyko method colleagues, Dr. James Oliver, a GP from the UK and former president of the Buteyko Breathing Association made a presentation to the British Thoracic Society about the safety of mouth taping based on thousands of cases both in Russia and in the west. Previously he conducted a survey among us, Buteyko method teachers and obtained the statistical data.

Mouth taping at night to stop mouth breathing should normally be a temporary measure. When one’s CP (body oxygen level) is above 20 s in the morning, mouth taping is no longer necessary.

Can mouth taping create distress?

A majority of students have no problems with mouth taping and they breathe only through the nose during the whole night. Their mouth is not dry in the morning and they report numerous benefits of mouth taping.

However, some students may find it difficult and uncomfortable so that they remove the tape during the night. These incidents have physiological causes, including:

1. Sleeping on the back. If you turn on your back during night sleep, your breathing gets almost twice as heavy, and it will be very difficult to pump more air through the nose. Hence, learn the module devoted to prevention of sleeping on one's back.

2. Overly warm sleep conditions. If your blanket is too warm, your breathing becomes deeper and bigger during sleep. You will wake up finding out that breathing through the nose is uncomfortable. To prevent overheating, use less warm clothes and blankets during sleep.

3. Carpets in your bedroom. Presence of carpets makes air quality tens or even hundreds of times worse. During night sleep several cubic meters of air with millions of airborne particles, including dust, dust mites, their droppings, bacteria, viruses, etc. will enter through the nasal passages making them dryer and penetrating into bronchi and the lungs causing stress for the immune system and deep breathing. Sleeping in carpet-free rooms or covering carpets with plastic will solve this problem.

4. Dusty or clean but old pillow cases, blankets, and bed sheets create the same effect, as well as books, newspapers, hanging clothes, and old dusty curtains. Make sure that your bedroom has good air quality.

5. Closed windows during the night greatly worsen air quality in the bedroom due to poor air circulation and absence of air ions that make air cleaner. Either keep windows open or, if it is too cold or too noisy outside, buy an air ionizer/purifier and keep it running through the night.

6. Skin rashes due to extreme skin sensitivity. Try to find a hypoallergic tape or surgical paper tape. If rashes still a problem, you can sew together two clean socks making a circle. Wear it at night around your head so that to keep your jaw closed.

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