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DMSO ... Some good information (for Arthritis) 09 Mar 2012 20:55 #14047

  • Macaddict08
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DMSO: A MOST interesting compound

September 30, 2010 - By Michael Mooney, West Hollywood

DMSO is the most interesting compound I've ever heard of.

Last November I wrote about how DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) healed a 30 percent tear in my right foot Achilles tendon, along with three torn ligaments that stabilize the foot without surgery.

I applied 99 percent DMSO to my foot with cotton swabs two or three times a day for four months before I was supposed to have surgery to repair them. A week before the surgery, the doctor ordered another MRI to look at what he was going to operate on.
Astonishingly, the MRI showed that the ligaments and Achilles tendon had healed. This is considered to be impossible, as I was told by my foot surgeon, Dr. Robert Joseph.

DMSO is not patentable and is so inexpensive that no drug company can make money on it, so no company promotes it; in fact, it competes with their products.
After 300+ studies were conducted with over 10,000 patient records showing how safe and effective it is, FDA banned new research on DMSO in 1965 for specious reasons.
The main reason FDA banned it is because it competes with drugs and surgeries. If people know how DMSO heals different types of injuries and some serious health problems we would spend less money on surgeries, anti-inflammatory medications and pain killers.

Notable is that every race horse stable in the world keeps DMSO on hand and when a million-dollar horse limps, DMSO is applied several times a day and the horse is running again in a few weeks. Horses don't respond to placebos.

I've been collecting anecdotes about DMSO. Please let me tell you about some of the amazing things DMSO has done for my friends and family.
Migraine headaches. Two friends, right here in West Hollywood, rubbed 90 percent DMSO gel on their head where they felt pain and in about five minutes all pain was gone.

Lumbar (lower spine) problems - My 78-year old second cousin has serious lower back pain, but an operation won't help. DMSO rubbed on his lower back reduces the pain 75 percent.

Foot swelling and pain. A friend with HIV and pulmonary arterial hypertension had foot and ankle swelling and pain at night that were so bad sometimes he just couldn't sleep. Two applications of 90 percent DMSO gel and all swelling and pain were gone.
Scarring from facial cuts from an accident. After 40 stitches were placed on his face and nose, he rubbed DMSO around the areas where the stitches were, not directly on the lacerations, until the stitches came out.

Then he put 90 percent DMSO gel directly on the cut areas. Several people were astonished that what we thought would be serious scars were almost invisible in three weeks.
In the book, DMSO, Nature's Healer, Dr. Morton Walker says that the sooner DMSO is applied to injuries the faster they heal. I've seen it several times, including having cut a finger by accident and seeing what I expected to take a couple weeks heal up completely in three days.

Rheumatoid arthritis. Probably the most profound effect I've seen. A new friend had terrible knuckle joint swelling from rheumatoid arthritis.
At the time she had rings on her fingers she had not been able to remove for a couple years.

Her overall "look" and skin-tone was inflamed and her energy was low. Inflammation is core to health problems like rheumatoid arthritis, so I gave her five dietary supplements to help reduce her generalized inflammation while improving her energy. These are:

SuperNutrition Easy-Swallow Opti-Energy Packs, the strongest anti-aging multivitamin, multi-mineral antioxidant formula available increases energy tremendously while reducing inflammation;
Jarrow MaxDHA, omega-3 fish oils are anti-inflammatory. I told her to take five capsules twice a day. Optimal benefits from fish oil require at least three capsules twice a day.

One capsule a day won't do much;
Jarrow Curcumin 95, an herbal extract of the spice turmeric that has studies showing strong anti-inflammatory effects. Two 500 mg capsules, twice a day;
Vitamin D3 - anti-inflammatory. 5,000 IU per day, added to the 1,000 IU in the SuperNutrition Opti-Energy Pack equals 6,000 IU per day total;

A 16 ounce bottle of 99 percent pure liquid or 70 percent DMSO gel with 30 percent aloe vera that last a couple months costs under ten dollars from DMSO.net.
Another vendor, DMSO.com sells a one pound jar of 90 percent DMSO gel for $20 that I use for acute problems. The 90 percent gel causes dry, flaking skin if you apply it two or three times a day for a few days, so I only use it for short time periods or for serious problems several times a day for a few days, then I switch to the 70/30 gel, which is milder on the skin. The dry skin does go away after you stop.
FDA requires a warning on DMSO labels that is meant to scare people from using DMSO. It is easy to safely use DMSO, regardless of the FDA warning.
Caveats: Applied to the upper body or face DMSO can cause a burning, itching feeling on the skin for about a half hour while it absorbs.

The lower body is much less sensitive to DMSO with basically no sensation for most people when applied to feet. The more dilute the DMSO, the less sensation there is.
DMSO imparts a light, but distinct aroma of garlic and oysters to users that they emit for two to three days after using it.

Only apply DMSO to clean skin as it carries things through skin into the body.

Do not apply DMSO over tattoos, as it could carry tattoo ink into circulation.

Don't buy industrial grade DMSO as it contains impurities.

That's my report. Spread the word. DMSO is a safe, tremendously effective, inexpensive tool you can use to heal many types of injuries and health problems.
The following user(s) said Thank You: janiepooh, dishpan, cactusmamasita, jbnet, blackbird, paul, woofy

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