Jim Humble says clearly in his book, if you are slowly getting better than take it slow......It will be 2 years for my husband and I when we began MMS1 in May 2023. Since that time our arthritis has gone away, my husband needed a total knee replacement and was having shots every few months, no more shots and doesn't need a total knee replacement. My husband had high blood pressure 140/90 on 2 blood pressure meds and they wanted to give him another one. No more high blood pressure it's been 106/70 normal blood pressure. Our sleep apnea is slowly improving as we both went from several to both being mild now. Hopefully in the next 6 months we might be able to completely be off of CPAP machines. The list is insanely long of how much we have improved from but we are not completely healed yet.
We found it very helpful to write down our progress. Like when you change your dosage or have a reaction, log it. Then we made a list of our ailments and when they improved we put a date beside them. Then when you go back and look at the very long list, it's encouraging and you see we are making some progress. We are both 63 years old and took a life time of vaccines. No more vaccines since 2020 and we are totally holistic with our foods. It's incredible how our lives have changed but we are still not 100% better.
It also could be what they are putting in the air. Mike Adams tested the stuff in the air and it came back pathogens and carcinogens. We use a space heater in our home and an air purifier and don't go outside when the air is bad. We have seen this fog that is not normal last for days and terrible chemtrails, the list goes on. Your body could just be getting overwhelmed with all the toxins like ours.
Solution, spend time with Jesus' each day. Talk to him, read the Bible. Pray to Him. We did and now we are addicted to it. We love doing it and now we can see and hear God directing our paths. We can't do anything without God. He will nudge us and if we ignore Him then he will leave us alone to our own mistakes and that is when life gets hard and impossible. CLO2 gave some other possible reasons we downloaded, to read later. God is the only one that can heal you. God gave Jim Humble a cure and Jim Humble shared it with others not wanting to make a profit and get rich off of it. He honored God and God blessed him. God has shown you to MMS and He is the only one that can heal you, if it's through MMS or Himself healing you.
I had a very bad motor vehicle accident that left with a head injury. I had a constant headache 24 hours a day, nothing would help reduce it. It was always from a 2 to a 10 in pain. Prescriptions would help 100% but help reduce it but it would never go away completely. I also had episodes and other issues. One day during a church evangelic event, I was beginning to have a bad headache. My husband felt my neck and my muscles were hard to the touch and he saw my face, etc. It was not good. The priest came over to us and prayed with us. First my husband then I. I didn't ask for a healing just wanted God in my life. During the praying over me I felt like I drifted away and almost like I fell asleep for a few minutes. When I woke up my constant headache was completely gone. My husband felt my shoulders and couldn't believe it. That never has happened to me. I had no constant headache anymore. I could lift my arms above my head again. I had lived with that for 2 years. God healed me right then. But I still have the episodes and other issues. I don't complain but am grateful to the healing God gave me. He and only God can heal you. He might heal you Himself or through MMS or something else. Spend time with God, you won't regret it and you will find your purpose in this life through God, the one that loves you so much and can forgive each of us. We are all sinful people but God sent His only son to die for our sins. That is how much He loves us. He just wants us to have a relationship with Him, repent from our sins, ask for forgiveness and turn away from sins and turn to Him instead. Be blessed in Jesus' name and pray God is guiding your path.....much love.