This has been puzzling me and I was wondering if anyone has some sort of explanation for this....
A friend gave me some sodium chlorite solution to try out before I made my own purchase. Later I purchased the Aragonesas SC in powder form and made my own solution (different vendor).
my friend's solution:
- the color was bright yellow-green and had a strong smell when activated with lemon juice
- when I got to 3 drops per day, for a couple of days, my stomach would feel off and just didn't feel right (not nauseous) and I just couldn't even think about eating food... so I would go off of it until my stomach felt normal and then try again... the same pattern happened about 3-4 times
- about 2 hours after drinking it, I always got very sleepy and could not stay awake, so I had to take it at night before bed
- for months I've been waking up 3-4 hours after going to bed and have trouble getting back to sleep, this did not change with the mms before bed
Aragonesas solution:
- the color is much paler yellow when activated with lemon juice, the smell is less offensive and there are always little oxygen bubbles that form in the bottom of the glass while it's activating
- I've been able to move up to 15 drops a day within 8 days without any stomach discomfort... I have not been able to get past 15 drops because I'm constantly grazing and the mms has made me even hungrier than I had been before
- I take 3-4 doses in the morning and never get sleepy later on
- I sleep at least 6-7 hours before waking up now
A few things have crossed my mind... could it be the difference of impurities in the two batches causing the differences?
Is the Aragonesas solution less effective, less potent... or is my experience the way it should be.
Is my friend's solution more potent, more effective or contaminated.