This is a documentary about the work of Max Gerson. The journalist does an exceptional work in bringing to people in the USA the truth about the Gerson therapy. Well worth your time to watch. His journey eventually takes him to Japan where real research in going on in Japanese hospitals regarding the Gerson therapy.. the verdict? Gereson Therapy cures cancer! Watch "Dying to Have Known" on Netflix or here for free on youtube
Here is another movie by the same author.. similar info. I think the link for "Dying to Have Known" found above provides more important information but still this is a good movie and may be more appropriate for teenagers. "The Beautiful Truth" found for free below or on netflix
"Gerson Therapy involves 3 important steps that have to be performed simultaneously.
The first step is detoxification by coffee enemas.
The second step is the Gerson Diet that supplies the essential nutrients including enzymes from 13 glasses daily of fresh vegetable and fruit juice.
The third step is the supplement of deficient nutrients, particularly potassium, iodine, and thyroid hormones. Additional supplements are used that include niacin, pancreatin, flaxseed oil, castor oil, coenzyme Q10, Wobe-Mugos enzyme products, laetrile, crude liver or vitamin B12 injection, and gastrointestinal enzyme products. The therapy aims to restore the diseased cells in the body back to normal. "
You can get the Gerson DVDs and some others from Gerson
For any Brits out there, you can get all 4 of the Gerson DVDs (Healing At Home, Dying To Have Known, The Beautiful Truth and The Gerson Miracle) from the Gerson Support Group in Esher, Surrey.