This is my first message in these forums as a mean of presenting myself and my story and a way to give something before asking help from the community in other messages.
Having had this disease for over ten years classified as chronic and incurable by my doc. This was like a ton of bricks falling over me just when I was starting college at 18, it made my life much more difficult and miserable because my parents did not understand the illness and instead of support and help they repeated over and over that all was in my head. But I refused to surrender and started to search for a therapy and this journey has taught me not to listen to egotistic doctors or anyone else but me in terms of my own health. That the best person who would care for your health is yourself and best of all it opened me a path to alternative health and therapies like MMS.
I have seen every sort of treatment for it and I can say with 100% that my disease has not been cured but I have experienced a total "spontaneous remission"
Next I will explain for what symptoms this solution is aimed for since today doctors classify a wide array of digestive problems to IBS. So is important to know that my advice may not work for every IBS patient and those with their symptoms closer to these below may experience the greatest benefits.
- Colitis predominant IBS.
- Bloating, intestinal discomfort. Fecal incontinency caused by that excessive intestinal gas.
- Soft fecal matter.
- Symptoms increase with stressful situations.
Ethiology (Causes) and false myths:
- Although official medicine says 60% of IBS patients have some kind of mental disorder (source wikiencyclopedia). The cause is far from any psychological reason. Doctors rely on psychological reasons to hide ignorance of the causes of IBS and many other diseases.
- Neither is permeable intestine, bacterial imbalance or parasitic, fungal and yeast infections . These are consequences of the cause of the sickness. Addressing and treating these problems help with the symptoms, they reduce them indeed but I have not experienced a total remission and eventually the symptoms had reappeared.
- In my case the cause of all those symptoms is a NAFH "non allergenic food histamin production" syndrome) to many common food and additives. As soon as I stopped from eating the foods and additives I am intolerant to I experienced a total remission of my symptoms to never reappear again. Only if I had eaten any of the prohibited foods by accident I have experienced any of the above symptoms again.
Histamin producing foods processes
(source Discovery Salud)
Different diseases like migraine, headache, chronic fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, sialorrhea, ptyalism, recurrent contracture, intervertebral disc dehydration , tinnitus and many others may have its cause in food.
So has been proved by a interdisciplinary team led by Dr. Felix Lopez Elorza, president of the society for the study of food intolerance and Dr. Carlos Isasi rheumatologist at Puerta del Hierro Hospital in Madrid. Because the study points to the gluten (protein present in wheat and other cereals) in the body as the cause of syndromes as fibromyalgia, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and
arthritis associated with inflammatory intestinal diseases as Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
Solutions to detect the foods you are sensitive to:
Food intolerance test. There are two ways of doing it:
Through blood analysis (introduce "blood test food intolerance elisa (your country)" in your search engine)
Through a bioresonance test. (introduce "food intolerance test bioresonance") This is the option I took which is in my opinion the best since it test for much more than foods and is cheaper in my country.
A final word
Hope this solution works for as many people as possible and do not despair. This disease is a process much similar to an allergy, is not psychological, is not on your head and you are not causing your own symptoms. Those who are told they should go to therapy is like saying an allergenic asthmatic to go to the shrink, it may help but not exposing to the allergen will help much more. When you know the disease is under control and has perfectly explainable causes life gets much easier so please try it and post your experience with your new diet.