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Latin American Seminar in Colombia 01-11-2012 12 Jan 2012 23:41 #10123

  • Matthieu Le Bleux
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First Latin American MMS Seminar in Spanish!
March 1st-4th

We have received many requests for an MMS Seminar in Spanish and have tentatively scheduled March 1-4 for the first Latin American Seminar.

In order to determine if there is enough interest to justify renting a ranch in Columbia we NEED your response NOW. If you wish to attend please confirm your interest immediately.

Speakers will include:
Bishop Jim Humble ( Discoverer of the MMS Founder of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing,Developer of MMS Protocols).
Bishop Mark Grenon (Co-Founder of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, Protocol co-developer of MMS MMS/CDS Protocols).
Bishop Andreas Kalcker (Developer of MMS/CDS and health benefactor from MMS).
Bishop Kerri Rivera (Developer of MMS Protocols for Austism, 21 Cases with "No Diagnosis" and 1,000's following her Protocol who are well on their way to full recovery).
Bishop Alluvia Love ( MMS Seminar trainer,Co-developer of MMS protocols and benefactor from MMS).
Mauricio Ayala, D.MMS.
There will also be testimonies from Jorge working in our Malaria Project in the Colombian Amazon, and Jose and Alvaro working among the Indigenous people of northern Colombia.

Program will include:
• Genesis II Health Minister certificate and I.D. in spanish.
• Jim Humble's new book,"Master Mineral solution for the 3rd Millennium", in spanish.
• MMS home video course in spanish.
• Making of the new MMS/CDS with the new protocols.
• Up to date protocols, new methods and techniques in using MMS.
• MMS testimonies from around the world.
• Hands on practical knowledge of MMS.
• A working knowledge of MMS MMS/CDS
Q A time at night with Jim Humble

Costs of the Course:
$650 usd

Costs include:
• Round trip bus from Bus station in Bogota to ranch.
• Food and lodging March 1st – 5th ,( Buses leave Monday morning the 5th).
• New MMS book signed by Jim Humble and home video course in spanish.
• One year membership in Genesis II Church of Health and Healing with I.D. card in spanish.
• Health Minister Certificate and I.D. Card in spanish.

Please contact us with a preliminary sign-up at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can plan and secure the ranch. Help us spread MMS to the Latin American people.
Invite friends !!

Good Health,
Bishop Mark Grenon


Primer Seminario Latinoamericano de MMS en español!
Del 1 al 4 de Marzo de 2012

Hemos recibido muchas solicitudes para realizar el primer seminario de MMS en ESPAÑOL. Este mensaje es para identificar si hay la respuesta suficiente, para el desarrollo de este seminario hispanoparlante.

Tentativamente se han establecido estas fechas y necesitamos conocer su interés REAL para confirmarlas y lograr separar la finca en Colombia con suficiente antelación.

Entre los oradores figuran:
Obispo Jim Humble (Descubridor del MMS y fundador de la Iglesia Génesis II de Salud y Curación,Desarrollador de protocolos del MMS),
Obispo Mark Grenon (Co-Fundador de la Iglesia Génesis II de Salud y Sanidad, Co-desarrollador de protocolos del MMS y MMS / SDC)
Obispo Andreas Kalcker (Desarrollador de MMS / SDC y benefactor de la salud del MMS).
Obispo Kerri Rivera (Desarrolladora de los protocolos del para MMS en la cura del autismo con 21 casos de recuperación total y 1.000 casos más, de quienes han seguido sus protocolos y que están en camino de la recuperación total.)
Obispo Alluvia Love (Entrenadora de MMS, co-creadora de los protocolos MMS y benefactora del MMS)
Reverendo Mauricio Ayala, D.MMS
Testimonios de Jorge acerca del trabajo desarrollado en nuestro proyecto de malaria en el Amazonas Colombiano. Testimonios de José y Álvaro del trabajo entre los indígenas del norte de Colombia.

El Seminario incluye:
• Certificado e identificación en español de la iglesia • Génesis II como ministro de Salud
• El nuevo libro en ESPAÑOL de Jim Humble:. "Solución Mineral Maestra para el 3er Milenio".

• Elaboración del nuevo MMS MMS / SDC y los nuevos protocolos.
• Actualización de protocolos, nuevos métodos y técnicas en el uso del MMS
• Cientos de testimonios de todo el mundo.
• Acceso directo al conocimiento práctico del MMS.
• Trabajo practico acerca del MMS MMS/SDC.
• Tertulias en la noche con Jim Humble

Costo del SEMINARIO teórico/práctico:
$650 usd

El costo incluye:
• Bus de ida y vuelta desde la estación de autobuses en Bogotá la finca.
• Alojamiento y alimentación marzo 1-5 Abril 2012. (Los autobuses de retorno salen en la mañana del lunes 5 de Abril 2012).
• El Nuevo libro firmado por Jim Humble y el curso/video en español.
• Un año de membresía en la iglesia Génesis II.
• Iglesia de la Salud y Sanación, con tarjeta de identificación personal.
• Certificado de asistencia al curso y tarjeta de identificación personal como ministro de la Salud.

Por favor escribanos manifestando su interés real de participar a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. de tal forma que podamos separar a tiempo las instalaciones del seminario. Apóyenos en difundir el MMS entre la gente de Latinoamérica.
Invite a sus amigos a venir!

Buena Salud,
Obispo Mark Grenon

Upcoming Seminars

Dominican Republic
Feb 12th – Feb 22nd 2012
Mar 25th – Apr 4th 2012

Costa Rica
Jan 19th - Jan 24th 2012

For more information about our Dom. R. seminar,
please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information about our Costa Rica seminar,
please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you can't come to a seminar,
try the MMS Home Video Course.
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For information about Church membership,
please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MMS Saves Lives

The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium
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Take our MMS seminar, pass exam and become a Reverend, Health Minister and Doctor of MMS .

Genesis II Church membership:
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Upcoming MMS seminars:
• Jan 19th – Jan 24th 2012 in Costa Rica
• Feb 12th – Feb 22nd 2012 in Dominican R.
• Mar 25th – Apr 4th 2012 in Dominican R.

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Last edit: by Matthieu Le Bleux.
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