You are brave man also , yes you are right I saw that somewhere as original dosage.
Well today morning I tried to do 5 ml every hour rectally (500ml distilled water with 50 ml CDH solution) with half # 0 capsules of MMS2 (will take that 5x today, every 2 hour), that make little trouble for me, so after lunch I drop that to 3 ml and till now all runs ok, maybe stay with that for few days before goes to MMS2 only, right now no side effects at all.. In my case need max killing power possible to eliminate that heavy load of bacteria's what I have under the skin so will try to run that few days If I have no side effects.
How much do you weight? I believe 50 ml of CDH via enemas is to hard for you. First because it going directly to your body and get absorb, if you reach your max limit per day will cause you a Hex reaction and that will stop you for days. So keep it low and constant will be more secure than big dose.
I will say 10 ml 5 times today instead of 50 ml 5 times a day.
The volume of water is not a problem here, is the number of ml that you take put in the full dose what is important. water is just a vehicle and did not dilute the effect in term of drops per day. It dilute the strength in term of pH and burning sensation but the gas dose is the same.