there is much out dated information on web.
We know MMS/DMSO shrinks tumors so I ignored that line/sentence.
Doesn't make sense why it was included. MMS carried by DMSO into Cancer cells kills Cancer microbes and cell returns to normal, which is not inflamed.
5 drops per hour Doses max is my guide for you given your dogs are 90 bs at most and average person is double that often and we suggest max 12 per hour, or Jim does at least. so I gave you 5 per hour as a guide Max if looking for an hourly upper limit. You can do more, or less and get results.
The article of course is another opinion but we all have them...
Whoever wrote the article certainly knows something about MMS and DMSO, obviously written prior to CDH and HCl activation. But is an opinion worth consideration.
I myself don't use a lot of water if any, but you will have to decide how much if any you want to use. Obviously needs water in spray bottle.
I used water at first from a cup with MMS and DMSO mix and after a wee bit I decided, why am I adding water? It takes longer to rub or sink in and to me diffuses the strength over a larger quantity of water.
There is no specific guaranteed X+Y=Z cure equation, but we do offer several guides for users to consider and choose from.
I think that as we now Hold CD in water that water stabilizes ClO2 some water is going to be part of your protocol be it in CDH CDS or DMSO mixed spray.
I have suggested some water in order to avert any skin irritations that may or may not surface for you.
I do not want for you to have a "bad" experience and/or lose faith, so we suggest go slow, build and you will get results. Using water helps minimize the potential of skin irritation, but there may be none. I try and guide you on the side of caution while still maintaining an as aggressive approach as possible w/o making things worse for the patient.
My own personal way is more cavalier. I would push as much as I could and if I got a skin or ill reaction I would back off, or add water. Everyone finds there own amount of "throttle" to apply as they go.
So you can certainly use the methods of CDS or H described on site with or with out DMSO.
To obtain .5 drop use use .5 ml when making up daily dose bottle.
Gas will escape in traditional methods of activating SC into MMS. This is how/why CDS developed and later CDH. If closed and cool your solution will last the day.
If you experience any irritation simply back off, or dilute more next time.
The PC1000 protocol for average weight of 160 lbs is 25 drops per day for most conditions. CDH is much more powerful, as much as 6X as powerful but w/o the ill feeling associated with ACtivations of short duration using Citric Acid. So 25 per day for your 90b dog seems fair. And if using CDH you may get the benefits of up to 6X the drop dose you administer w/o the ill effects associated with internal activation.
You may find more or less helps but we/I can only offer a guide and not an exact equation.
No matter what way you choose, you are likely to get results. It is experimentation or variables that develop new methods. Andreas CDS, Kerri Autism, Scott CDH as examples. Their experimentation led to the methods we use today.
So as I understand CDH math it could be .5ml of SC and .5ml of ACtivator in Xml of water that you divide into 8 doses over the day to achieve a half drop dose per hour solution.
Measure by ml or by drops when you make solution. Add DMSO at point of use.
1:1 DMSO/MMS ratio is what I read Jim say the other day, is what I use, but I also ramp up the doses from 3-5 as DMSO is to a degree, an antioxidant however to date I am unaware of the drop in strength values. There will be a table put up soon is my understanding.
I personally feel based on my own and others experience that MMS in whatever form is the most potent healing agent known today or I would not be here.
Hoping that's a bit more un-confusing....