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MMS: sodium chlorite (NaClO2) 28%
MMS1 or Activated MMS: chlorine dioxide (ClO2)


Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 13 Jul 2011 01:05 #3771

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In my training with Jim Humble in the Dominican Republic, Jim advised the "careful" use of inhaling chlorine dioxide from activating MMS1 for lung and nasal conditions.

In my experiences with this, even being careful, I found that my nasal passages and throat were easily burned, and could remain raw for 2 to 3 days. When this is done, if there's any burning of the lung tissue, there will be no immediate symptoms because there are no nerves in the lungs.

Another consideration with this is that it's almost impossible to know what dosages are being delivered, as the concentration of gasses in the cup are not known, the mixture of the gas from the cup to the air inhaled isn't known, etc. It's quite possible, I think, that delivering effective doses is impossible, as there could be tissue damage long before they are received.

Jim also recommended using a nebulizer for inhalation of an MMS mist, in light of the possibility of the caustic nature of chlorine dioxide.

Michael says that he thinks that using this method contributed to his getting asthma, though it seems possible that, as he has sensitivity to citric acid, this was an allergic reaction. For uses like this, I generally recommend using half or less of the amount of acid to activate the MMS1, as I've anecdotally found this fully effective if more time is given for activation. I had great success activating 28% sodium chlorite solution with 2 drops of 10% citric acid or lemon or lime juice.

I don't believe that any unactivated sodium chlorite will have any negative effects, as I think almost all of it is eventually activated by the body's acidity, and I don't think that it creates any residues that are toxic.

There is no serious research on these methods. In light of this, common sense is called for.
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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 13 Jul 2011 03:55 #3775

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I've switched from Citric Acid to Hydro Chloric Acid because I think I an allergic to the Citric Acid....it made too much mucus in my sinuses and nasal passages and I found myself blowing my nose all the time as if I had a cold. I went through several boxes of kleenex tissue doing this. I just started the HCL and hope this remedies the allergic reaction problem. I'll let you know what I experience.

I had a recent asthma exacerbation which I think was caused by my sensitivity to seasonal pollin and such. Seems every time it rained, it would kick in the asthma a little ......just enough to cause mild congestion deep in my lungs. It eventually necessitated a visit to the VA ER for a nebulizer treatment and some IV steroids to clear the lungs. I have not had asthma problems ever in my life until about 6 years ago when I almost died and was resuscitated in the ER and hospitalized for 5 days of IV steroids. This was long before I ever even knew what MMS was. Now that I have been using the MMS which has been over the past year and a half or so, I have been detoxing. I have had no asthma problems until this spring. I'm pretty sure this is related to the seasonal allergins.

Thank you and Michael for all you do to help us with this adventure in self care.
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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 13 Jul 2011 04:49 #3777

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Hi Bruce,

Glad you started this topic and shared your experience in training with Jim.

I actually did 3 tests with MMS1 in my nebulizer. I was testing many things and couldn’t find anything what would reduce the bronchial restriction of asthma or that would break up the mucous congestion. I nebulized DMSO no problem but there was no noticeable benefits or detriments from it. One thing I did not try is MMS2 water, and that might work well. I have also since read that nebulizing a saline solution with just normal salt is supposed to be proven beneficial, like the lung benefits that have been noticed from ocean salt spray.

With the MMS1, I tried it without activation, with citric acid and with vinegar for activation. I did not try a reduced acid activation and that sounds like a good idea. In all three cases I did not notice any benefit or detriment during the nebulizing, but shortly afterwards my asthma (bronchial constriction) became significantly worse and lasted about an hour and tapered off back to normal. I’m pretty highly sensitive so this may not happen with anyone else but it did happen to me. Maybe I’ll try the MMS1 again the next time the season comes around with reduced acid and lemon juice. Maybe MMS2 or salt will work also.


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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 19 Jul 2011 07:40 #3949

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Below is an excerpt from Jim's book about the 2 drop inhalation technique.

Please keep in mind the cautions.

Excerpt from Jim Humble, The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium (Get it now www.miraclemineral.org)

Inhaling MMS Fumes

Follow these instructions! Your lungs have no pain nerves and you can damage them without feeling it. Inhaling chlorine dioxide fumes must be done very cautiously. Never, never use more than 2 activated drops for inhaling.

1) Put 2 drops of MMS in a cup, add the activator and cover the cup.
2) Wait 20 seconds for the 50% citric acid or 3 minutes for the 10% citric, then remove the lid and lift the cup to your nose.
3) Take one breath through your nose. The minute you feel it bite, stop your breath.
4) Take one breath through your mouth. Take no more than one breath at first. You should cough. It is what you need to do. Then you should cough the next morning. You need to get the stuff out of your lungs and coughing does that. Typically, not a lot of coughing is needed.

Treating your lungs directly has the advantage that the MMS getting to your lungs is a hundred times stronger than what you would get from drinking it, then letting it go to your stomach, get into your blood and finally work its way to your lungs through the circulatory system. It will finally get to the lungs but the healing will be slower. You will quickly learn to use a few breaths two or three times a day, but only very slowly. I can’t emphasize enough that you must go slowly, working up to several breaths in the morning and in the evening. Gradually, your lungs will begin to heal. Keep in mind that this technique is using chlorine dioxide at just about 100% strength. The fumes coming off the bottom of that cup are 100% chlorine dioxide, but they do mix with a small amount of air on the way up.

Two Cautionary Tales

1) I once told a person over the phone how to do this. He was very sure that he needed to go faster. So he used 4 drops instead of 2, but what he really did wrong was continue to breathe the fumes for almost half an hour. It felt good, he said.
Four hours later that afternoon, he was gasping for breath. He could hardly force air into his lungs because he had burned them. He was afraid that he had permanently harmed them. I told him that he would be alright but that it would take several days to recover and that is what happened. It was a bad experience. He really thought he was going to die. Don’t you have the same experience! Go slowly! You can indeed harm your lungs.

2) Just the other day one of the Ministers here was making a six drop dose to take. After putting the 6 drops in a coffee cup and adding 6 drops of citric acid, before adding the water he dropped his pen. He was sitting in a chair and without thinking, he bent over between his legs to pick up the pen. As he reached for it, he was holding the coffee cup in his other hand and his nose went into the cup as he picked up the pen. He was just drawing a breath. It hit him hard.

When using the above instructions to repair your lungs, you take complete responsibility for yourself. I cannot be responsible for you. All I can say is that I have done this and others have told me they have too. In many cases, this is the only thing that will give you your life back. But you do it totally on your own responsibility.

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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 19 Jul 2011 07:42 #3950

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Below is an excerpt from Jim's book about the Misting Machine inhalation technique.

Excerpt from Jim Humble, The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium (Get it now www.miraclemineral.org)

Using a Misting Machine

Another and much safer procedure is to use a mister, a machine that creates a mist of water. Some humidifiers also create a cool mist; read your user's manual. I use 24 drops of activated MMS for each cup of water that I put in the mister. MMS will be in the mist. Use bottled drinking water. Keep a large bottle so that you can pour the liquid out of the machine and into a bottle with a lid. In that way, after you have taken your breaths, you can continue to use the same MMS until it gets used up. Make up a batch for your machine. You will probably need at least three cups. Remember: 24 drops of activated MMS per cup. Turn the machine on and put your mouth right down at the opening where the mist comes out. You will be able to tell when the mist starts as the air will get cold on your lips. At that time, the first time, take only one breath. Then 4 hours later you can do it again and if everything went alright and there was no problem, you can take 2 breaths. Do it two or three times a day and if there is no problem and you are getting better, you can take as many as 10 breaths each time. You will never be getting 100% chlorine dioxide as you would if breathing from a cup. But in every case go slowly.

Inhaling MMS in a mist is very helpful for any type of respiratory disease such as pneumonia, asthma, COPD, and emphysema.

I have been using MMS for my lungs from time to time. As others have told me about using MMS in the lungs, I finally decided to do a mini research program. The above item (Inhaling MMS) and this one, Using a Misting Machine, are the result of about 2 weeks of doing it 8 hours a day. I am 79 years old as mentioned before. About one month after doing the mini program, I began to feel my lungs working easier and I was breathing more deeply on occasion. Then I began to take more deep breaths. I was amazed. I could draw breaths completely and easily. Before doing the program, I breathed OK. But when taking a deep breath, my breath would just slowly come to an end. As I reached the end of the breath I was forcing it pretty hard. Now it was different. I could breathe all the way totally deep to the end of the breath easily and without forcing it. In fact it was now fun and pleasant to take a deep breath, hold it for a couple of seconds and then let it out. I figure that the lungs heal slowly. After I killed most of the pathogens, my lungs filled out to a healthier condition than before. It took a while. They didn't feel bad before, but they do feel better now.

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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 27 Jul 2011 15:33 #4116

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When using the nebulizer with the mms and the citric acid solution, what is the safest ratio to start out with. Also how much do you use and how often! Thank you again. Mike

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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 27 Jul 2011 15:53 #4117

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Hi Mike,

There has been no formal testing of these protocols, so these are suggestions only for people to experiment with as part of learning how to reclaim responsibility for their own wellness. That being said, I suggest a solution of 10 drops of MMS1 per ounce (30ml) of water for nebulizers. I also suggest using less citric acid for activation - 1 drop citric to 2 drops MMS - and wait 30 seconds for activation.

The frequency and the amounts inhaled will depend what condition you're working with. Perhaps Michael will have something to say about this. For serious conditions, 3 or 4 sessions a day might be good. If lung congestion is involved, I suggest also using MMS2 capsules as in Protocol 2000.

Michael has experienced asthma attacks when using MMS in a nebulizer.

In health freedom,
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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 27 Jul 2011 21:06 #4123

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Hi Mike,

You can see earlier in the thread I posted my experience (genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=31&id=3771&Itemid=66#3777) with nebulizing MMS. It must made the lung constriction worse shortly after finishing the nebulizing, I don't think I had attacks like some people have that are dangerous.

Also, I have a lot of sensitivities that other people may not have so it could work for you. I would just suggest starting out slow and not nebulizing a full dose in the nebulizer cup all at once, but just do 10-20 inhalations the first time and wait an hour to see if you have any problems. This is what I'll do the next time I try it.


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Re: Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies 01 Aug 2011 21:33 #4244

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Thank you guys again. I will try it out and keep you posted, Mike

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