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MMS: sodium chlorite (NaClO2) 28%
MMS1 or Activated MMS: chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
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Please help with what is the current protocol for mms1 and mm2 for dogs 23 Feb 2014 16:51 #40395

  • penwah114
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I have specifically asked how the administer the mms1 and mms2 to my dogs. I am hearing that the latest protocol is smaller doses throughout the day. I had one person say 1 drop per 8 oz divided into 8 1 oz doses throughout the day. and yet I am reading that people are giving 1 drop per hour. That is a big difference. My one dog has a very large tumor and I have been doing other treatments without success.

I am reading people here using DMSO, I have read that DMSO has caused blindness in dogs, I will not use it.

I will have to syringe my doses as this dog only eats when hungry. He has been fed raw his whole life and now only wants canned cat food with dry dog food, I am working on cooking chicken and he seems to be ok with that. I have no idea why he won't eat raw anymore.

so, please someone with some experience please comment on how I should dose him. My product should arrive within the next couple of days. I am using mms with hcl. he weighs approximately 75 lbs. second dog 90 lbs

My second dog will be easier as she will take in food. but I am still confused about the dosing. I have ordered 8 oz baby bottles to use as well. the question is where do I start one drop per day or one drop per hour? That is a huge difference.

Regarding mms2, I have gel caps #3, I am thinking very small amount in the capsule in food and syringe water? Not sure how much water I can get into him so what are the concerns here? I am thinking I can mix the capsule with some wet cat food then syringe maybe 1/2 oz water after swallowing the cat food. One ounce is a lot of water to get into him with syringe even but the wet food may help. Will that be enough water?

Also does anyone know if colloidal silver interacts in a negative way with the mms1 or mms2? I think I will slowly switch over to non activated mms in water but for now I am using cs in water for all of my animals and my 2nd dog has blood in urine that goes away as long as on cs, that is why I want to treat her with mms to heal completely (I think it is kidney related). and as a lifelong standard from now on for all of us.

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Please help with what is the current protocol for mms1 and mm2 for dogs 23 Feb 2014 17:37 #40400

  • Rev Ray
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MMS oxidizes silver so no using both at same time.
The standard protocol is 1 drop per 25 pounds of weight per hour.
YU will have to determine if your animal can do more or needs less.
The idea if concerned is to start slow.
If I as with you and the dogs and I had care and control of this situation, I would MMS the water bowl with 5-10 drops active MMS as the dog/s will only drink so much of the bowl water so 5-10 is not too much.
If syringe method X drops with water as protocol suggests however you may start with one drop per hour in syringe and build up.
You are the tending care giver so you will have to make some adjustments as you go
Please post the DMSO blindness link.
You likely will not start with MMS2.
MMS1 and then the addition of two comes after 1 has reached X drops per hour/day.

I am reading about non activated MMS in animal water bowls.
I am not sure where this idea comes from.
It is my opinion based on what little I know, that ingesting unactivated MMS causes nausea and diarrhea.
I do not think MMS2 in food is a good idea.
MMS2 needs LOTS of water to create hypochlorus acid. MMS2 when in contact with water makes Hypochlorus acid. Food covered MMS2 sounds to me like the MMS2 will not activate properly.
You may find MMS1 does all you need.

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Last edit: by Rev Ray.

Please help with what is the current protocol for mms1 and mm2 for dogs 26 Feb 2014 00:09 #40542

  • Rev Glenda
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rev ray - to let you know where I found info and testimony of others using unactivated MMS in the dogs water - go to thread titled "Testimony MMS for 10 doggies first I kept was dated Aug 21 2012
# 21606, # 21609 -postings made by sevenrays, Kwag, truthquester, horsefeathers (they are the ones that helped me SO much in getting my Scotty on his way to recovery.

sevenrays had said in one post that the water was tested also :blink:
Be Blessed! I am! :cheer: God & MMS have healed my "Lil Scot" !
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Please help with what is the current protocol for mms1 and mm2 for dogs 02 Aug 2021 19:09 #70307

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Thank you for this explanation. Where can I learn about and MMS2, MSO, or DMSO? I’ve only used MMS1. 

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Please help with what is the current protocol for mms1 and mm2 for dogs 02 Aug 2021 22:27 #70309

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Please help with what is the current protocol for mms1 and mm2 for dogs 10 Aug 2021 14:54 #70397

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I have a similar question. 

My 22-lb dog has Cushing's, suspected to be due to pituitary tumor.  I have the guidebook and I find it confusing, (admittedly I skipped directly to Chapter 15).

I ordered MMS from eBay - it comes with the 22.4% NaClO2 and 4% HCl.   

I'm looking at the chart on page 300 of the guidebook, and for her weight the starting protocol says "9.5-19-28 d-C2" 

Cup 2 is made by combining 8 drops MMS with 1/2 cup water.  It says to activate it, but I've seen elsewhere that dogs don't need activator. Do I use the activator for my dog or not?

So then if I understand the chart correctly I start with 9.5 drops from cup 2 and then increase it to 19, not to exceed 28? How long do I do 9.5 drops before increasing - should I increase incrementally or is the jump from 9.5 to 19 all at one time? These numbers seem to be very precise, how much is a "drop"; how do you do a half of a drop?  How much water do I mix the 9.5 drops in? She gets this hourly how many times per day - I've seen 6-7, 8 and 10 times in different places.

She has cushing's so she's constantly drinking, should I allow her to drink it from her bowl or should I get a syringe?

I currently have her on other supplements, should I continue or stop these while she's on MMS?
Supplement 1: Multi-formula with HMR Lignans (20mg); Melatonin (2mg); Milk THistle (seed Extract) 40mg - 1 capsule morning & night
Supplement 2: Adrenal support (this is a liquid that goes in her water) containing Astragalus root, eleuthero root, licorice root & dandelion root - 1 dropper full per day
Supplement 3: SamE(225mg) & L-Glutathione(20mg) - 1 tablet every other day
Supplement 4: CBD oil - 1-2 drops, morning & afternoon
Supplement 5: Grass-Fed Organs & Glands powder - 1/2 tsp per day

Thanks in advance!

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