(Older article picked up from MMSworldCourt)
There are several points that all critics try to use to make MMS (chlorine dioxide) look bad. Even the FDA in their articles have tried to use several of these same points.
1. The first point that seemingly all critics insist on presenting is that chlorine dioxide is an industrial bleach. Gabriela Segura, M.D. a surgeon, is one example. She viscously pushes the idea that chlorine dioxide is used to clean toilets. Do you see how the critics care nothing for truth and accuracy? The fact is, nowhere in the world is chlorine dioxide used to clean toilets.
Of course, all the other critics also claim that MMS is a bleach, but without considering the basic purpose of a bleach. So what is the basic purpose of a bleach? IT IS TO DESTROY THE DIRT AND PATHOGENS IN CLOTH OR CLOTHS WITHOUT DOING THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF DAMAGE. Thus cloth can often receive more than 50 bleachings without damage. This is more than 1000 times more chlorine dioxide than the human body is subjected to when using MMS.
2. All critics declare that chlorine dioxide is poisonous in large amounts. And, of course, the FDA pushes this point as well. WELL, OF COURSE IT IS! That is a fact, we all learned in the first chemistry class in high school. All chemicals are poisonous in large amounts. So what? Table
salt and vinegar are poisonous in large amounts and they both are used in industry in large amounts but that does not prove that they are dangerous to consume at the kitchen table as a part of lunch. Nor does it prove that when used in amounts of 1750 times less than what the FDA lies about to be safe, that it is poisonous either.
3. The third point all critics push is that chlorine dioxide has chlorine in it and thus it has to do the same damage as chlorine. But then, so does table salt have the same amount of chlorine in it. The chemistry of table salt is totally different than chlorine although it is more than 50% chlorine and the chemistry of chlorine dioxide is totally different than chlorine and cannot do the same damage as chlorine or leave carcinogenic debris. Chlorine Dioxide turns into harmless amounts of salt.
4. The fourth point that all critics push is that chlorine dioxide cannot possibly be selective in the things that it kills. They claim that chlorine dioxide runs rampant through the body killing everything in its path and doing much damage to the body. Yet, there are thousands of industrial corporations that use chlorine dioxide for that reason, it is selective in the bacteria it kills and the chemicals that it oxidizes. Chlorine dioxide is a “weak” oxidizer and only oxidizes things that are weaker than it’s oxidation potential. Chlorine dioxide is weaker than oxygen and oxygen doesn’t harm good tissue in normal amounts. Search for Google “selective chlorine dioxide” for proof.
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