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Testimonial that Malaria is cured within 3 to 4 hours 28 Feb 2011 05:57 #943
I live in Tanzania and have come across several people with malaria who have been cured within 3 to 4 hours of their malaria by using MMS. The first person was a young girl of 23 years old called Rukia Seif who after testing positive for malaria decided not to take hospital drugs but to use MMS.
She took 15 drops in the evening went to sleep woke up 4 hours later due to neighbors firework display at midnight the same night and she felt completely free from malaria and has never looked back since just after this one dose without even repeating it, you can verify this by checking out here profile on Facebook and asking her directly: www.facebook.com/people/Rukia-Ally-Seif/1750571717 Second testimonial regarding Malaria can be verified by contacting my mate Nishal Van Loon again on FB en-gb.facebook.com/people/Nishal-van-Loon/1272747711 He was a guest in my house and came down with malaria and we decided to do it scientifically this time by going to a hospital in Kinondoni area of Dar es Salaam and checking in their lab for malaria, surely the lab result came out as positive for malaria, we returned home, prepared a dose of 15 drops MMS, he drunk this, went to bed for 3 hours, the full time he sweated alot like he has never done so in his whole life, after 3 to 4 hours he repeated a second dose of 15 drops MMS and we drove back to the same hospital and lab where again he underwent a malaria test this time the result came out negative. We produced the lab result to the la technician from 4 hours previous showing he was positive with malaria how is it possible to be negative and we had checked this at the same lab, we asked the lab technician to double check that he was really negative and e said yes the result is negative, we simply left te clinic hit the Mango Village Garden in Kinondoni for a big bowl of goat soup and Nishal came back who and wrote a testimonial to be sent to Jim Humble which I never got around to doing, but this is the truth and Nishal can be contacted through his FB profile for further verification. Thirdly my own son Nabil has also contacted malaria in te past and used MMS, was cured immediately as the 2 persons above and anyone doubting my narratives about is free to contact me for further verification. |
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Last edit: by ZnzMagic. Reason: spelling mistakes
Re: Testimonial that Malaria is cured within 3 to 4 hours 01 Mar 2011 07:23 #985
Awesome testimonials ZnzMagic! We never run into malaria here in the US so it helps a lot to have independent verification of the reports Jim Humble has given, especially about malaria. Thanks again partner, glad you joined!
Michael Harrah
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The Mechanisms Of Toxicity Of Chlorine Oxides Against Malarial Parasites 05 Aug 2011 17:37 #4337
On The Mechanisms Of Toxicity Of Chlorine Oxides Against Malarial Parasites
By Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD bioredox.mysite.com/CLOXhtml/CLOXprnt+refs.htm """""Interesting link I thought I should share....."""""" An Overview Copyright September 6, 2007 * The purpose of this article is to propose research. * Nothing in this article is intended as medical advice. * No claims, promises nor guarantees are made. ABSTRACT Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) can be acidified as a convenient method to produce chlorine dioxide (ClO2) which is a strong oxidant and a potent disinfectant. A protocol has been developed whereby a solution of these compounds can be taken orally. This procedure rapidly eliminates malaria and other infectious agents in only one dose. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is highly reactive with thiols, polyamines, purines, certain amino acids and iron, all of which are necessary for the growth and survival of pathogenic microbes. Properly dosed this new treatment is tolerable orally with only transient side effects. More research to better document efficacy in malaria and in other infections is urgently called for. DISCOVERY Jim Humble, a modern gold prospecting geologist, needed to travel to malaria infested areas numerous times. He or his coworkers would on occassion contract malaria. At times access to modern medical treatment was absolutely unavailable. Under such dire circumstances it was found that a solution useful to sanitize drinking water was also effective to treat malaria if diluted and taken orally. [1a] Despite no formal medical training Mr. Humble had the innate wisdom to experiment with various dosage and administration techniques. Out of such necessity was invented an easy to use treatment for malaria which was found rapidly effective in almost all cases. [1b,1c] References: 1a. Water disinfection for international and wilderness travelers. Backer H Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Feb 1;34(3):355-64 1b. A Possible Solution to the Malaria Problem? Humble J Libertarian Times, May 9, 2005 1c. The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. Humble JV www.miraclemineral.org, 2nd Edition (2007) MATERIALS AND METHODS The procedure as used by Mr. Humble follows: A 28% stock solution of 80% (technical grade) sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is prepared. The remaining 20% is a mixture of the usual excipients necessary in the manufacture and stabilization of sodium chlorite powder or flake. Such are mostly sodium chloride (NaCl) ~19%, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) <1%, and sodium chlorate (NaClO3) <1%. The actual sodium chlorite present is therefore 22.4%. Using a medium caliber dropper (25 drops per cc), the usual administered dose per treatment is 6 to 15 drops. In terms of milligrams of sodium chlorite, this calculates out to 9mg per drop or 54mg to 135mg per treatment. Effectiveness is enhanced, if prior to administration the selected drops are premixed with 2.5 to 5 cc of table vinegar or lime juice or 5-10% citric acid and allowed to react for 3 minutes. The resultant solution is always mixed into a glass of water or apple juice and taken orally. The carboxylic acids neutralize the sodium hydroxide and at the same time convert a small portion of the chlorite (ClO2-) to its conjugate acid known as chlorous acid (HClO2). Under such conditions the chlorous acid will oxidize other chlorite anions and gradually produce chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Chlorine dioxide appears in solution as a yellow tint which smells exactly like elemental chlorine (Cl2). The above described procedure can be repeated a few hours later if necessary. Considerably lower dosing should be applied in children or in emaciated individuals scaled down according to size or weight. The diluted solution can be taken without food to enhance effectiveness but this often causes nausea. Drinking extra water usually relieves this. Nausea is less likely to occur if food is present in the stomach. Starchy food is preferable to protein as protein quenches chlorine dioxide. Significant amounts of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) must not be present at any point in the mixtures or else this will quench the chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and render it ineffective. For the same reason antioxidant supplements should not be taken on the day of treatment. Other side effects reported are transient vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, lethargy or malaise. [2a,2b] References: 2a. The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. Humble JV www.miraclemineral.org, 2nd Edition (2007) 2b. personal communications from Mr. Jim Humble 2007 EXPLORING BENEFITS I first learned of Jim Humble's remarkable discovery in the fall of 2006. That sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide could kill parasites in vivo seemed immediately reasonable to me at the onset. It is well known that many disease causing organisms are sensitive to oxidants. Various compounds classifiable as oxides of chlorine such as sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide are already widely used as disinfectants. What is novel and exciting here is that Mr. Humble's technique seems: 1) easy to use, 2) rapidly acting, 3) successful, 4) apparently lacking in toxicity, and 5) affordable. If this treatment continues to prove effective, it could be used to help rid the world of one of the most devasting of all known plagues. [3a,3b,3c,3d,3e] Especially moving in me is the empathy I feel for anyone with a debilitating febrile illness. I cannot forget how horrible I feel whenever I have caught influenza. How much more miserable it must be to suffer like that again and again every 2 to 3 days as happens in malaria. Millions of people suffer this way year round. 1 to 3 million die from malaria every year mostly children. Thus motivated I sought to learn all I could about the chemistry of the oxides of chlorine. [4a-4hh] I wanted to understand their probable mechanisms of toxicity towards the causative agents of malaria (Plasmodium species). I wanted to check available literature pertaining to issues of safety or risk in human use. References: 3a. Current status of malaria control. Tripathi RP, Mishra RC, Dwivedi N, Tewari N, Verma SS Curr Med Chem. 2005;12(22):2643-59 3b. Current status and progresses made in malaria chemotherapy. Linares GE, Rodriguez JB Curr Med Chem. 2007;14(3):289-314 3c. [various articles] JAMA May23/30,2007 297(20) 3d. Malaria - Stopping a Global Killer. Bedlam in the Blood - Malaria. Finkel M, Stanmeyer J National Geographic, Jul 2007, pp32-67 3e. An overview of chemotherapeutic targets for antimalarial drug discovery. Olliaro PL, Yuthavong Y Pharmacol Ther. 1999 Feb;81(2):91-110 4a. Chlorine Oxygen Acids and Salts: Chlorine Dioxide. Robson HL Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol 5, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2nd Ed. 1964 pp35-50 4b. The Chemistry of Chlorine Dioxide. Gordon G, Kieffer RG, Rosenblatt DH Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 15, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1972 pp 201-286 4c. From Laboratory Curiosity to Heavy Chemical. Rapson WH Chemistry in Canada, 18:25-31, 1966 4d. Chlorine Dioxide: Chemical and Physical Properties. Rosenblatt DH pp 332-343 in: Ozone/Chlorine Dioxide Oxidation Products of Organic Materials. Rice RG, Cotruvo JA editors, International Ozone Institute & USEPA, Ozone Press International, 1978 4e. Chlorine Dioxide: An Overview of its Preparation, Properties and Uses Gall RJ pp 356-382 in: Ozone/Chlorine Dioxide Oxidation Products of Organic Materials. Rice RG, Cotruvo JA editors, International Ozone Institute & USEPA, Ozone Press International, 1978 4f. Inorganic Chemistry. Thorne PCL, Roberts ER pp 368-371, 386-388 Interscience Publishers, Inc. 1949 4g. Introduction To Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. Durrant PJ, Durrant B pp 937-942 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4h. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry - A Comprehensive Text. Cotton FA, Wilkinson G pp 473-478 Interscience Publishers, 4i. Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry. Brown GI pp 292-295 Longman 4j. Inorganic Chemistry An Advanced Textbook. Moeller T pp 432-433,438-443 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4k. Inorganic Chemistry A Guide To Advanced Study. 3rd Ed. Heslop RB, Robinson PL pp 528-533 Elsevier Publishing Company, 1967, 4L. Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry. Douglas BE, McDaniel DH pp 191-192 Blaisdell Publishing Company 4m. Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. article regarding "chlorine" p 99 McGraw-Hill 4n. The Chemical Elements And Their Compounds. Volume II. Sidgwick NV pp 1202-1207, 1224-1225 Oxford At The Clarendon Press 4o. Van Nostrand's Encyclopedia of Chemistry. 5th Edition. Considine GD article regarding "chlorine" pp 371-372 Wiley-Interscience 4p. Inorganic Chemistry Sharpe AG pp 419-423 Longman Scientific & Technical 4q. Concise Inorganic Chemistry. 4th Edition. Lee JD pp 609-620 Chapman & Hall 4r. Comparative Inorganic Chemistry. 3rd Edition. Moody B pp 409-411,416,433-439 Edward Arnold 4s. The Chemistry of the Non-Metals Jolly WL pp 38-40 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 4t. Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants EPA Guidance Manual, April 1999, 4.1 Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry, pp 4-1 to 4-13 4u. Oxidation of Formaldehyde by Chlorite in Basic and Slightly Acidic Media. Chinake C, Olojo O, Simoyi RH J Phys Chem A, 102 (3), 606-611, 1998 4v. General-Acid-Catalyzed Reactions of Hypochlorous Acid and Acetyl Hypochlorite with Chlorite Ion. Zhongjiang Jia, Dale W. Margerum,* and Joseph S. Francisco Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Received December 28, 1999 4w. Disproportionation of Chlorous Acid at a Strong Acidity. Ni Y, Yin G Ind Eng Chem Res, 1998, 37(6):2367-2372 4x. Kinetics and mechanism of chloride based chlorine dioxide generation process from acidic sodium chlorate. Deshwal BR, Lee HK J Hazard Mater. 2004 May 20;108(3):173-82 4y. New pathways for chlorine dioxide decomposition in basic solution. Odeh IN, Francisco JS, Margerum DW Inorg Chem. 2002 Dec 2;41(24):6500-6 4z. Kinetics and mechanisms of aqueous chlorine reactions with chlorite ion in the presence of chloride ion and acetic acid/acetate buffer. Nicoson JS, Margerum DW Inorg Chem. 2002 Jan 28;41(2):342-7 4aa. Kinetics and mechanism of catalytic decomposition and oxidation of chlorine dioxide by the hypochlorite ion. Csordy V, Bubnis B, FyyI, Gordon G Inorg Chem. 2001 Apr 9;40( ![]() 4bb. General-acid-catalyzed reactions of hypochlorous acid and acetyl hypochlorite with chlorite ion. Jia Z, Margerum DW, Francisco JS Inorg Chem. 2000 Jun 12;39(12):2614-20 4cc. Mechanism of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorate Ion Formation from the Reaction of Hypobromous Acid and Chlorite Ion. Furman CS, Margerum DW Inorg Chem. 1998 Aug 24;37(17):4321-4327 4dd. The Three-Electron Bond in Chlorine Dioxide. Brockway LO Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1933 Mar;19(3):303-7 4ee. Toxicological Review of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite. Integrated Risk Information System, EPA/635/R-00/007, September 2000 4ff. Toxicological Profile for Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, US Dept. Health and Human Services, September 2004 4gg. Technical note the pattern of ClO2 stabilized by Na2CO3/H2O2. Junli H, Lihua C, Zhenye Z Water Res. 2001 Jul;35(10):2570-3 4hh. Control effects of p(epsilon) and pH on the generation and stability of chlorine dioxide. Pei YS, Wu XQ, Luan ZK, Wang T J Environ Sci (China). 2003 Sep;15(5):680-4 OXIDANTS AS PHYSIOLOGIC AGENTS Oxidants are atoms or molecules which take up electrons. Reductants are atoms or molecules which donate electrons to oxidants. I was already very familiar with most of the medicinally useful oxidants. I had taught at numerous seminars on their use and explained their mechanisms of action on the biochemical level. Examples are: hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, various quinones, various glyoxals, ozone, ultraviolet light, hyperbaric oxygen, benzoyl peroxide, anodes, artemisinin, methylene blue, allicin, iodine and permanganate. Some work has been done using dilute solutions of sodium chlorite internally to treat fungal infections, chronic fatigue, and cancer; however, little has been published in that regard. [5a-5h] Low dose oxidant exposure to living red blood cells induces a change in oxyhemoglobin (Hb-O2) activity so that more oxygen (O2) is released to tissues throughout the body. [6a-6d] Hyperbaric oxygenation (oxygen under pressure) is: 1) a powerful detoxifier against carbon monoxide; 2) a powerful support for natural healing in burns, crush injuries, and ischemic strokes; and 3) an effective aid to treat most bacterial infections. [7a-7d] Taken internally, intermittently and in low doses many oxidants have been found to be powerful immune stimulants. Sodium chlorite acidified with lactic acid as in the product "WF10" has similarly been shown to modulate immune activation. Exposure of live blood to ultraviolet light also has immune enhancing effects. These treatments work through a natural physiologic trigger mechanism, which induces peripheral white blood cells to express and to release cytokines. These cytokines serve as a control system to down-regulate allergic reactions and as an alarm system to increase cellular attack against pathogens. [8a-8v] Activated cells of the immune system naturally produce strong oxidants as part of the inflammatory process at sites of infection or cancer to rid the body of these diseases. Examples are: superoxide (*OO-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl radical (HO*), singlet oxygen (O=O) and ozone (O3). [9a-9v] Another is peroxynitrate (-OONO) the coupled product of superoxide (*OO-) and nitric oxide (*NO) radicals. [10a-10h] Yet another is hypochlorous acid (HOCl) the conjugate acid of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). [11a,11b,11c] The immune system uses these oxidants to attack various parasites. [12a,12b,12c] References: 5a. O2xygen Therapies - A New Way Of Approching Disease. McCabe E, 1988, Energy Publication 5b. Oxygen Healing Therapies - For Optimum Health And Vitality, Altman N, 1995, Healing Arts Press 5c. The Use Of Ozone In Medicine, Rilling S, Viebahn R, (1985/1987/1994) Haug Publishers 5d. Biologically Closed Electric Circuits, Nordenstrom BEW, 1983, Nordic Medical Publications 5e. Regional Intra-Arterial Hydrogen Peroxide Infusion And Irradiation In The Treatment Of Head And Neck Malignancies: A Progress Report. Mallams JT, Balla GA, Finney JW Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol, 1963, Jul-Aug, 67:546-53 5f. War Against Microbes. Bradford Research Institute The Choice 28(2), 2001 5g. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Rodriguez R Consumer Health Organization of Canada. 1994 Apr;17(4) 5h. 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Interferon-gamma activates the oxidative killing of Candida albicans by human granulocytes. Stevenhagen A, van Furth R Clin Exp Immunol. 1993 Jan;91(1):170-5 9d. Hydrogen peroxide production by alveolar type II cells, alveolar macrophages, and endothelial cells. Kinnula VL, Everitt JI, Whorton AR, Crapo JD Am J Physiol. 1991 Aug;261(2 Pt 1):L84-91 9e. Stimulation of the respiratory burst and promotion of bacterial killing in human granulocytes by intravenous immunoglobulin preparations. Marodi L, Kalmar A, Karmazsin L Clin Exp Immunol. 1990 Feb;79(2):164-9 9f. Neutrophils may directly synthesize both H2O2 and O2- since surface stimuli induce their release in stimulus-specific ratios. Hoffstein ST, Gennaro DE, Manzi RM Inflammation. 1985 Dec;9(4):425-37 9g. Quantitative and temporal characterization of the extracellular H2O2 pool generated by human neutrophils. Test ST, Weiss SJ J Biol Chem. 1984 Jan 10;259(1):399-405 9h. 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Eosinophils are a major source of nitric oxide-derived oxidants in severe asthma: characterization of pathways available to eosinophils for generating reactive nitrogen species. MacPherson JC, Comhair SA, Erzurum SC, Klein DF, Lipscomb MF, Kavuru MS, Samoszuk MK, Hazen SL J Immunol. 2001 May 1;166(9):5763-72 10c. Helicobacter pylori urease suppresses bactericidal activity of peroxynitrite via carbon dioxide production. Kuwahara H, Miyamoto Y, Akaike T, Kubota T, Sawa T, Okamoto S, Maeda H Infect Immun. 2000 Aug;68( ![]() 10d. Kinetics of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide production and formation of peroxynitrite during the respiratory burst of human neutrophils. Carreras MC, Pargament GA, Catz SD, Poderoso JJ, Boveris A FEBS Lett. 1994 Mar 14;341(1):65-8 10e. Biological aspects of reactive nitrogen species. Patel RP, McAndrew J, Sellak H, White CR, Jo H, Freeman BA, Darley-Usmar VM Biochim Biophys Acta. 1999 May 5;1411(2-3):385-400 10f. 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Human mononuclear phagocyte antiprotozoal mechanisms: oxygen-dependent vs oxygen-independent activity against intracellular Toxoplasma gondii. Murray HW, Rubin BY, Carriero SM, Harris AM, Jaffee EA J Immunol. 1985 Mar;134(3):1982-8 12b. Phagocytosis and killing of the protozoan Leishmania donovani by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Pearson RD, Steigbigel RT J Immunol. 1981 Oct;127(4):1438-43 12c. The role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions. The direct quantitative estimation of H2O2 in phagocytizing cells. Paul B, Sbarra AJ Biochim Biophys Acta. 1968 Feb 1;156(1):168-78 OXIDES OF CHLORINE AS DISINFECTANTS All bacteria have been shown to be incabable of growing in any medium in which the oxidants (electron grabbers) out- number the reductants (electron donors). [13a] Therefore, oxidants are at least bacteriostatic and at most are bacteriocidal. [13b] Many oxidants have been proven useful as antibacterial disinfectants. [13c,13d] Hypochlorites (ClO-) are commonly used as bleaching agents, as swimming pool sanitizers, and as disinfectants. At low concentrations chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has been shown to kill many types of bacteria [14a-14j], viruses [15a-15L] and protozoa [16a-16f]. Ozone (O3) or chlorine dioxide (ClO2) are often used to disinfect public water supplies or to sanitize and deodorize waste water. [17a-17L] Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) or chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solutions are used in certain mouth washes to clear mouth odors and oral bacteria. [18a-18i] Chlorine dioxide sanitizes food preparation facilities. [19a] Acidified sodium chlorite is FDA approved as a spray in the meat packing industry to sanitized meat. [20a-20g] This can also be used to sanitize vegetables and other foods. [21a,21b] Farmers use this to cleanse the udders of cows to prevent mastitis, [22a,22b,22c] or to rid eggs of pathogenic bacteria. Chlorine dioxide can be used to disinfect endoscopes. [23a] Oxidants such as iodine, various peroxides, permanganate and chlorine dioxide can be applied topically to the skin to treat infections caused by bacteria or fungi. [24a-24d] References: 13a. Oxidation-Reduction Potentials In Bacteriology And Biochemistry. L F Hewitt, 6th Ed, E. & S. Livingston Ltd., 1950 13b. Role of Oxidants in Microbial Pathophysiology. R A Miller, B E Britigan Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 10(1):1-18, Jan 1997 13c. Antiseptics and Disinfectants: Activity, Action and Resistance. by G McDonnell & A D Russell Clinical Microbiology Reviews, pp 147-179, Jan 1999 13d. Treatment with oxidizing agents damages the inner membrane of spores of Bacillus subtilis and sensitizes spores to subsequent stress. Cortezzo DE, Koziol-Dube K, Setlow B, Setlow P J Appl Microbiol. 2004;97(4):838-52 14a. Mechanisms of killing of Bacillus subtilis spores by hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide. Young SB, Setlow P. J Appl Microbiol. 2003;95(1):54-67 14b. Inactivation of bacteria by Purogene. Harakeh S, Illescas A, Matin A. J Appl Bacteriol. 1988 May;64(5):459-63 14c. The inhibitory effect of Alcide, an antimicrobial drug, on protein synthesis in Escherichia coli. Scatina J, Abdel-Rahman MS, Goldman E. J Appl Toxicol. 1985 Dec;5(6):388-94 14d. Bactericidal properties of chlorine dioxide. Ridenour GM, Ingols RS J Am Water Works Assn, 1947 39:561-567 14e. Bactericidal effects of chlorine dioxide. Ridenour GM, Armbruster EH J Am Water Works Assn, 1949 41:537-550 14f. Sporicidal properties of chlorine dioxide. Ridenour GM, Ingols RS, Armbruster EH Water & Sewage Works, 1949 96( ![]() 14g. Efficacy of chlorine dioxide as a bacteriocide. Bernarde MA, Isreal BM, Olivieri VP, Granstrom ML Appl Microbiol, 1965, 13(5):776-780 14h. Kinetics and mechanism of bacterial disinfection by chlorine dioxide. Bernarde MA, Snow WB, Olivieri VP, Davidson B Appl Microbiol, 1967, 15(2):257-265 14i. Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants EPA Guidance Manual, April 1999, 4.4 Pathogen Inactivation and Disinfection Efficacy, pp 4-15 to 4-22 14j. Evaluation of ultrasonic scaling unit waterline contamination after use of chlorine dioxide mouthrinse lavage. Wirthlin MR, Marshall GW JR J Periodontol. 2001 Mar;72(3):401-10 15a. Degradation of the Poliovirus 1 genome by chlorine dioxide. Simonet J, Gantzer C J Appl Microbiol. 2006 Apr;100(4):862-70 15b. Inactivation of enteric adenovirus and feline calicivirus by chlorine dioxide. Thurston-Enriquez JA, Haas CN, Jacangelo J, Gerba CP Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005 Jun;71(6):3100-5 15c. Mechanisms of inactivation of hepatitis A virus in water by chlorine dioxide. Li JW, Xin ZT, Wang XW, Zheng JL, Chao FH Water Res. 2004 Mar;38(6):1514-9 15d. Virucidal efficacy of four new disinfectants. Eleraky NZ, Potgieter LN, Kennedy MA J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2002 May-Jun;38(3):231-4 15e. 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What I found was an abundance of confirmation that, just like bacteria, Plasmodia are indeed quite sensitive to oxidants. [25a-25p]. Examples of oxidants toxic to Plasmodia include: artemisinin, artemether [26a-26n], t-butyl hydroperoxide [27a], xanthone [28a], various quinones [29a-29m] (e.g. atovaquone, lapachol, beta-lapachone, menadione) and methylene blue [30a-30i]. References: 25a. Double-drug development against antioxidant enzymes from Plasmodium falciparum. Biot C, Dessolin J, Grellier P, Davioud-Charvet E Redox Rep. 2003;8(5):280-3 25b. Oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses: a target for the treatment of diseases caused by parasitic protozoa. Turrens JF Mol Aspects Med. 2004 Feb-Apr;25(1-2):211-20 25c. Vampires, Pasteur and reactive oxygen species. Is the switch from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism a preventive antioxidant defence in blood-feeding parasites? Oliveira PL, Oliveira MF FEBS Lett. 2002 Aug 14;525(1-3):3-6 25d. 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