IMHO, MMS is not going to do much to D3, which is actually a hormone. I know it's called a vitamin...
If there are arteriosclerosis issues, MMS
may help with those - if it's exacerbated by cholesterol.
I'm assuming her doc is working with her to get her numbers back in sync? I tend to run LOW D3, because of a surgery, so I'm always working to get my numbers back up... Don't know the technique for getting it back down..
There are many causes for hardening and clogging of the arteries,
but cholesterol seems to be the best known. To date, several people
have reported that taking MMS reduced the clogging of their arteries
due to cholesterol.
One lady called to say that she was in very bad shape. She had been
told that her veins were at least 80% clogged. The doctors couldn’t
say if it was worse because they couldn’t measure more than that.
She took large, 15-drop doses three times a day for 30 days, and
when they measured again, the clogging was less than 50%. That is
a tremendous change in just 30 days.
While this is not much to go on, it does give you an idea of what
MMS can do. Remember, we’re talking about a water purifier. Also,
remember that 975,000 people die each year in the US as a result
of using medical drugs. No one has died from using MMS. In fact, so
far, with over 5 million having taken MMS, there is not a single report
of anyone dying while taking MMS.
Well, there is now one report of a person dying in Germany, but the
person was beyond help and the cause wasn’t MMS. That’s different
than the drug deaths where the death is listed as caused by the
drug. The woman in Australia died after taking 2 drops of MMS, so
her husband reported, but the autopsy was not done for months and
then it was not published. But do you see? No deaths are attributed
to MMS directly, and worldwide more than 1.5 million deaths are
attributed to drugs.
There is a great deal of evidence indicating that cholesterol deposits
in the arteries and veins around the heart are not the cause of heart
attacks. The evidence points out that the walls of these vessels,
about 10 inches or so right at the heart, collapse 70 to 80 times every
minute with each beat of the heart for our entire lives. The vessel
walls are strengthened by vitamin C and a deficiency in vitamin C
along with a couple of amino acids will cause them to weaken.
When the blood vessel walls crack, they remain collapsed and
this is when a heart attack happens. The cholesterol that medical
people say is clogging the veins has really been deposited there to
compensate for the deficiency of vitamin C. It is the body’s secondary
defense, used to prevent the walls of the arteries and veins on the
heart from collapsing.
To avoid clogged arteries and veins, take 6 to 10 grams of vitamin
C daily. Reduce the amount if you get diarrhea. Dr. Matthias Rath
researched this data and wrote several books. Get his book, Why
Animals Do Not Have Heart Attacks, and check the internet. The
proof is solid, certainly 100 times better than any data supporting
the idea that cholesterol drugs will reduce your chances of a heart
Keep in mind that Vitamin C is an antioxidant and will
cancel out the oxidizing action of MMS
A number of people have reported reducing the clogging of their
arteries with MMS. There have not been any negative reports for
this use. The body may be able to heal the arteries as quickly as the
cholesterol is removed. Also, read Dr. Matthias Rath’s books.
Two people have called to say that after starting MMS, they noticed
heavy heart palpitations. Later, they called back to say that the palpitations
were gone. In my opinion, the palpitations were probably
an indication that bacteria that sometimes grow on the heart valves
were killed. The palpitations may have been uncomfortable, but if left
untreated, the bacteria could have killed the person at a later date.