Hi! I wanted to share my story because I have had so much help from these forums and want to give others out there hope! You can be cured!!!
I'm a 28 year old female. I had unprotected sex with my new boyfriend numerous times and around a weeks after our first sexual contact I broke out in a rash around my genital area, the rash became small sores and I knew something was wrong. I went to the doctor with my partner and was tested, the results came back HSV-2 positive. I was medicated by the doctor with Herpes Antibiotics and the sores cleared up in around ten days. My partner had no sores and did not know he had HSV-2, he was also tested and the results came back positive.
I already knew of MMS, as I had used it for a recurring Urinary Tract Infection that was totally cured by MMS in only a day or two, years ago, so I started researching MMS for Herpes and found a wealth of information online.
I started MMS around 4 weeks ago. I was taking for the first week, 5 drops 3x a day, which I slowly increased to 10 drops 3x a day. Every day I was researching more and more online about how to take MMS for Herpes and what to take it with. I also noted that coconut oil, olive leaf extract and a very clean diet was good for Herpes. I was very strict with my diet, no sugar, no alcohol, no bread or carbs. I was taking coconut oil and olive leaf extract every day.
On the second week of MMS I increased my dosage and was taking around 5 drops every hour for 8 hours of the day. While I was in my second week, I had a breakout, a cluster in on spot, which was very unlike the breakout I originally had which was more like little pimples spread around. This breakout was a concentration in one spot. I applied olive leaf extract liquid directly to the sore and it cleared up in around 3 days, while this spot was clearing up, I had another cluster breakout in one small spot, once again very unlike the original breakout. I applied olive leaf extract to it daily and it was completely gone in 3 days. (I still have pink slightly scarred skin in these spots).
During the second week i started taking MMS Baths, I took two or three baths where I activated 20 drops of MMS, added it to a bath of around 5 or 6 inches of water and soaked in it for 20 minutes.
On the third week I tried to increase my MMS dosage to the same as opulence (her testimony helped me so much), 15 drops on the first hour, 14 drops on the second hour, but I was so sick after the second dosage, I was vomiting and had diarrhea and very bad stomach cramps. So the next day I just took 10 drops every hour for 8 hours in the day. I continued to do this all week. I had nausea but nothing I couldn't handle. I got another small breakout in one spot this week which cleared up immediately in a day or two. I kept taking the baths.
I could feel with the dosage I was taking that the Virus was coming to the skin surface and was dying. The breakouts that I had were so different to the original rash. And I was thinking positive thoughts all through the MMS, I kept thinking of negative test results and didn't let any negative thoughts into my mind. I also said to my partner that I forgave him and did not blame him at all. It was my choice to have sex with him and I learnt a valuable lesson (we haven't had sex since my original breakout, as I want to make sure we are both clear before we have sex again).
On the fourth week I was very sick again with diarrhea so I reduced my dosage to 10 drops every hour for 4 hours a day. I kept taking the baths 2-3 times a week. Also for the last half of this week I applied MMS/DSMO Gel directly to my lower spine. I wanted to kill any remainder of the virus. I applied it successfully 3 times a day, but after a few applications the skin on my back was very red and raw and seemed burnt. I kept applying the mix 3 times a day but in various spots on my back because the lower spine area was too tender to apply on again.
I finished the 4 weeks of MMS last Sunday. On Monday I went for a PCR Blood Test for HSV-1 and HSV-2. I was very positive with my thoughts all week, and received my blood test results this morning! NEGATIVE!!! For both HSV-1 and HSV-2! I wanted to share this with everyone on their battle with HSV, there IS A CURE! And it takes only a few weeks of dedication. MMS is amazing.
My partner is finishing his MMS course this week, he has decided to take 2 weeks of high dosage MMS only. 8, 9 and 10 drops on the hour in the morning. And then again in the afternoon. So 6 times a day for two weeks. He will get a Blood text on Monday. He was sick a few times with vomiting and diarrhea, I think this happens when the body gets saturated with MMS and starts to expel everything.
THERE IS A CURE! And its so simple! Have faith and take MMS with dedication and you WILL be cured. I think diet is important and also the MMS baths and taking coconut oil and olive leaf extract while on MMS can only help.
Also i mixed the MMS with juice that had no Vitamin C in it. After being sick numerous times, i could not take the taste of the MMS so I had to mix it with Juice. It definitely still worked, but I think the combination of the baths, taking the mms internally and the dsmo/mms gel on my back really worked!!! I'm so happy. I hope everyone is able to cure themselves just as I have.