I cannot find any testimonials from people who were herpes positive, did an mms protocol, tested negative, then after 6 months tested negative again.
There seem to be several testimonies where people test negative immediately after mms, but the only person i’ve seen to follow up was luckboy, who sadly tested positive after having tested negative post mms. This is alarming as it throws into doubt whether the virus was actually eliminated, or simply went dormant and undetectable in the other people who did mms protocols.
It’s wonderful that the mms can definitely decrease or even eliminate future outbreaks, with people being able to go jogging or eat chocolate without suffering recurrent OB’s.
However, a central point for herpes sufferers is that they do not want to be contagious and risk passing it on to others. For this reason it’s really important we know whether or not we can permanently eradicate this virus from the body or not.
I know there is a controversy about whether antibodies remain in the body for life or reduce after time.
But if we could have just a handful of concrete testimonials who went negative, and stayed negative after several months with test results to back it up ( even the negative results from tests that detect the virus dna), it would go a great way to getting more sufferers interested in the program and spreading the word of health to all.
Does anybody know of anybody who can provide such a testimonial?