Hello fellow MMS-ers,
My partner tested positive for HSV in March 2012. So we both started on a MMS1 protocol and then later added DMSO orally and topically to the protocol.
I refrained from sexual contact since March 2012 based on his positive status and had to a wait a long gruelling time to get tested.
I took the IgG (antibody) and PCR (pathogen DNA) blood test within the 12-16 week post exposure time as recommended.
Both blood test came back negative. However, the IgG indicates that I have some antibodies but still within the negative range.
My partner (now ex) took a 2nd IgG test in June and it came back positive. So he has had two positive IgG test for HSV. The 2nd positive IgG was after 70+ days of MMS including 25 days or so of DMSO.
His PCR test has come back negative.
I have advised him to re-test in 90 days (Sept) and again in December with both a PCR and an IgG (to see if the antibodies fall).
I would recommend this to anyone because his negative PCR test was taken 1 week after his 2nd positive IgG test.
I really believe MMS works, as I said my IgG blood test taken 15 weeks and 6 days after my last sexual encounter came back negative but I do have some antibodies, so I had been exposed to HSV. I really believe the MMS/DMSO stopped HSV from taking set into my body.
I started the protocol as soon as I realise I was at risk.
So the point I'm trying to make is, even with a negative PCR it is imperative to get re-tested with both PCR and IgG, 3 and 6 months after a negative PCR.
It is best to be absolutely sure you are free of this dreaded disease.