Stay a way from all soy products practically the same as eating garbage!
Stay away from having MMS or DMSO or Both in anything metal (sports bottle).
Stay away from anything metal touching the MMS or DMSO (mixing tools, bowls, glasses).
Nutrition is good, especially before and after a protocol......during don't do anything that will interfere with the MMS or DMSO or CDS no matter what you hear. Basically all customers who eat really healthy foods -fruits, veggies, supplements, vitamins, ect....aren't fixing their problem....call me up and tell me MMS is a sham....they change their diet and call back saying "oh my gosh..cant believe whats in the toilet, its working", so diet does matter. Allow the MMS/CDS/DMSO to work.
You must notice that MOST of the people saying eat this or drink that or take this still have their problem and still don't know why. But starving people in Africa, Dominican, ect have zero nutrition and defeat their disease fast with no good antioxidant foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs, supplements, ect. But all of us here in the good USA have to have all these things to defeat the disease then 6 months later wonder why we still have it. Kill the disease then worry about being healthy.
Take Care,